Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Republicans are once again failing their electorate

Observing the remarks from Republicans and Democrats following
President Trump's meeting with Putin I noticed a distinct difference 
between how both parties advance their interests.

We have seen time and again Democrats seek to destroy a Republican 
president, as they did to Bush during the Iraq War without any
defense from Republicans.

Democrats seek to destroy a person, his reputation, his love of
country and even his legitimacy!

We now see this political strategy used against President Trump.  

Republicans will speak out against a Democrat president,  but
I know of no moment they launched charges of treason as many
Democrats are doing now. 

In fact, many Republicans joined Democrats in their criticism 
of  Trump's remarks after meeting with Putin, yet they allowed
over the top criticism of President Trump, to go unchallenged.

Republicans do this time and again, they take the bait, join
the lemmings, demean the president, sending a message to
the electorate which further divides a fractured constituency.

This is the reason elected Republicans are viewed weak and 
could lead to Democrats taking Congressional majorities in 
the mid term election.

Allowing  unproven allegations to go unchallenged Republicans
are doing their part in weakening the Trump presidency and
could lead to impeachment by a Democrat led Congress.

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