Monday, February 27, 2017

Democrat Party once again forgets '2nd class constituents'

Once again the Democrat Party goes with what it considers 'fashionable',
reaching out to those groups who pass the required victim-hood litmus test.

Today, 'refugees' from the Middle East join 'illegal immigrants' that demand
to stay in the country.

Last year 'transgenders', a "made up" concoction of people who become
distraught when told they must use the facilities of their DNA confirmed
genders made the list.

Two years ago 'Black Lives Matter', the militant anti-law enforcement group,
became an unlikely member of victims as it orchestrated protests inciting
riots, looting and even assassinations of police in many cities.

This is the clown car of "victims" that has grown larger as the Democrat Party
believes such a strategy will advance its vision of what America should be.

But, while they have decided this is how the party will find its way out of  the
political wilderness, it once again will leave its most loyal constituency behind.

These are the 90% of Blacks who vote Democrat, still believing the unfulfilled
decades old promises that have proven to be lies. These are the real victims
of failed policies, not the manufactured ones the Democrat Party relish to
advance its designs for political power.

Tally up the carnage, the lost lives due to poor education, bullet riddled
streets and poverty that keeps them captive.

Its disappointing but not surprising Black members of Congress prefer to
boycott the Inauguration of President Trump and have time to attack his
policies, but can find no time to address the cancer that is destroying
communities of their own constituents!

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 "Point of View" blog

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The angry herd has a right to be angry!

OK, I get it. Election results affect citizens differently.

But, watching the angst against the election of Donald
Trump has been something to behold.

In so many cities across the nation we have seen protests
against President Trump, yet none addressing the issues
he campaigned on, security, safety, unfair trade deals, jobs
and failed governance.

Protesters scream its unfair illegal immigrants are being
deported and nasty comments that Trump is anti-this and
anti-that! Yet, little else is learned from disjointed complaints
that are barely coherent.

As it is with most lemmings these protesters are a herd, and
to believe they are "organic", rather than coordinated, you
are mistaken.

Worse, their outrage is pointed in the wrong direction, Trump's
election is not the problem for these angry Democrats.

President Trump's victory aside, the real story is that these
protesters have a problem with the Democrat Party that is on
life support after it has been destroyed in bastions it has
owned for one hundred years.

Most Democrat may not know it but the leadership definitely
does, the failed state of its party as Republicans control more
than thirty state legislatures as well as thirty governor-ships.

The insistence of "identity politics" has left the Democrat
Party with no recognizable identity. The party of  "people
of color" has no 'color' of its own. It drifts to quiet the
loudest voices and 'oil' the squeakiest wheels.

The Democrat Party is ruled by an entitled, dict-oral
establishment that determines which politicians will
be ordained for high office.

Don't ever expect dissent towards the orthodoxy to be
respected. Seek out a Black Democrat minister pleading
to stop the late term genocide that has all but destroyed
the 'soul' of many communities, only to have his cry fall
on deaf ears!

Or, try to find Democrats deeply concerned that low
skilled young Americans are mired on unemployment
as illegal immigrants easily jettison to our country due
to the refusal of our government to enforce immigration
laws so they can find gainful employment.

Lest we forget corruption....

Our country saw first hand the attempted public coronation
of Hillary Clinton even as dozens of formidable and more
qualified members of the party should have been encouraged
to compete. All were "persona non grata".

Only Bernie Sanders offered a serious challenge and might
have won if the process was not 'rigged'.

Yet, even the unexpected lose by Clinton is not enough
for this misguided party to right its course.

The angry herd has a right to be angry!

But, not at Donald Trump, its the Democrat Party which
should feel their wrath.

Democrats have sold out to teacher unions, well-healed
non-profits, academia, "people of color" lobbyists and
Wall St. donors at the expense of the American worker
and the best interests of our nation.

Granted, the Republican Party has done its part, doing
the bidding of its donors and lobbyists, also at the
expense of the American worker.

The Washington establishment "already got theirs", and
even their children will "get theirs" in due time.

Not so fortunate are the majority of Americans, the
middle class, the poorly educated and low skilled.
They have to fight over the scraps the establishment
has no interest in.

Like him or not, President Trump changed all this, giving
voice to those who others refused to listen to.

President Trump's critics should take a breath, give him
the same 'honeymoon' all presidents receive.

Let President Trump prove he can deliver on his campaign
promises. For if he does even his most ardent critics attending
protest rallies will benefit.

As President Trump said time and again, "What have you got to lose?"

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Taxing robots, understand the "hidden cost"!

Bill Gates suggests governments should tax companies' use 
of robots for the jobs they are "taking away", with money 
collected used to fund a variety of programs, such as elderly
or child care.

As appealing as this sounds the deeper implication, the effect on increased and less costly productivity due to technological advances will be diminished as businesses will be penalized
by cuttings the cost of labor.

Imagine if the calculator industry suggested Microsoft pay a tax 
to  offset the 'loss' of jobs in their industry when the Windows
operating system was introduced.  

Productivity gains benefit consumers and businesses s equally,
by reducing the cost of everything purchased. 

For example, in Gates own industry a computer which cost more
than $3000 in the 1980s can be purchased for less than $300, 
and offer performance 100 times faster.

This is the 'magic' of free market capitalism in every industry and
dwarfs the benefit of this "found money". The downside is  much 
greater for all workers in every industry with higher costs of every purchase.

Yes, there is a problem when advances cost jobs. But, go deeper
to see the 'cost of workers', including government mandated 
costs that factor heavily on businesses we see driving factors Gates
doesn't address.

The 'fluidity' of capitalism works better than any system. There is
no need for 'featherbedding' jobs of the 1900s forced on business 
by powerful labor unions. 

Honest capitalism drives businesses and individuals equally, 
but  it is up to both groups to have the initiative and take
opportunities available to benefit.

If you saw the scene in the movie "Hidden Figures" when NASA 
was installing 'the IBM', its new computer.  One of the main 
characters saw the jobs of the group doing manual calculations 
were going to be displaced.  Rather than wait for the 'inevitable', 
she and her team learned the programming language required to
run the computer.  The group was transferred to the computer dept.

The unwritten partnership between labor and industry has made
our nation prosper throughout our history.

A 'robot tax' is another example of meddling that only undermines
the desire for unbridled capitalism to maximize the benefits of
free markets.  

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Monday, February 20, 2017

The "disingenuous" 'C' words!

It has been a right of passage for Republicans to display their credentials
as "Constitutional Conservatives" when in the company of other members
of their party.  It is a rare Republican to cite otherwise.

Most Republicans wear the label proudly, but almost as many fail to
demonstrate what it means to be either, Constitutional or conservative.

President Trump has been harangued for"not being a true conservative"
or even "understands the Constitution", two albatross meant to drag
him down.

To this I ask, "Really"?

Such remarks come from critics who have watched "conservatives" double
our national debt in a decade, expand the national government with new
agencies and allowed presidents to engage  in several "unconstitutional",
undeclared wars during the past 70 years.

Add to this the history of the US Congress, passing amendment after
amendment driving our country further away from the 'original intent'
of our Founders.

So, before any politician or Constitutional 'expert' criticizes President Trump
they need to read the Constitution and revisit the political definition of the
word conservative.

Doing so will enlighten them that our country is not the Constitution guided,
limited governing body heralded in words, and only rarely grounded by law.

President Trump is simply doing what he believes is required to protect our
nation while improving the quality of life of the American people, seeking
"solutions" the people demand, not hollow rhetoric that avoids addressing

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Irrelevance" a sad ending to John McCain lengthy career!

We've seen this act before, a man whose time has passed, yet refusing
to pass the torch on to the next generation.

The adulation is intoxicating, impossible to resist, by someone who
seems to believe its his birthright to claim the national stage anytime
he demands it.

An octogenarian in a world begging "youth be served", demands
his political pedigree warrants not only respect but valued council.

Once again, this is not to be for Sen John McCain, the self described
'maverick' who touts he was a "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution",
yet refused to be a "foot soldier" for any Republican president since.

Perhaps McCain's angst is due to never being offered a cabinet position
either by Bush 41 or Bush 43.  Or, at odds with the policies of both Bush
presidencies. We will never know.

There is no denying McCain relished being the "go to" Republican
by the media for criticism of Republican presidents. He could
always be counted on to advance whatever negative narrative
being reported.

McCain enjoyed the attention and chance to poke his finger at them,
knowing it would ingratiate him in Washington's social circles.

At the age of eighty Sen. McCain is once again going out of his way
to undermine another Republican president, only this time on the
world stage.

During the Iraq War to remove Saddam Hussein the Democrats
and the NY Times launched an attack of the Bush Administration.
Every measure taken to remove Saddam was criticized including
treatment of prisoners.

McCain saw this as a chance to capture the national stage and joined
Democrats in calling some forms of interrogation "torture".

And when the most celebrated POW enters on the side opposed
to Bush's policies he is listened to. Relevance drives John McCain!

Never mind such interrogation technniques were never questioned
before by McCain. In this three decades in the Senate he never called
for them to end, until Democrats used it as a wedge issue.

That was then and this is now as McCain once again is entering the
world of partisan politics, on the side of those who want to destroy
President Trump.

Sen. McCain is doing what some might describe as treasonous,
criticizing an American president on foreign soil. Addressing
a Munich Security Conference McCain claimed with the
resignation of Gen. Flynn demonstrates the Trump team is
in 'disarray'.

There is no value in McCain making this comment, and only
further hurts the Trump Administration.

But, since this "old dog" is beyond learning new tricks we'll
have to ignore him until this old sailor simply "fades away".

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Did President Trump fire Flynn for "making a phone call"?

Today was the first time I questioned President Trump's decision
making since he began his campaign in June, 2015.  For almost two
years Trump called his own shots with few missteps.

Throughout his campaign Trump made many decisions that were
widely criticized, yet proved to be correct. He has a knack for correct
decision making.

His cabinet appointments were modeled after his message, surround
himself with highly qualified independent, non establishment, problem
solvers. Only two, Republican Party members Preibus and Spicer
troubled me. I don't see them as good "fits" for the roles they assumed.

This leads me to President Trump's decision to fire Gen. Michael
Flynn as National Security Advisor. Flynn has the broadest background
for the role he assumed, stronger than every NSA in two decades!

Despite the strongest of credentials, most in Washington quickly agreed
Kelly "had to go", which has me questioning Trump's decision even more.
Such unison is a red flag!

The concern was communications Flynn had with the Russian ambassador,
that drew the ire of the establishment types.

Rather than making his decision after listening to the opinions of many
in Washington I wish President Trump would have tweeted his followers
and ask them if Kelly should be replaced.

I have little doubt the majority of Trump's supporters would have told him
to keep Flynn as NSA.

To understand the magnitude of what Flynn did, Limbaugh put it in the right
perspective, "It was only a phone call!"

Yet, "only a phone" led President Trump to remove the person who has
been with him since the beginning, and instrumental in planning security
measures Trump would use.

Does this make sense to the millions of Trump supporters, to make a
decision based on outside criticism, rather his own gut 'instincts' which
served the president better than political advisors?

If President Trump thinks he will be able to move forward he is mistaken.
Democrats and grandstanding Republicans want investigations on Russia
at a time when the president has yet to develop a relationship with Putin.

These are them same politicians who did nothing after Obama gave Putin
a green light to go into Crimea by withdrawing missile commitment to
Poland, a matter with more gravity than "making a phone call" or even
giving Russia a "reset button".

We can only hope President Trump let his judgement not be influenced
as I am sure it was by dismissing Gen. Flynn.


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Please consider the following.....

In less than one month Trump has done what I fully expected, moving forward 
on his campaign promises, with no surprises.

Every cabinet pick is impressive, even the two I questioned when named, and
believed could be troublesome moving forward, Preibus and Spicer.

Both men are qualified, experienced in Washington and the Republican Party,
but doubted they would be up to the task.  It appears they may be unable to be 
effective or withstand the hostility of the media and the organized efforts to
undermine the Trump Administration.

Being experienced Republicans is not enough for the two most visible position
at the White House, as we have seen in such a short time.

I don't know whether your council would delve into appointments but for the
past year I have watched two people equally tenacious as President Trump 
"take on" all comers on issues and policies. Newt Gingrich and Laura Ingraham.

Gingrich is a bull dog, proven as Speaker, he knows Washington as well as
anyone, can handle any matter, and be the wisest council Trump could have.

Ingraham would have been the best choice for Press Secy. No issue  is beyond
her grasp, domestic, international or legal. 

We all know President Trump is the most unorthodox man in the Establishment
era, controlled by lobbyists, donors and party desires.  He is not shackled, and
has a wide latitude to govern.  Gingrich and Ingraham would be a perfect fit.... 

I am sure you know them well, so perhaps you may offer their names if changes
are being considered.

Much success in your new job.
Anthony Bruno

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

NOW we have a problem with Vladimir Putin......

Vladimir Putin has never had a warm and cozy relationship
with the United States but it was only the rare occasions he
took provocative steps against the desires of our country
that aroused concern, which he did almost as soon as Barack
Obama took office by attacking Crimea in the Ukraine.

But, since last year the angst many have towards Putin has
risen to the point that President Trump, is being asked about
him, even suggesting he label him a killer.

Its interesting less than thirty days into the office President
Trump is being challenged to criticize Putin after eight years
former President Obama was never urged to publicly criticize
the Russian president or Russia's role in the Middle East.

But, this is what we can expect from a politically biased media
towards President Trump.

If you wonder "why now", consider the state of the Democrat
Party and its cheerleaders portraying themselves as journalists
equally disappointed Hillary Clinton is not our president.

Think back to when we learned the Democrat Party was working
with the Hillary Clinton campaign to 'lock in'  the nomination.

The immediate response was an attack on the source of this news,
a deliberate misdirection to avoid embarrassment; blame Russia
for hacking emails between these two parties.

The compliant media had no problem with what was learned
or any interest in what the Democrats and Clinton were doing;
its interest was solely on how the emails became known even
though the source denies Putin was involved. (Nixon should
have been this lucky when his tapes were learned of)

This does not matter when the political axe was already sharpened
to "chop down" the Trump presidency before it even started,
with the assertion Putin rigged the election, meant to undermine
Trump's legitimacy.

What is most disturbing is that to protect whatever degree of
'purity' remains in Democrat party politics they now weaken
the important relationship with the only other country capable
enough to join the United States in destroying worldwide
terrorism and stabilize the Middle East.

All of a sudden Russia and Vladimir Putin are a problem that
requires Congressional hearings,  all of a sudden a nominee
to Trump's cabinet is asked at call Putin a "war criminal", all
of a sudden the president is told during an interview that "Putin
is a killer".

This is where we are. From all sides President Trump is being
dragged into a place that will make it very difficult to have
a relationship with Russia that will be cooperative.

President Trump refuses to take the 'bait', and even placed
a 'mirror' on our own country's role in destabilizing many
Arab states.

Both Trump and Putin see what is going on, both men appear
to respect one another, and remain focused on how they can
be constructive partners in stabilizing the Middle East.

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Monday, February 6, 2017

The sky is 'not falling'

We should not be surprised, President Trump can do nothing right according
to the media, his opponents and even some who 'claim' they support him.

I do not care a whit about these critics, but I do care about our own resolve,
the "minority" who elected him!

We have been used to crap be shoveled at Republican presidents since
Nixon, so the vitriol towards President Trump should be not surprising.

But, his behavior towards those who seek to destroy his presidency is what
is troubling to many of us.

President Trump is doing what many of us wanted to see from former GOP

Many of use remember Reagan called old and feeble, Bush, Sr. called a
liar by Democrats when he agreed with THEM, and George W. called
dumb and inept.  All three men held the office in such high esteem they
refused to become 'street fighters' as President Trump is.

But, what about us? Do we have Trump's back?  We already know where
establishment politicians like McCain and some other feel. They seem to
enjoy President Trump being out on a political limb on his own. They do
not see the objective should Trump's success, not his demise.

So, its up to us, the tens of millions who have attended dozens of rallies,
waiting hours, no matter the weather to show Trump we embraced his

We see the attacks coming from every direction, world leaders,
celebrities, entrenched Black leaders, academia, political action

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Why would California want to leave the United States?

A political action committee (PAC) is advancing an effort in California
to secede from the United States and become an independent country.

The argument is that California has not benefited from being a state,
supported by "Nine Points", primarily economic.

Being a state in the United States has benefits Californians need to
be reminded of; the reason tens of millions of people from every
country, of every religion and every race immigrated here.

What do these 'foreigners' see that California 'citizens' do not?

Even without trying to understand the appeal of the United States to
others, looking at what our country has achieved should be enough
to want to remain a state.

Begin with technology throughout our entire history, giving our nation
an edge on the world. Steamships, telephone, electric light, assembly
lines, autos, flight, even computers.

Technology aside, American governance is the 'gold standard' all freedom
seeking people strive for. We are the only country with a "Constitution"
and a "Bill of Rights", a unbreakable 'contract' with its citizens.

How can any serious person want to depart a nation which has done so
much for its people as the United States has done?

Imagine the state of the world if not for the United States.

Any reasonable and objective person who reads the "Nine Points" will find
no criticism of American governance or technological advances throughout
our history.

The arguments have some merit, but its representative governance which
is the remedy, not departure!

This is the site promoting secession:


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Saturday, February 4, 2017

California's nine point case to become an independent country

The first line in California's declaration reminds me of a similar belief
156 years ago,

"Being a state is no longer serving California’s best interests.

In 1861 slave holding states seceded and became the Confederacy believing
as many in Californians do today, there is no reason to remain 'united'
as the country was intended to be.

In the Spring of 2019 California will give its citizens the opportunity
to vote on a referendum to secede and argues on "Nine Points" to support

Californians who want to secede believe they would be better off as an
independent country and argue the burden of statehood is too "expensive"
for the benefits of remaining in the union.

Apparently, being in the freest country in human history, at least to many
in California, is not enough, confirmed by no references to individual
freedom are listed among the nine points.

California feels we spend too much money defending other nations. But, this
is nothing new, our country has been doing this for more than seventy years
which mirrors the length of time we have had no "world wars". The argument
also neatly connects our NATO and SEATO compacts to defend other nations
with perpetuating terrorism.

The folly of believing California would be safer as a country from terrorism
should be revisited. Terrorism is a world wide cancer found in more than fifty
'countries', not part of the United States.

US elections are pointed to as another reason to secede, by suggesting the
state has "no role" in electing a president.

Consider, without California no Democrat would have been elected in the last
100 years! The argument is so weak, the Western time zone was grabbed as
being a factor. (No such whining came from the other Western states)

The argument on our "burdensome trade system" has merit but Californians
should remember no president until Donald Trump was willing to address
the problem, not President Obama or Hillary Clinton,  the preferred
candidate of Californians who gave her more than 60% support.

Californians were so enamored with President Obama and Hillary Clinton
they gave little attention to Trump campaigning the US would not enter
into the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement if he was elected.

TPP will be dead!!

Before believing California will be better off as a country, the citizens
need to know the state has more than $400 billion in debt, much of which
is due to the generous public worker pensions. Blaming "subsidizing other
states" is a redirection from failed policies within the state.

This is surprising since California does not seem concerned about the
number of immigrants who move there. In fact, California continually
says immigrants are an economic plus. And for arguing our immigration
system was "designed by the 49 other states", neglects to mention
California has the largest number of members of Congress!

Considering the stranglehold environmentalists have in California,
its a wonder any natural resources are even allowed to be extracted.
Even grabbing on the occasional sequestration is a stretch on a point
which should not even be listed.

California complaint about land being taken can be resolved by using
its muscle in Congress to reacquire it.

California disapproves of other states wanting to continue the debate
about climate change. And by leaving its environment will be improve,
think again.

This "global leader" on environmental issues should explain why the
seven most polluted cities in the country are in California:

1. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside, CA
2. Bakersfield-Delano, CA
3. Visalia-Porterville, CA
4. Fresno-Madera, CA
5. Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Yuba City, CA
6. Hanford-Corcoran, CA
7. San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA

As I recall most of the people California sent to Washington all supported
the Affordable Care Act. If Californians still lack quality health they
should blame Nancy Pelosi for voting without reading the legislation.

About funding health care programs the state wants, this is exactly what
President Trump wants to do. Rethink this argument.

If California is so displeased with public education why didn't the state
take control rather than leave it in Washington which turned education
from a vocation to an industry.

The 65% who supported Hillary Clinton knew she believed in the US Dept of
Education while the 30% who supported President Trump knew he wanted
education to be local, with minimal interference from Washington.

One curious omission, Californians promoting leaving the US found no fault
within state government. Any objective study would have shown there have
been many self-inflected wounds that will not change if California departs.

Also, it appears there is little need for California to secede. The election
of Donald Trump provides mot of the remedies to the problems identified in
the "Nine Points".

Who knew the candidate two-thirds of the state did not want would be the
person that will address the problems Californians want resolved.

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Call it what it is...."Anarchy"

You will not hear the word mentioned on the nightly news, but all too often
you will see it, whether it occurs in the streets,  in benign media reporting,
on university campus and even at highest level of American  governance.

Its "anarchy", the deliberate, orchestrated state of disorder to undermine
civil order​ by refusing to recognize legitimate authority.

You will hear no mention of "anarchy", reporting such acts as protests is
accurate enough to a profession often timid to call behavior for what it
actually is. 

"Anarchy"  arrives, without warning, wearing the mask of  respectability
that quickly shows itself as unruly and belligerent behavior designed to
destroy and strike fear  to fracture communities, destroy property and
endanger the public.

Early this week anarchists arrived on the Berkeley campus of University
of California to 'protest' a speaker, which included starting fires and
destroying a Starbucks. The media did not report this event as a riot,
but did make certain to taint the speaker, reporting he was "Alt-right",
the newest  label of anyone out-of-favor in newsrooms.

We saw anarchy pop up at President Trump inauguration ​eve event​ when
protestors rioted and destroyed property in Washington.

We have seen it time and again on streets across the country where law
enforcement is targeted, several even assassinated in many cities such
as New York and Dallas. This is not civil disorder, this is criminality
meant to weaken ​the most vulnerable ​crime ridden ​areas of our country
that must end!

The latest occasions of 'anarchy' came this week ​in the most unlikely of
places, the US Capitol ​ that many  may not agree​ was anarchy.. 

It came during confirmation hearings of President Trump's cabinet appointees
when ​every member of one party refused to do their sworn duty, vote. 
​It may not weigh as heavy as throwing a rock through a window, but it does​ ​
throw a 'rock' through the governing process ​, a form of  "anarchy",  meant
to deliberately weaken our nation.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A letter to Sen. John McCain....

The following letter posted on Sen. McCain's website which I want to share.

Dear Sen McCain (John!)
I often wonder if you are still a REPUBLICAN, as you seem to be more help to the Democrats than us. We were thrilled at President Trump's views AND actions on immigration. (We are also thrilled at his judicial pick for the Supreme Court, which is BRILLIANT! )

You once proudly stood for Conservative principles, but sadly I see far more support for Progressives than us. Please Sir, we are in a war AGAINST Socialistic/Progressive GOD HATING SECULARISTS of today's Democrat Party.

Would love to be able to discuss, but I realize you are up to your eyeballs in politics. I pray you will UNITE behind President Trump, as we, and millions like us, voted to end GLOBALISM and who is one who truly loves America, the land of Judeo/Christian values that enables freedom for all.

My best to your family,
Very Respectfully,
Bonnie Dougherty, CDR USN RET.

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Is its time to go "nuclear"?

Now that President Trump has named his nominee for the Supreme Court
all attention will be directed to the Senate and the confirmation process.

There is little need to guess what to expect from Democrats, their message
was sent before the Electoral College even confirmed Donald Trump would
be our next president.

New Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer telegraphed what his party would
do, slow down the confirmation process to weed "out of the mainstream"
nominees, a term Schumer has used since he was first elected to Congress in
1981 to denigrate anyone he disagreed with.

Its February and we have already seen Schumer's 'promise' has been fulfilled
with Trump's nominees well behind his predecessors, Obama, Bush and
Clinton in getting through the confirmation process.

There is no need to allow Schumer to deliberately drag on hearings for another
two months to weaken the Trump Administration further.

I strongly urge Sen. Mitch McConnell to use the "nuclear option" NOW,
eliminating the filibuster, so a simple majority will get President Trump's
nominees confirmed at the earliest!

By doing this now it prevents Schumer and his well-organized and paid 'protestors'
from grabbing headlines to divide our country further and delay the new Trump
Administration for tending to important issues.

The Senate phone lines is already being barraged to persuade them. But, there is
only one number that needs to be called, Sen. McConnell's office, 202 224-2541.

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