Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A loss we all share, even if we don't realize it

A few days ago it was reported a Russian plane went down over
the Black Sea, with a lose of 92 lives.  Like many others I thought
it was a terrorist attack​. 

But, I stopped pondering if it was an attack or some other cause 
when I learned on the plane was the "Alexandrov Ensemble", the
country's national choir that was traveling to perform a concert.

All of a sudden all the thoughts of why the crash occurred
​were not important. Good people traveling to bring pleasure
to others​ are now gone!

​At a time some seek advantages playing groups and even
countries against one another, ​this ​shocking ​event awaken
our own humanity, albeit​ only briefly​,​ before​ it goes back 
into a deep slumber ​of indifference.

The victims families will never get over their lose, nor​​
​fail to remember ​each year on the date the crash occurred. 

​However, we are all left a remembrance t​o​ always treasure,
the special gift ​this ​​choir gave ​to ​so many.

If you were not aware of the plane crash, take a moment to
listen to what was lost ​, a tribute to our country by the​​​
 "Alexandrov Ensemble"​.​

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Legacy of the Obama Presidency

As the Obama presidency entered the final year of his
two terms, it was hard to avoid reports of what would
be his 'legacy'.

Personally, I never gave a thought to any president's
legacy. Its hollow blather to fill pages of newspapers
and discussions among presidential historians.

It is the rare citizen who actually cares about the
legacy of anyone, other than maybe himself.

But, if there is an insistence to approach the topic,
maybe we should, with one caveat, be objective!

Unlike those into legacy creations who most often
view their subjects from partisan, either sugar
coated or hyper critical, perspectives I'll offer
my view based on the state of issues important to
our nation.

In 2008 candidate Obama sent a signal which I picked
up on my political antenna, he would "transform"
our nation, without offering exactly what this meant.

We knew his credentials were paper thin, including
being a community organizer, bringing the vision of
Al Sharpton, not a title I easily embraced.

But, our country elected him and many went gaga over
the 'first' Black president, never concerned about his
lack of experience or meaningful accomplishments, nor
even factoring in the enormity of the job.

One of the very first things President Obama did was undo
the work of President Bush's Justice Dept. which decided
to prosecute the New Black Panther Party over its blatant
voter intimidation in Philadelphia during the 2008 election.

I am not sure how others viewed this decision, but in the
eight years of observing what the Justice Dept. has become,
this initial decision telegraphed to anyone paying attention
and worse, Justice employees, how 'unjust' it would be run.

Justice was not alone, I have seen eight years of malfeasance
throughout many agencies including the IRS, HHS, State, VA,
CIA and FBI. 

Some officials even felt compelled to take the Fifth Amendment
when testifying before Congress rather than answering questions,
odd coming from people who worked for the man who campaigned he
would have the "most transparent" administration of any president,
which has become a comical throwaway line by many politicians.

Several of Obama's post election decisions demonstrate how little
regard he has for seamlessly transitioning Donald Trump into
the presidency.

First, consider some of Trump's campaign promises and steps
Obama has taken to undermine them.

Begin with the question of refugees coming into our country
unvetted.  With over 100,000 already taking residence here,
which Trump has said would end, Obama brought in thousands
more in the last two months.

Move to the matter of energy production which Trump wants to
expand.  President Obama has decided to ban Arctic drilling,
a second slap in the face of our new president.

Lastly, we see the manner in which President Obama sidestepped
the UN resolution to halt Israel from building more settlements,
a first for our country. Obama knows Trump's stand on Israel and
its right to self rule, yet he preferred to create another matter the
new president must deal with.

Unlike President Bush who left Obama a stable Iraq and addressed
the financial crisis with the first stimulus, Trump will not be as

National debt, annual deficits, one half Arab states in chaos,
terrorism blanketing the planet, nearly a dozen attacks here in
the United States, Europe under siege by Muslim designs, Iran
closer to a nuclear adversary than ever before, China flexing
its  muscles in the South Pacific and Putin up to "old Soviet
tricks" leaves plenty on the new president's plate.

Lastly, the state of poor communities throughout our country
which only Donald Trump seems to care about. The divide from
law enforcement, increased crime, drug cartels in most cities
and race baiting by anarchists.

Let others offer their fanciful legacy of President Obama, mine
is based on the state of our nation and the world. Not much to
be proud of!


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Monday, December 26, 2016

The "Relentless Pursuit" to Destroy the Electoral College

Don't expect the effort to end the reliance on the Electoral College
to be silenced after Donald Trump amassed the required number
of votes to win the presidency.

It will continue, as the "relentless pursuit" of a pure democracy
where majority rules determines how we select the our president.

Those who cherish the republic understand a true democracy will
often result in false representation. We know the intent of our
Founders; assure every state receives a proportional voice, not
defer to desires of the greatest number of citizens.

But, even as this election fades in the memory of most, this "relentless
pursuit" will continue, corrosively done, especially in universities, that
promote 'one person, one vote' without considering what is at risk.

If not effectively combated Congress will once again submit and
eliminate the only remaining protection for states to have a voice.

In 1913 Congress and the states took their first misstep when the
17th Amendment was passed and ratified, allowing members of
the Senate to be elected by citizens of each state. rather than state

What Congress may not have realized in 1913 was tantamount to
fracturing the important role states play in American governance.

What the states unwittingly allowed was end the crucial power each
state held, joint selection of its members of Congress, House members
by the people, Senate members by elected legislators!

Right now there is a serious discussion about eliminating the electoral
college, a discussion more about political parties interests, not those
of equal 'partners', the states and citizens, which the electoral system

To ensure state interests are not fully terminated and replaced by the
will, which can become the "tyranny", of the majority Congress must
repeal the 17th Amendment and return to allowing state legislatures
determine who should serve in the US Senate!

Unfortunately, I have read little about repealing the 17th Amendment.
The mood of the country is going in the other direction, as there is
little interest in protecting electoral systems by its defenders.

But, those in  "relentless pursuit" will continue to fight for "one person,
one vote" until all resistance is defeated.

And given the disinterest of most politicians the electoral vote will end,
states more dependent and the will of the majority will govern!

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Donald Trump's "New World Order"

When I hear the term "new world order" I think immediately of former
president George HW Bush who included it in a 1990 speech before
Congress, occurring on an interesting date, Sept. 11th, eleven years before
an attack in the United States announced to the world, terrorism will
become dominate player in whatever "order" results.

"Out of these troubled times, our objective, 'a New World Order', 
can emerge. Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a
world quite different from the one we have known. "
President George Bush, Sept. 11, 1990
The term "new world order" has been used to refer to any new period
of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and
the balance of power.

As 9/11, 2001 demonstrated it would not take a nuclear arms race to
alter the balance of power.
This 'new world order' is an ideological notion of global governance ,
based by new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address
worldwide problems beyond the capacity of individual nation-states
to solve.

As appealing as this sounds caution is needed, "global governance"
silences the voices of sovereign nation states allowing governing by
global 'consensus', not the people!

At the time there was no clamor or concern by the American people,
perhaps for two understandable reasons, we have had enough.

First, it had been forty five years since the Cold War was hatched
by the end of World War II as the two winners foolishly became
adversaries, each with differing forms of governance and global desires.

Second, nearly fifty years have put us in a "comfort zone", especially
with the fall of the Soviet Union and the agreement both world powers
would reduce the number of nuclear weapons.

An arms race meant there would be no winner, but two losers, costing the
desires of both countries people for true agreement or "detente".

But, such hopes cannot occur as the world is percolating, not only with the
threat of terrorist attacks around the world and desires of two formidable
powers, China and Russia, that have become emboldened especially in the
eight years Obama has been our president.

No need to review how we arrive at this precarious point. But, Trump
already knows he must boldly take on the challenge as Ronald Reagan
did nearly forty years earlier.

We can no longer spend the 'peace dividend' from the fall of the Soviet
Union and continue to use it for domestic services. At that time this
seemed like the right thing to do. But also "at the time" we took our eye
off the sleeping giant in Asia, China, that took the best of capitalism,
without loosening the grip of Communism,  to become the second
strongest economic power in the world, and amassed a navy capable
to rule the South Pacific.

Also, the fall of the Soviet Union that led to "detente" did not lead to
peaceful coexistence. In fact, Russia today may even be stronger as it is
not saddled with the burden of satellite states of Eastern Europe requiring
force to restrain. Now, Russia can focus on Putin's desires visible for all
to see, a presence in the Middle East for the first time!

This is the true 'new world order' President Trump must face. China,
Russia, worldwide terrorism and the Middle East as unstable it was after
the Shah of Iran fell from power!

What will Trump do?  We know one thing, Trump is committed to destroy
ISIS. Surprisingly, he may even go into battle with powerful ally, Russia.

Both Trump and Putin want stability in the Middle East which can only be
done when every terrorist threat is destroyed!

Trump has already committed to rebuild the US military which is now
about one-half what it was in 2000 as defense funding cuts became
the 'peace dividend' and spent elsewhere.

This increase in military spending will be the first major spending since
Reagan and include over 200,000 military personnel and rebuilding
our depleted Navy to become a presence in the South Pacific so China
understands we will not abandon our allies.

This may not be the 'new world order' the globalists envisioned but its
one that requires WE ensure there is order to go hand in hand with peace!


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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Giving "voice" to the 'Forgotten Americans"

Thanks to the most unorthodox candidate battling against
the political and media establishments the American people
have finally gotten to see for themselves the embodiment
of a biased and perhaps corrupt system which influences
who we elect.

We also see once again how divided our country is as the
West Coast and Northeast were solidly supporting Hillary
Clinton while the heartland, the smaller, less populated
states voted for Donald Trump.

Much is being made about Hillary receiving more votes, but
not enough to reach the required electoral count of 270,
as Trump reached 306.

But, it is no coincidence the areas where Hillary was most
successful are the media centers in our country where major
newspapers are influential.

As we look to the major cities we find the New York Times,
Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, San
Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe and even the national
USA Today, all endorsed Hillary Clinton.

This parallels the voting pattern of the American people
as the smaller states, with smaller circulation newspapers
provided Trump his victory.

As we begin the Trump Administration it appears the White
House press room will look as it does now under President
Obama, even with Trump's criticism of the media. Trump
will continue to give prominent seating to his harshest
critics as George Bush did leading to the same bias at
daily press briefings and press conferences.

Well, this need not be so, not with the most "unorthodox"
president in the White House.

President Trump should dramatically re-prioritize which media
receives credentials, ensuring newspapers of the heartland
are equally represented. 

President Trump should invite the most equally "unorthodox"
media to ensure the voters in smaller states, the ones who
gave him the victory have as much representation in the White
House as the major newspapers have.

This decision would also give a life line to smaller newspapers
who are struggling to survive.

Newspapers from Nashville, Oklahoma City, Boise, St. Louis,
Louisville, Charleston, Birmingham, Al, and many of the
dozens of states he won need to have equal access.

Why should the small papers, scattered across the country,
who know the "Trump voter" the best not be allowed to ask
the questions on their readers minds when we know the major
newspapers intend is to play "gotcha" for their own purposes?

Its only right the first non-establishment president should
communicate directly to the long ignored non-establishment media!

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The "snowflakes" among us!

A term has become common, "snowflakes", used to describe an overly
sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ
from their own. Such people can often be seen congregating in "safe
zones" on college campuses.

To an older generation whose lives were molded by real life experiences
its hard to understand why so many, mostly young people, fall victim to
this malady.

But, being a 'snowflake' is not limited to the young, this condition
can also be found in faculty lounges, where tenured professors seek
solitude when it appears their desires or beliefs are threatened.

Oddly, these "snowflakes" do not melt when the media is around. They
find the courage to protest when the cameras are running and even
violently engage those foolish enough to attempt to debate them!

The best statement I heard made about this snowflake generation,
"could or even would these 18-25 year olds ever scale the hills of
Normandy?" Dare I say, most wouldn't even know the significance
of Normandy in the battle to save France from Hitler!

Those of us who chuckled when we saw disappointed voters became
unhinged after Donald Trump won the election may have also found it
disappointing so many people really believe the election of one man
or woman, if Hillary won, could actually destroy our great nation.

But, thanks to a public education system that replaced teaching United
States history with jaded professorial opinions, this is not surprising.

The contagion of "snowflake-itus" is not limited to the young, highly
educated or political partisans. It can been found even in Hollywood
where celebrities reside protected by the walls of multi-million dollar
estates and 'red carpet' walkways where their adoring fans know, they
can look, but can not touch!

These actors and actresses on rare occasions expose themselves to the
public, making appearances to promote their latest movie, project or
cause. Many even transform themselves into the fawning groupies when
like minded politicians such as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama come
to town, usually with a self-serving motive, such as seeking donations.

Some celebrities, who are easily transformed into publicity whores even
proclaim they would "leave the country" if an election doesn't go their
way. This cyclical election year joke is laughed at, as none ever do.

And for good reason, with all their complaints, they know there is no
place better to live.

For the Hollywood star who seriously considers leaving, the decision
is never made by an election, its after consulting an accountant!!!

Interestingly, even the financial benefit of departing becomes a moot,
once Donald Trump lowers everyone's taxes as he campaigned he would.
Maybe enough to finance their private jets!

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Don't forget the cheese with your whine!

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

An early Christmas "present" for Planned Parenthood!

President Obama is ending his eight year tenure on the same
note in which he began it.

One for first things President Obama did upon taking office
was to ensure the United Auto Workers (UAW) pension fund
received $26 billion of the stimulus money appropriated to
help the recovery, $2 billion more than the auto makers
received! The story:

It needs to be mentioned the UAW donated mightily to the
Democrat Party and Obama's campaign.

Now, as he leaves office President Obama is giving a 'thank
you' Christmas present to Planned Parenthood, putting into
effect a rule prohibiting states from withholding funding
from them.

The story:

If you unaware Planned Parenthood already receives more than
$500 million in federal funding but states until this "rule"
was announced decided for themselves whether to provide
additional funding. No more!

Not surprisingly, Planned Parenthood which needs to remembered
as a NON-PROFIT, donated over $30 million to Hillary Clinton's

But, more important than any president issuing a rule is what
it risk it presents to the relationship between the Washington
and the independent states, whose sovereignty can be perilously

The public needs to be reminded the states govern, with limited
power going to Washington, so the Constitution meant to ensure!


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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

An Open Letter to NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell

Ret. Marine Col. Jeffery Powers wrote to the NFL commissioner.
Commissioner Goodell,
I’ve been a season pass holder at Yankee Stadium, Yale Bowl 
and the Giants Stadium.
I missed the ’90-’91 season because I was with a battalion of 
Marines in DesertStorm. 14 of my wonderful Marines returned
home with the American Flag draped across their lifeless bodies.
My last conversation with one of them, Sgt.Garrett Mongrella, 
was about how our Giants were going to the Super Bowl.  He 
never got to see it.
Many friends, Marines, and Special Forces soldiers who worked 
with or for me through the years returned home with the American
Flag draped over their coffins.
Now I watch multi-millionaire athletes who never did anything in
their lives but play a game, disrespect what brave Americans fought 
and died for. 
They are essentially spitting in the faces and on the graves of real men, 
men who have actually done something for this country beside playing 
with a ball and believing they’re something special! They’re not! 
My Marines and Soldiers were!
You are complicit in this! You’ll fine players for large and small infractions
but you lack the moral courage and respect for our nation and the fallen to 
put an  immediate stop to this.
Yes, I know, it’s their 1st Amendment right to be have in such a despicable
What would happen if they came out and disrespected you or the refs publicly?
I observed a player getting a personal foul for twerking in the end zone after 
scoring.  I guess its much worse than disrespecting the flag and our National  Anthem. 
Hmm, isn’t it his 1st Amendment right to express himself like an idiot in the 
end zone?
Why is taunting not allowed yet taunting America is OK? You fine players for wearing 9-11 commemorative shoes yet you allow scum on the sidelines to sit, 
kneel or pump their pathetic fist in the air. 
They are so deprived with their multi-million dollar contracts for playing a freaking game!
You condone it all by your refusal to act. 
You’re just as bad and disgusting as they are. I hope Americans boycott sponsors who supports that rabble you call the NFL. 
I hope they turn off the TV when any team that allowed this disrespect to occur, without consequence, on the sidelines. 
I applaud those who have not.
Legends and heroes do NOT wear shoulder pads. They wear body armor
and carry rifles.
They make minimum wage and spend months and years away from their families. 
They don’t do it for an hour on Sunday. They do it 24/7 often with lead, not footballs, coming in their direction. 
They watch their brothers carted off in pieces not on a gurney to get their knee iced. Many don’t have legs or arms.
Some wear blue and risk their lives daily on the streets of America. They wear fire helmets and go upstairs into the fire rather than down to safety. On 9-11,hundreds vanished. They are the heroes.
I hope that your high paid protesting pretty boys and you look in that mirror when you shave tomorrow and see what you really are, legends in your own minds.
You need to hit the road and take those worms with you!
Time to change the channel,
 Ret. Marine Col. Jeffery Powers 
Powers originally sent his letter to former Florida congressman Allen West. West then posted the letter to his news website.
As of last week, at least 18 NFL player had protested the anthem by either kneeling during the anthem or raising their fists, according to USA Today Sports.
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Sunday, December 11, 2016

"What did the president know and when did he know it?"

As recently as October the US government formally accused Russia of hacking
the Democratic party’s computer networks stating Moscow was attempting to
“interfere” with the US presidential election.

Now, with the election over the clamor about Russia attempting  to undermine
 our election system has raised to paranoid level!

It also got me to remember a 1966 movie, a comical farce which this may be
as well,
"The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming!"

Really?  The accusations are flying, without evidence!  Even FBI director had
more evidence against Hillary Clinton than has been presented by the CIA or
other agencies citing Russia hacking.

Putin responded with a single word answer, "rubbish".

The Russian foreign ministry said Washington lacked any evidence for its accusations, an attempt to fan “unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria”.

It added, “Every day Putin’s website gets attacked by several thousand of 

hackers. A lot of these attacks are traced to the territory of the USA, but 
we do not blame the White House or Langley each time.”

The media and politicians are eager to demand action on unsubstantiated
claims but risk further damaging our relationship with Russia that Trump
wants to ally with to destroy terrorism.

I can't help but thinking this "hacking" charge will once again unleash our investigative arm to 'chase its tails' as the FBI did for two years investigating 

Hillary Clinton classified emails until its director Comey realized the private 
server was used to advance a 'pay to play' scheme of the Clinton Foundation
 hidden within the State Dept.

If this is really true, an important question also needs to be asked of 

President Obama, the same one asked by Howard Baker during  the 
Watergate investigation,

"What did the president know and when did he know it?"

And, further,  what did HE do about it?

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

The caliber to serve our nation

Since Donald Trump was elected the conversation has centered
around the people he would appoint to his cabinet and add to
his Administration.

We have heard familiar and unfamiliar names,  listened to
accolades and criticism, usually from partisan leanings.
And, not unexpected.

Most of us have no idea the merits or concerns about the men
and women Donald Trump wants to bring to Washington.

One thing we have heard from some critics is that Donald
Trump is bringing millionaires and billionaires to Washington.
Is this really a problem, measuring a person on wealth not
ability or success.

For those of you who think this way, would you be equally
dismayed if your favorite sports team 'hired' the best player,
earning the most money?

But, before we do a Wikipedia search on who these people
are and their credentials we need to understand the daunting
task each of them will face.

I doubt most of them have ever been in charge of multi-billion
dollar enterprises with thousands of employees, but all will
do now.

Nor, have they ever been the person asked to run a bureaucracy,
by its very meaning, it will not be easy.

And, besides the personalities coming to Washington will be the
challenge of fixing deep seated problems that have 'aged" for
several decades.

The question, how can one person make the necessary changes
to provide the quality of services the American people deserve?

Each of us should understand the problems these men and women
will face whether we like them or not.  Everyone of them will have
to make federal agencies better, or leave, for some future appointee.

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One Billion doesn't go as far as it used to...

This was the unreported message that we learned
from the election.

The signal came early, in the two primaries.

It was reported Jeb Bush had a $150 million campaign
war chest and it meant nothing.

Hillary Clinton had everything; the party, millions,
the media, rigged primary and Bernie Sanders was
still able to get to the convention.
Once the finalists were chosen, we learned Hillary
Clinton could have $2 billion to spend in the general
election, a huge advantage over Donald Trump.

But, in order for Hillary to accumulate this record
amount of money meant she would need to hold more
fund raisers, even more fund raisers that rallies.

Trump, ever the marketeer, knew it was the message
that would overcome the money advantage Hillary had.

Week and week Trump would average ten rallies going
to the key states required to overcome the advantage
Democrats have in heavily populated states.

I lost count how many times he came to NC, could have
exceeded ten, and equal to the number of rallies held
in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and
New Hampshire.

Flying "Trump Force One" he circled the Midwest
holding rallies the size never seen before with
an average crowd of over 15,000.

Trump did this as a "solo act". He did not need
Hollywood 'groupies' to draw in a crowd. HE was
the reason people came! And it worked.

Nor, did Trump rely on political consultants. He knew
the problems and he believed he had the solutions.
He did not have to pay tens of thousands of dollars
for advise on what is obvious to most of the people
attending the rallies. 

Trump's supporters knew what had worked in the
past no longer did. And Trump knew it too!

That was the objective, fix what is broken. It was
also Trump's promise, enough to win the election.

If only Hillary had a few more fund raisers.....

Sorry, with no message, no amount of money would
have changed the results!

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Build with American steel"

With all the media attention Donald Trump received
during his campaign I don't recall many references to
the "content", the points he mentioned time and again.

Yes, we may remember "build the wall", "lower corporate
tax rate" and even "get rid of Common Core".  But how
many of us tied these topics with why Trump did this?

It was as simple as any salesman telling us over and over
what is music to our ears.  Maybe not the media's ears
or those threatened by such bold pronouncements, but
Trump was not speaking to them, he was speaking to us.

This brings me to the one comment which I find capsulized
Trump's entire campaign, "build with American steel"!

When was the last time a presidential candidate said this?
No need to tax your memory, the only person
I recall is now our president-elect, Donald Trump.

Trump said what most would not, for they believed it
would be too costly to re-energize our "Rust Belt" of
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia with
steel mills!

To some Trump exposed himself to failure by even
suggesting our country would once again do what the
experts told us we could not do!

It was a little over a generation ago similar criticism
was hurled at Ronald Reagan for daring to say the
Soviet Union was an "evil empire" and communism
would "be left on the ash bin of history".

We know the "experts" were wrong as today there
are more than100 million people in Eastern Europe
are now living free in independent countries!

But, today the promise of "built with American steel"
advanced one step, minor though it may appear.

The CEO of US Steel, Mario Longhi, announced his
company will like to accelerate its investments and
hire back laid-off employees.

The story:

Donald Trump sees in America what Ronald Reagan
did, bringing further evidence those with so little faith
in our country will forever be blind to what the American
people can achieve!

As an aside, there was another report that Foxconn Industries
is considering coming to the US.

If you are not familiar with Foxconn, think Apple.  Foxconn
is the manufacturer of the Iphone and other Apple products.

The story:

The Trump presidency could be the beginning of another
American revolution that strengthens all sectors of our

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