Tuesday, December 22, 2015

"Riding the Wave and Wiping Out", Washington Style!

Riding a political wave is one thing, not wiping out is quite another.
The wave began with the triumphant success of the Tea Party, limited government conservatives who gave the Republican Party the majority in the US House in 2010 and in the US Senate in 2014!  Unfortunately, not all newly elected members were up to the task, many "wiped out" in the eyes of their constituents as they compromised, replacing their campaign promises with promises to do as they were told by political leadership. Remaining principled is no easy task, which is why so many members of Congress fall short. 
This brings me to my representative, Renee Ellmers.  Like so many others Rep. Ellmers ran for Congress in 2010 during the Tea Party surge, to represent her constituents and campaigned on the Republican Platform of conservative, limited and fiscally responsible government.  But, winning an election is no guarantee  a representative will keep campaign promises. To gain power and influence to benefit the Second District  Ellmers believed it was more important to win favor of House leaders than to keep campaign promises.  So, in the eyes of many Renee who came in on this political "wave" on 2010, quickly wiped out!

Inline image 1

"Wiping Out", Washington Style! 

Ellmers quickly  cozied up to former Speaker Boehener rather than do as her conservatives desired. She failed us by voting in favor of debt ridden budgets and doing the bidding of businesses and interest groups who did not want tougher  immigration laws or increased border protection, issues she ran on.  Ellmers does not yet seem to understand the conservative electorate refuse to accept duplicitous politicians, which is why once again she is being challenged in the Republican primary.
But, beating her is a formidable task.  She already has her 'supporters', groups most  constituents don't know of , groups that couldn't care less about North Carolina. These unnamed donors interest is in what is occurring in Washington, not Dunn, NC where Ellmers resides.
One such group is the American Action Network which sends out unsolicited mailings to constituents complimenting representatives it can count on.  You may have already received such mailings, these are 'thank you'. Most recent one suggests that I call Renee Ellmers and "thank her for making America Strong".  The American Action Network may not know that in the minds of many of her constituents Renee has already 'wiped out'!
As the March primary nears Ellmers will be up against several challengers.  But, I am sure she wll be ready. She'll once again adorn her  pre-election and infrequently used conservative outfit and remind voters of why they sent her to Washington. But, she'll avoid addressing why she failed.  Her literature will show her strong support for gun rights yet say nothing about voting for deficit budgets and then voting against raising the debt ceiling which is required to support the budget.  Like many politicians she tries to have it both ways.
Her one strong suit is health care yet she has done little more than talk about it rather than offer legislation.
Whether Ellmers can survive another primary challenge is anybody's guess. But, when an incumbent is challenged in a primary two elections in a row it demonstrates there is a growing sentiment against them.

Replies Welcome   ajbruno14 gmail

Friday, December 18, 2015

In Washington, this is the reason for the season!

Each year at this time, like most Americans, politicians prepare for the holidays.
As we shop for our families and friends they do the same for their benefactors,
the people who fund their campaigns and pave the path for their post political
careers.  In Washington, this is the reason for the season!

Where we differ? Politicians know exactly what gifts to purchase, regardless
of cost. Requests are received from lobbyists, donors, Federal agencies
and even the president thoughout the year so they are not forgotten when

Christmas arrives.

Simply connecting the donations with expenditures shows how 'budgeting'
in Washington is done, with cost never a consideration, since politicians
use the people's debit card, without a spending limit!

When trolling for government dollars there is no need to contact Santa at
the North Pole, the first week of December he can be found on Capitol Hill.

Nor, should you believe the budget was created at the "last minute". Trolling 
for dollars is a year long exercise. 

The phones on Capitol Hill ring all year long, each call, a request, each approval, 
another page added to the budget! 

Is it any wonder this budget is more than 2000 pages and cost over $1 trillion!
This is an annual exercise, yet the lack of transparency keeps the public from
knowing its occurring.

This budget was written and carefully massaged over ten months as donors
and lobbyists do not wait until December to do their 'shopping' as we do. The
budget is locked in as soon as donors' checks clear and political horse trading
is completed!

Most Americans have no idea what is going on in Washington as they hustle
from store to store purchasing Christmas gifts.  Forget the media, they only
show interest if a "govt, shotdown" is brought in conversation. And, this is exactly
how politicians want it.

The corrupt misleading the ignorant is business as usual.

This 'fiscal irresponsibility' is a buying frenzy we know little about. Politicians
can't even come up with new reasons for 11th hour decisions to pass a budget.

They will continue to say what they do year after year,  "best deal we could make",
"how hard they worked", " the clock was running out", "fear of govt. shutdown",
" a problem we inherited".  This is the same script read to the American  people
every December. Yet, there is no reason to change what they tell the people, the
old message works just fine!

Only we can stop it.....but will we?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Debt Commission Report...Incomplete

Once again, the people who caused the problem are quick to come
forward with solutions.

This time it is the Debt Commission which was created earlier this
year to provide recommendations to reduce the debt our country 
has incurred in the last two years.

In a nation addicted to spending without regard for where the money
is coming from or how it can be repaid it should be no surprise the
position we find ourselves in.

But, to believe these people are capable to curb their addiction
demands on more than what this commission is proposing.

Even now Congress circumvents legislation which requires it to 
"pay as we go" to spend more than we have. So whatever legislation
gets enacted provides little confidence anything will change.

For Congress to go through the recommendations and pick whichever
can be passed will do little to strengthen the economy. The problem is 
worse than reducing our debt by any amount, it requires much more.

To look at a total debt, in the billions, and select a target, 1,2,5 billion 
in reduction may look good in theory, but what actually happens when
you implement policy must be considered.

The primary driver to debt reduction is revenue growth which occurs
when more people are employed, which occurs when more businesses 
hire, which occurs when there is a greater demand for goods and services.

None of the recommendation I have seen will engage this driver and we
will remain dependent on the discipline of the people we elect, something 
which  rarely occurs and mostly disappoints.

Monday, December 14, 2015

To Our Children and their Children....

Originally written August 16,  2009, no less relevant today.

As the next generation of America's leaders you have a responsibility
to preserve the nation as it is, the exceptional beacon of freedom 
and liberty it has been for almost three hundred years.

This will not be easy as our nation is gradually evolving to one of
centralized governance with broad powers to influence every part
of your life.

If this warning resonates it means you understand what is going
on around you and not consumed with the trapping our Blessed
nation has in abundance. This means you will become engaged 
and talk with your friends about issues you might have considered
discussing before.

Your time, energy and desire is critical to protect the worthiest of
goals, preserving the greatest nation which ever existed.

This battle will not be easy as you will be up against the power
of the political class which believes every difficulty you face can
be eased by simply turning over your personal responsibilities to

But the government will conveniently avoid mentioning the cost;
your freedom, your liberty, your rights and whatever monetary
price is required to pay this cost.

If the politicians prevail with this stealth-like intrusion on your
life you will be the first generation of Americans totally dependent
upon your government for essential services coupled with enforced
mandates on even the most basic decisions you have to make.

You will also be the first generation to see the lose of your state's
sovereignty as the Federal government will also encroach on their
authority, forcing them to comply with mandates or lose funds for
essential projects and services.

This message is so important that I urge you to meet with your
friends to discuss what is occurring and how to stop it.

It is up to YOU to ensure the country remains exceptional, and
continue to provide all Americans the opportunity to excel so they
can become the next generation of extraordinary individuals rather
than merely servants to a central government, with no voice and
meaningless representation.

You have America's future in your hands. Don't let the opportunity
to stop our nation from continuing its slide slip through your fingers. 
Do what needs to be done.
Anthony Bruno
Cary, NC

The stinging irony of ' democracy' in Hillary's coronation

There is stinging irony in the Democrat establishment embracing Hillary Clinton, which is easily understood by the very name of the party! But, as Hillary's milquetoast campaign continues to treat Bernie Sanders as a nuisance, Democrat elders see no reason to offer its electorate a competitive contest or even an honest convention. No   need to worry about uniting the party, no fear of lemmings not marching in unison.

When  the Chappaqua, New York multimillionaire  emerges from Philadelphia with the nomination, Democrat Party and congressional leaders know she'll do the bidding of the donor class that only Donald Trump warned about!  That will be a comforting scenario as party leaders, donors and political establishment will rightfully be pleased, even though the biggest threat of retaining the presidency is the one person who pulled back the curtain so the public can see what BOTH parties are attempting,  elect a decided-in-advance choice, with Election Day being only a formality! The person who has warned us is Trump!

There isn’t any real difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both are sworn to follow the Democrat platform to a fault. Neither see terrorism as a threat, illegal immigration a concern, or carnage in urban communities as nothing more than isolated incidents that occur each weekend across our nation!

Hillary's appeal is to the "true believers", the ones who contend govt. is the answer, no matter the problem. The individual must submit to the collective is carved deeply on the Democrat tablet!

Hillary's appeals to the xenophobia of the Left, blowing into the Democrat 'dog whistle' about shutting down govt, a war on women, Draconian threats to everything they believe in, an ongoing summons that frequently appears when a Republican advances a solution to any problem!

Ever since President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves the Democrat Party has been rewriting history that IT was the party that united the country. Using a divisive approach, creating factions based on race, gender, the poor and any group which can be coerced! Hillary didn’t invent that approach, the playbook was written long before she claimed she was named after Sir. Edmund Hillary!

But it is important that we understand the Hillary "phenomenon" is an illusion. It is no such thing. She took the reigns of political power the day her husband was first sworn in, riding the longest coattails in American political history, without accomplishments, using "caring" as her message.  Hillary does not need to refer to the Democrat playbook, she memorized it!

Hillary shows the public nothing, but does not have to! She need only appear at friendly venues, where no tough questions await;  the nominee's "crown" has been sized and she only needs to plan her triumphant arrival in Philadelphia next July for it to be placed on her head.  Nor, does Hillary need display political courage or leadership. She never had to, so why expect it now?  Nor, is there an air of authenticity or candor when Hillary speaks.  Neither is needed, such is the luxury of entitlement!

Whether Hillary Clinton will be the first women president is still an unknown.  But, the objective  among us already know the "type" of person she already is!

Giving a Lifeline to Poor Black Communities

June 4, 2015


There is no lack of people who want to reverse the downward spiral in Black communities. Liberals, conservatives, Whites, Blacks, Democrats and Republicans all have the same desire; improve the                quality of life and prospects of people mired in a lifestyle undeserving of any American citizen,           for more than a generation.
Additionally, there is also no lack in the number of programs to address problems in poor and poorly educated communities. Unfortunately, many of these programs have failed, yet remain as the public        is told the 'solution' is spending even more money!
What is missing in the discussion to aid Black communities is the resistance to assimilation, essential  to being competitive in American society.
"Assimilation" can be as simple as "showing up on time" or "properly dressing" for school and work.  It also is "respecting the law" and "behaving civilly" no matter the difficulties.
This brings me to a NY Times op-ed by Duke professor Jerry Hough, that addressed the  problems faced in Black communities. In writing "How Racism Doomed Baltimore" Hough  addressed the  "segregating" patterns, http://nyti.ms/1RXrMIi
Not surprisingly, Hough came under fire for wandering off Duke's reservation, drifting away from the  'canned' conclusions most in academia offer when addressing problems in Black communities.
Hough was publicly criticized for the op-ed. 'The comments were noxious, offensive and have no place  in civil discourse. Duke University has a deeply-held commitment to inclusiveness grounded in respect   for all, and we encourage our community to speak out when they feel that those ideals are challenged or undermined, as they were in this case," stated by Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations.
Schoenfeld's criticism of Hough does not advance a long overdue conversation, it muffles it. His view is right in line with most in academia, thoughtful analysis and criticism is verboten in the polite circles of the intellectual set if such remarks makes any disenfranchised group uncomfortable .
So, no matter any gems of wisdom Hough provides, his commentary may only be remembered for the "noxious  and offensive" remarks.
But, I cannot let Hough op-ed piece be buried by Schoenfeld. I want to address the key word, "assimilation"which  Prof. Hough brought center stage in the discussion, a word mentioned now, rather than decades ago.
You will never see topic of "assimilation" included in the Afro-American studies syllabus, yet Blacks are the only group of struggling Americans where it needs to be addressed, despite Schoenfeld's refusal to appreciate it.
The problems in many Black communities goes much deeper and without comparison to others who struggle  even harder we will never be able to distinguish why most are successful, while Black communities continue to fall further behind.
For example, I've yet to hear of newly arrived Asian, Indian or even African students pressured by their peers not to  "act White" by studying as Blacks students are often told.
This is misguided ignorance. Its not 'acting White' to excel academically, its an essential step to achieve success in  chosen careers. This is why so many Asian, Indian and African families come to the United States!
I contend the "assimilation divide" begins in public school. Think of mixed groups of six yr olds. Their behavior  and personalities patterns are similar. Now add ten yrs to their lives. You will often find a noticeable distinction   between the Black children and the other ethnic/race students. In those ten yrs. "something happens", allowing many young Blacks to grow up differently. They develop into adolescence with an edge, a chip on their shoulders  against authority in any form.
Unlike White, Asian and Indian children who are 'left alone', young Blacks are targeted, prime "customers" for the agents who want to bring havoc to American governance. They provide little positive support, merely point   to outside influences to condition developing children's minds to become hardened against civility!
These young impressionable minds are fed a toxic cocktail which they consume as they develop. Its no wonder  they fall well behind others in learning and resistant of assimilation, worsening their opinion of our country.
Academia conveniently points to the "hand they are dealt"; worst poverty than other groups, minimal parenting, and negative influences each day they step out their front door.
But, no matter the causes for the terrible conditions in many Black communities, before we can address any of them, the residents themselves need to believe in American governance.
Without confidence, especially for law enforcement, angry young Blacks will continue to travel a path of self destruction.  This can only be done in the public schools which themselves are failing. Only when voices like Prof.  Hough is allowed to  heard rather than muffled through intimidation will the discussion be seriously addressed.


Ajbruno14 gmail.com

Sunday, December 13, 2015

"Our Establishment Government"

As relevant now as it was on Oct. 8, 2013

You may have thought when you selected a political party to join it would be
one that best represented your views on governance. I know I did!

However, if you take the time to evaluate the behavior and performance of 
party leaders you may be disappointed. I know I was!

I have found political parties have more in common than what they disagree 
about. Single issues may distinguish them from each other, but the mechanism 
and centralization of governance makes them indistinguishable.

Such a realization places the citizens in a quandary, what should they do?
Democrats aren't as troubled as Republicans are. They view the expanse of 
government with new legislation and regulations as a positive, not restrictive
as most Republicans do.

But, if you are a Republican you may feel unrepresented as the people you 
elected also support the growth of government at the expense of principles
the party states it stands for.
I have yet to see the Republican Party seriously attempt to reign in any 
Federal agency in the thirty-odd years it controlled the White House. Nor, 
has a GOP controlled Congress ever reduced funding of any agency.
The message is clear, we do not have two political parties, merely two 
branches of an American establishment.
But, this is not only true of the US government, it is equally clear at the
state and local levels as well. 
Each state administers education and health programs as Congress directs 
them. No matter which party leads, both do what is required to ensure they
are in compliance with the Federal agencies that use funding and regulations 
to keep states in line, ignoring that each state was created as sovereign 
NOT subservient!
Yet, even to elected officials at the state level the word "sovereign" has no 
meaning. It has been replaced with another word, "compliance" for this will 
ensures Federal dollars  continue to flow to states which bow at the alter 
of Federal authority.
And worse, even members of Congress do not fight for the states they claim 
to represent as they too prefer Federal control rather than state control.
Let's not forget municipal governing bodies. Although most citizens rarely
take the time to learn what is occurring so close to their doorstep, they 
need to understand town councils wield a large amount of power too, often 
voting in concert, although split politically.
In cities and towns across the country, no matter which party is in control, 
whether they are thriving or barely getting by, all defer to Washington and 
do what is necessary to gain Federal dollars.
This can be seen in projects approved and how they are funded. Even for 
projects the public does not want local governing bodies approve them, 
driven by self-interests.
The evidence can be seen throughout our country; local municipal councils 
support the desires of businesses which fund their campaigns and compliance 
with Federal standards to receive Federal dollars.
No matter if its a new school or development, both will get approved, whether 
needed or not.  It is rare when such projects are rejected as the justification 
is usually "solid"; growth demands a new school, and another mall.
This is what we have become, an audience being entertained by political theater.
Tune in any night, listen to what these well rehearsed  "actors" (elected officials) 
have to say.
Notice how quickly our representatives have a solution no matter the complexity 
of the problem. They immediately know what is best, offering a neatly wrapped 
package of more government control and funded with more taxpayer money.
But, the performance of these actors will wear thin as the cost gets heavier with
each law passed, regulation applied, bond referendum approved and commercial
development built.
At some point we will be unable to sustain the wasteful "lifestyle" of the people 
we elect. The day is near, when the clock will strike twelve and the "Establishment
Party" 's party will be over!
This is what happens when a nation founded without political parties refused to
heed the warning of Washington and Madison, and let self-interests create two
distinct bodies and allowed them to morph into one, which deliberately isolates 
itself from the American people.
There was a time when I believed conservatives could become a force in the 
Republican Party but I doubt it now. 
My view has changed for its current leadership has failed conservatism. And any 
claim this is not true is made by someone in denial.
Our original pray God Bless America was answered, perhaps its time He helps America.

Replies to ajbruno14  gmail

A Warning Worth Heeding, more than 220 years later!

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit

of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. 

But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." 
 George Washington, September 19, 1796

George Washington said this six months before leaving office.  What he had observed troubled him, as he saw in America's future what most of us do not see in our present, 
the total disintegration of individual self-governing!

It may be more than odd that only the Washington Monument excludes a resemblance 
of George Washington.  Imagine if instead there was a statue of Washington's likeness peering down towards the Capitol to 'see' what he warned the nation of, not two chambers working in concert for the American people, but two parties working in conjunction to retain their power.

The American people have endured, even as the vitality of our nation slowly dies, leaving more than 300 million American solely dependent on a few hundred people who have amassed ultimate power over every part of our lives either directly with laws and regulations, or stealthy through the "conditioning" of American minds!

Our nation may survive, but not as it was intended to be. No, our corrupted governance has assured us it will never again rise to the heights our Founders envisioned!  We have swayed so far off the exact course painstaking developed we will never right our course until we have hit rock bottom where hopelessness triumphs over hollow acclamations that America remains the paragon of great governance.

There will be a time when the American people will get a peek behind the curtain and see the true intentions of those who govern.  They will see what they have never been told, that fraud, deceit, contempt and corruption are the tools of the political trade.  They will understand all the finger pointing is meant to delay actually doing something to address our nation's ills. For to heal our nation would mean to restore the power of governance to the American people.

Unfortunately, no one knows when this time will come, or the state of our nation when it does.

Welcome to share with others...  ajbruno14 gmail.

The failure to raise all boats!

As I drive around Wake County and its neighboring counties I see

the growth thanks to an improving economy and a location which
appears to have endless opportunities and numerous amenities!

But, I also see beyond Wake county's horizon where the prospects
are not much better than a decade earlier.  

These communities have not "kept up", with income, better skilled workforce, or business opportunities. There seems to be little prospect of  these poorer, mostly rural counties to join the ones
thriving as they are in our most desirous state. 

I'm sure what I see is not limited to NC. Across the country the 
same "recipe" is being applied, developers targeting prime areas 
and ignoring most others.

States are aware of the problem, but unwittingly are doing exactly
what has created this problem, an economic divide. Among our 100
counties, the only a small percentage are doing well, while the majority continue to struggle.

To combat this problem politicians offer manufactured govt.
solutions which rarely work for the long term in poorer counties.

Struggling counties use incentives to make them more appealing
based on the belief  this will  entice developers. Unfortunately,
any such enticements are rarely worth the cost as developers 
need to see near term benefit or they will abandon these areas.

No matter how many incentives are offered, demand to live and
work in the counties with the greatest opportunities will remain. 

Developers will continue to squeeze in as many businesses and
homes as they are allowed.  And, judging by the permits approved,
the "traffic signal" to control development is stuck on green!

Consider Cary, a town of 150,000, now 125,000 more than when
I moved here twenty-five years ago.  The projection is to grow to
200,000 within 3-4 years!  Yet, town govt. seems little concerned
beyond adding staff to provide services!

While Cary and other towns focus on their responsibilities to keep
tax rates low by allowing excessive growth they are also sucking
the "oxygen" from so many towns on life support!
Wake, Durham and Chatham counties would be wise to limit further
development and prioritize amenities for current residents.  There is
little need to build more schools for "growth". With a moratorium on development  counties can focus and invest to improve education for
150,000 students rather than spend money to build new schools for the next 50,000!

This is a very hard sell. Developers have no incentive to build in area where they will not  maximize their investment.

But, counties "incentives" must be for more than greater revenue, its about the quality of life for all North Carolinians, not only those who reside in the high demand regions.

The evidence is clear.  Cary today would be unrecognizable to residents living here twenty five years ago while hundreds of small towns across the state look today as they did then.

Town officials in prosperous communities agree development should continue as it has been the past fifty never.  But, they must recognize what they do locally hurts countless communities across the state.

To aid small communities will take more than targeted tax breaks and incentives. It will take a cooperative effort of rich and poor counties to ensure development in prosperous communities don't hurt poorer ones.  

Replies appreciated, to:   ajbruno14@gmail.com

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Congratulations! You've been accepted to.......

Receiving an acceptance letter from a university
is a highlight for every graduating senior and
a proud moment for parents.

Unfortunately, most parents and students have no
idea of the climate at many universities across
the country, its never mentioned in promotional

Universities describe the outstanding programs
to prepare students for careers of their choice,
and provide a wide range of offerings that allows
them to broaden their horizons beyond the rigors
of career preparation.

Every aspect of university living is described,
albeit one, the 'cultural climate' , often an
inhibiting factor students and parents have the
right to know about, but never do, until they
arrive on campus.

This is not about ideological education which
parents have learned to accept, the price they
are willing to pay so their children will get
a diploma that open doors throughout their lives.

This concern should go much deeper, it borders
on anarchy, shutting down schools unless they
comply with demands.

Its time questions need to be raised.

Shouldn't universities be required to provide
applicants information on what occurs on campus
beyond the boundaries of education?

Shouldn't students learn that some have free
speech while others are muzzled?

Parents who pay tens of thousands of dollars in
tuition have the right know of the protests and
sit-ins by students meant to disrupt their child's
education until contrived demands are met,

What was once a rare occurrence has become routine
at universities large and small whether they are
highly acclaimed or run of the mill.

Such protests are not spontaneous, there is a
commonality. The same issues raised at Dartmouth
were also voiced in Univ. of Minn. Spontaneity is
the last word to describe what is going on!

The concern needs to go beyond the demands of
protesting students, it should also apply to the
"adults", the ones who produce appealing college
literature and cash the tuition checks!

Rather than clearly defining the boundaries of
behavior and defend administration policies most
university presidents admit fault for whatever
criticism protesters have, apologize and, in the
case of the University of Missouri, resign!

So much seems to be unraveling at institutions
around us, much we ignore. But when the toxicity
touches our children directly we must protest too!

Its also time university presidents display backbones.

Replies welcome   ajbruno14 gmail

Non-Profits putting its "thumb" on the scale of American governance.

Not much thought is given to the subject of non-profits, but the public
needs to understand the power this "industry" has.

In good times or bad the American people have always given generously 
to charities. This abundance of giving has also "given" birth to an 
entire industry, tax exempt non-profits!
Federal and state tax laws allow exemption for qualifying organizations, 
resulting in more than 1,500,000 non profits ranging from education,
environment, health care and even sports! 
Every group committed to advancing its cause organize as a non-profit
to receive favorable treatment by the government. This is troubling 
since the largest non-profits use its considerable "muscle" to wield
political power!

Most well known are the Red Cross, National Rifle Assoc. and Planned 
Parenthood. Less known are the National Football League, Harvard 
University, United Auto Workers the PGA and US Chambers of Commerce,
they also reside in the safe tax haven non-profit status provides.
But, having tax exempt status is not enough for these already well-
healed organizations. 

However, they want more, in the form of political clout which is why
most have offices in Washington, DC, in the shadow of Congress, making
it convenient to visit legislators who will do their bidding for more
favorable treatment  which provides a tremendous edge that individuals
will never have.

The only true access for citizens occurs on the 2nd Tuesday of November,
Election Day!

Most may not view this as a concern since they believe non-profits are
self-less, doing what govt does not or will not do!

Its easy to defend the good work of the Red Cross, Catholic  Charities
and many hospitals. But when we view the non-profit "industry" as the
behemoth it actually is, totaling more than $1 trillion, we should be
Lastly, is problem which reared its disturbing head recently when we 
learned some organizations were refused non-profit status based on 
political decisions rather than failure to meet qualifications.
Upon investigation the refusal was a pattern found at the IRS, which 
determines eligibility. This being true puts our nation in perilous 
political waters!
What can be done to end the abuse of power and the corruptibility which 
comes with influence? 

"Means test" may be a partial solution. Eligibility for non-profit
status should be set by size. Let the 'big fish' swim on their own.
Continue to allow tax exempt status to the thousands of small
organization spread across our nation, but end the financial benefit
for major non-profits who use their financial muscle to influence
Congress. Let them use their influence once a year, as we do, on
Election Day!

Replies welcome  ajbruno14 gmail 

A migrant does not a "refugee" make!!!!

Whether people are for or against the migration of Syrians to the US,
most label these migrants as "refugees". I contend this is incorrect. 

Refugees do not normally seek asylum as these Syrians want to do. I can 
think of no group who 'select' where they want to go, preferring to go 
thousands of miles away from the most suitable alternative homeland,
nearby nations where language, religion and custom are more fitting. 
Something is odd about this and should not warrant  the  "crisis" label.

Nor, its suspect that only now the 'crisis' is occurring even though the 
Syrian civil war/uprising is more than three years old. Why now, and why
at this point in time is transportation at the ready to provide passage 
from the Arab world to Europe and beyond? This too is not what I would
label a "crisis".

Its also suspect Arab states have refused to do what Europe and the US is 
offering, accept these Syrians. Apparently, these states don't view this 
as the humanitarian crisis as Europe and the US insists it is.

These are points which need to be understood, for once they are, we will 
see exactly what this is, a manufactured crisis  to accommodate hundreds 
of thousands of Syrians who have no desire to remain in Syria and an Arab 
world which refuses to welcome them. 
And for those who attempt to throw a "guilt trip" on anyone who says the 
Syrians should not come here; rather them impugn us, appreciate the reasons 
for our position.  This is the farthest from a 'guilt trip' any American can
have, as our country has done more in the name of humanity than all other
nations, including the largest, China! 

No country has taken in as many immigrants as we have.  Illegals now residing
in the US tally up to anywhere between 10 and 20 million. Haven't the American
people done enough? This is not said to self-congratulate ourselves, merely an acknowledgement what we have done.

Welcome to pass along....

Scalia's Voice of Reason needs to be Heeded!

Justice Antonin Scalia is no stranger to public criticism for remarks that make those in some quarters uncomfortable. 

Most recently he came under fire for daring to bring to light a problem in higher education universities are reluctant to seek an answer to, why a high percentage of Black students fail at the university level. 

As is Scalia style, he goes right to the heart of the problem, when he suggests African American students might fare better in a "slower-track school" rather than more competitive colleges.

Scalia's remark came when the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case about race-based admissions, on practices at the University of Texas. He questioned whether some minority students are hurt by the policy because it helped them gain admittance to schools where they might not be able to academically compete.

"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well," Scalia said referencing an amicus brief.

Civil rights lawyers and critics naturally jumped on Scalia as he touched upon something the university system purposefully does not have, equal admittance standards for all applicants! 

Such shortsighted "best intentions" have given birth to an educational calamity for Black students, with statistics  showing a high percentage of them perform poorly.

"Right sizing" all, not just Blacks, students needs to drive the admission process.  Relaxing the standards for any applicant, whether he is a minority or a child of privilege, does neither the student or university any good.

Scalia's point is cemented by the higher percentage of Blacks who drop out.  He doesn't point blame as civil rights attorneys want us to believe.  

But, there is blame, and falls on poor performing schools providing inferior K-12 education.  This has created problems universities must wrestle with, relaxed standards, remedial education, and less than the best instruction.

Universities should be concerned about the failure of any group struggling through the college experience, but rather than attack the "messenger" let's understand the "message" and take positive action!

Replies welcome   ajbruno14 gmail 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Congratulations, You've been accepted!

Receiving an acceptance letter from a university is a highlight for every 
graduating senior and a proud moment for parents.

Unfortunately, most parents and students have no idea of the climate 
at many universities across the country, as its not mentioned in 
promotional literature.

Universities will describe the outstanding programs to prepare
students for careers of their choice, providing a wide range of 
offerings that allows students to broaden their horizons beyond 
the rigors of career preparation.

Every aspect of university living is described, albeit one, the 'cultural 
climate' , often an inhibiting factor students and parents have the
right to know about., but never do, until they arrive on campus.

This is not about ideological education which parents have learned
to accept, the price they pay so their children will get a diploma that
hopefully  will open doors throughout their lives.  

This goes much deeper, it borders on anarchy, shutting down schools
unless they comply to demands.

Its time questions need to be raised.

Shouldn't universities be required to provide information on what 
occurs on campus beyond the boundaries of education? 

Shouldn't students learn that some have free speech while others 
are muzzled?

Don't  parents who pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition have the 
right know of  the protests and sit-ins by students meant to disrupt
their child's education until contrived demands are met? 

What was once a rare occurrence has become routine at universities 
large and small whether they are highly acclaimed or run of the mill.  

Also, such protests are not spontaneous, there is a commonality.
The same problems found at Dartmouth were found in Univ. of Minn.

Spontaneity is the last word to describe what is going on!

Why bring this up now?  Perhaps, because what is going on across 
the country is happening in my backyard, at UNC-Chapel Hill!

The concern needs to go beyond the demands of protesting students,
it should also apply to the "adults", the ones who produce  appealing
college literature and cash the tuition checks!

Rather than clearly defining the boundaries of behavior and defend
administration policies most university presidents admit fault for 
whatever criticism protesters have, apologize and, in the case of the 
University of Missouri, resign!

So much seems to be unraveling at institutions around us, much we 
ignore. But when the toxicity touches our children directly we must
protest as well!

Its also time for university presidents to display a backbone.

Replies to ajbruno14@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

When is migration an invasion?

The most recent crisis is the one of Syrian "refugees" seeking to escape an ongoing civil war. As so often happens Western nations are the first to offer help. But, are the people leaving Syria really refugees? Or is something else happening and the West is either too blind or gullible to see. This exodus began over three months ago as migrants came in waves, with spontaneity, traveling across the Mediterranean in boats readily available, welcomed in Turkey, and refusing to stop in Greece and Hungary, until they reached their desired destinations, countries with the strongest economies and best quality of living. Being choosy came easy to them. There was little if any skepticism why this exodus occurs now, when the civil war has been going on for more than three years. Were boats not available sooner to take them to Europe? Looking deeper we may find this was more than an exodus, it may be something more. Those who question this migration are called heartless, a successful tactic of those who do not want to have a serious discussion. This is why so many European and American politicians were quick to offer legal refugee status and welcoming tens of thousands with more to come. No leader dared question what was going on, or wondered if this was a spontaneous migration or a well orchestrated one? The nations eager to accept the million or more Syrians should have first considered some troubling factors obvious to all who bothered to look. Begin with the makeup of the migrants arriving in Europe. More than 80% are young men. This is unusually odd on a couple of counts. First, women and children usually receive preference escaping war zones. I am unaware if there was ever a 'refugee' crisis where at least half the people were women and young children. Also, why didn't able bodied young Syrian men stay to fight? A second point, why would such a mass exodus want to travel so far from their homeland? It makes sense to leave a war torn nation, but not to travel more than more than 3000 miles to Western Europe when stable Arab states are much closer. A third point, the Arab states have a population of nearly 350 million, a shade under Western Europe, and can easily take in the millions from Syria. Yet not one is offering refugee status. Questions need to asked and suitably answered before Western nations go forward with this migration. I am sure these points were never seriously discussed, not in Washington, not in Europe and most disappointingly, not in the media. Whatever the urgency to bring 1-3 million migrants to Western nations, when governments act hastily unpleasant surprises are not far behind.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Failure to Plan........maybe that IS the plan!

Most enterprises review statistics to measure success.
And usually when the statistics are disappointing steps
are taken to correct them. ​And,when an organization puts
the word "planned" in its title its expected some degree
of planning will occur.

Not so with Planned Parenthood, which reported statistics
most executives would be ashamed of!

At Planned Parenthood the word planned has as much value
as the lives destroyed at their centers, but less than
the fetuses "harvested" and sold to the highest bidder!

Since the year 2000 Planned Parenthood performed a little
less than 200,000 abortions and each year until 2009 the
number of abortions only rose higher until exceeding more
than 330,000. The number is currently 350,000 annually.

​If Planned Parenthood's family planning efforts were
successful wouldn't the number of abortions gone down?

Where is its community outreach to educate teenagers and
on the preventive measures to avoid unwanted pregnancies
before conception?

And, where are the efforts to increase the number of
adoptions with so many families anxiously awaiting children?
Shouldn't this be an equal part of "planning"?

When you see 350,000 abortions performed annually and
only 1100 babies were adopted you can rightly conclude
either Planned Parenthood is failing to help families
"plan" or doesn't even disguise its intent, be America's
largest abortion factory.

ajbruno14  gmail.com

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Taxing us to the limit......

Across the country there is a bi-partisan effort in state legislatures 
to introduce new and novel  means to bring in revenue for road
maintenance and construction. Once again, the source of this 
new revenue will fall upon drivers.

The non-persuasive argument is that states are not getting the
needed revenue to maintain our roads as improved mileage
has 'cost' the highway fund coffers. (Typical "govt. speak")

Many states, including our own, NC, are going forward with tolls
to supplement the revenue from the fuel tax.  This is seen as a
"cure all", without any evidence to show it is better than increasing
the current fuel tax by a penny or two!

One matter of concern most are unaware of is the administration 
of toll collection and spending. In NC our Dept. or Transportation
has contracted with a private company, not managing revenue
collection and spending itself, a troubling decision to many who
have viewed the contract!

Some states have added a mileage tax to all drivers pay for "road usage".

These measures are add-ons to the current state and federal fuel tax
as was the "gas guzzler" tax on cars that fall below EPA standards.

States and Congress are also considering raising the federal fuel tax,
while the public remains in the dark how past revenue has been spent. 

The public deserves a full accounting how all fuel tax revenue has been
spent before we new taxes, fees and tolls are imposed.

Fuel tax revenue has been used for decades to subsidize rail and buses,
including security at stations, airports and other facilities, while roads
and highways received no additional funding beyond what driver's pay.

Until a full accounting is provided the public should balk at paying for
tolls, fuel tax increases and mileage usage!

ajbruno14  gmail 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Three "Ps" of American Governance!

The relationship between political party leaders and elected
officials is sometimes difficult to understand, at least to me.
Often there is a bond between them that leaves rank and file
members on the sidelines. 

Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, you should
expect elected officials to follow the beliefs of their respective
party and the oath of office they hold.

You also should expect party leaders to represent the party
and its members first and elected officials only when they
support the party.

Unfortunately, too often this is not the case, and often splits
the party from its members.

Party leaders and elected officials need to be guided by the
"Three Ps" rather than political consultants.

The first is 'platform', the foundation created to be strong
enough to endure no matter the challenges confronted.

Second, are 'principles' elected representatives are expected
follow in the execution of their duties and relationship with


Third, are the "promises" party leaders and elected officials
are both expected to keep in accordance with their respective
platforms and principles.  

When the American people can be confident political parties
and elected officials adhere to the Three Ps", then they can
begin to use a fourth P, "PRIDE" when discussing governance!

ajbruno14  gmail