Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Failure to Plan........maybe that IS the plan!

Most enterprises review statistics to measure success.
And usually when the statistics are disappointing steps
are taken to correct them. ​And,when an organization puts
the word "planned" in its title its expected some degree
of planning will occur.

Not so with Planned Parenthood, which reported statistics
most executives would be ashamed of!

At Planned Parenthood the word planned has as much value
as the lives destroyed at their centers, but less than
the fetuses "harvested" and sold to the highest bidder!

Since the year 2000 Planned Parenthood performed a little
less than 200,000 abortions and each year until 2009 the
number of abortions only rose higher until exceeding more
than 330,000. The number is currently 350,000 annually.

​If Planned Parenthood's family planning efforts were
successful wouldn't the number of abortions gone down?

Where is its community outreach to educate teenagers and
on the preventive measures to avoid unwanted pregnancies
before conception?

And, where are the efforts to increase the number of
adoptions with so many families anxiously awaiting children?
Shouldn't this be an equal part of "planning"?

When you see 350,000 abortions performed annually and
only 1100 babies were adopted you can rightly conclude
either Planned Parenthood is failing to help families
"plan" or doesn't even disguise its intent, be America's
largest abortion factory.

ajbruno14  gmail.com