Wednesday, March 30, 2016

From Rush...on Trump

So many words used to describe the Trump phenomena, and most are
fitting.  One I can think of is "fascinating", which is rarely used describing
anything in political circles.

What is "fascinating" has been that so many professional political observers
have yet to accept the reality of this election year. It is not like any other,
only they fail to use this fact in the barometer they use to predict what
will occur!

They continue to rely on the same template to describe what is going on,
pay too much attention to Trump, and too little on the people who have
given him the most votes for almost a year.

But, someone does "get it" and surprisingly, with millions of listeners its
apparent the cable talking heads don't tune in.

Rush received numerous calls saying " Trump is not conservative", "Trump is
not a Republican",  "Trump was a Democrat" , "Trump donated to Hillary
Clinton". All may be true, but such concerns miss the point!

The following is something to media should read and absorb.

Excerpt from Rush......

Here comes Trump, who's not ideological.  He's not conservative. He's not liberal. 
But in this campaign, if you had to categorize him that way, he is standing for more things that conservatives identify with than he's not.  His immigration position is strictly conservative.  His view on terrorism is strictly conservative.  But he's not a conservative.  He's not a movement conservative.  As such, he posed a threat because the people that are out there seeking donations, fundraising on the assurance they're the ones that can keep conservatism prominent, say, "Oh, my God!"  But their donors began to start saying to them, "Where is this conservatism you guys have been promising?  Where is it?"
They haven't seen any in seven years in the Republican Party.  The Republican Party doesn't want any part of conservatism. Now, if you talk to Jim DeMint at the Heritage Foundation, he'll say, "In Washington, yeah.  But you look at all the efforts conservatives have made in the states. There's governors -- conservative governors -- left and right out there." There's evidence all over country that conservatism is triumphing at the state level, but none of it in Washington.  But then there's a conservative governor of Georgia, and he just caved on this religious freedom bill.  Nathan Deal.  So, look, the point is that rank-and-file conservative voters began to ask: "Where is all this conservatism that we've been contributing to?" 
Which then caused there to be threat, or panic, whatever, within certain elements of the quote/unquote "conservative movement," and they then began to see Trump as a threat.  That begot an argument of populism versus conservatism, and people began to think, "Wait a minute.  Maybe conservatism isn't dominant.  Maybe populism is."  All kinds of self-doubt related questions started being asked.  Now, I can go back and remind everybody of all of these things that I have said to try to explain what's happening here, starting last June when Trump popped up -- and I know it's a lot to remember. 
I don't mind repeating it now and then, when necessary, in order to be clear.  I'm in the communications business.  It doesn't do me any good if people don't know what I mean when I say things.  So any opportunity I get to clarify or to maybe say something again a better way to actually get my point across, I relish the opportunity.  So when people call here and don't quite remember what I said, I don't mind having to repeat it.  I don't want to get so repetitive that you think that's all you hear on the program.  But at the end of all this, my objective hasn't changed, and that is the Democrat Party -- which is the home of liberalism -- must lose.
At the end all of this, that is my objective. 
I don't feel duty-bound to maintain or protect or promote anything but the country, from what I believe is its greatest threat internationally and domestically, and that is radical, left-wing whatever you want to call it: Socialism, liberalism, you name it.  If populism beats it, I'm gonna be fine and dandy with it.  I'm not gonna feel like it's unfair if conservatism is not what beats it. Because at the end of the day, defeating liberalism is the key and the only thing that is going to work when replacing it is conservatism. 
I am confident conservatism is going to triumph and prosper, whether people know that it is or isn't.  Whether people know they're conservative or not, whether they think they're ideological or not.  It works every time that it is tried, and it... Well, not every time. Obviously there are exceptions here.  But issue by issue -- be it economics, morality, various social issues -- it triumphs. It's rooted in decency, morality, all of the virtues.  

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Public discourse, how best to respond.

The decision of the NC General Assembly to pass legislation 
nullifying the Charlotte ordinance that allows anyone to select 
the restroom of their choosing has brought the expected response,
loud and angry protests. Its the go-to strategy most successful.

Protesters find no need for thoughtful and sober understanding 
of  logic; this would be much hardly and more time consuming 
than blocking traffic and shouting anti-this & anti-that epitaphs.

But, for those against this or other such ordinances, how should
they respond to efforts to shut down their voices in opposition?

I believe it is by not changing their opposition "strategy" from 
one founded on reason. They must continue to advance the 
argument, supported by their beliefs based on clear evidence.

The Charlotte city council did what many governing bodies across 
the country do, grease the squeaky wheel once weighing political 
consequences of doing otherwise.

Remember, those opposed to the ordinance did not block streets
and scream equally vile epitaphs at the council. They did what
respectful citizen do, they petitioned legislators to take action.
THAT is how true democracy should work!

We can expect the protests to continue and corporate pressure
be increased by CEOs who are more concerned about being 
protested themselves than reviewing the ordinance through the 
lens of objectivity.

For the people who know there is a better solution than imposing
this ordinance on the majority to keep the "wheel" from squeaking, 
I urge you to stay engaged.

In closing, don't be dissuaded this is about 'discrimination', its not.
Its about "accommodation",  which is not a constitutional right! 

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Monday, March 28, 2016

How will NC Republicans Respond?

Several years back I asked a local Republican, "now that
the GOP has gained the majority in the legislature how
will the party respond to the editorial attacks by the News
and Observer".  He quickly responded, "why do you read
the paper"!  The gentleman is now a former legislator
defeated by a first time Democrat challenger.

This question came to mind when I read the attacks towards
the General Assembly and Gov. McCrory by the News and
Observer after a law passed that halted Charlotte's extension
of its anti-discrimination ordinance to transgenders.

But, the wrath of the paper was not limited. Immediately,
the paper was joined by activists, corporations, the NBA
and even ESPN condemning the legislation.

So I find it appropriate to ask the question once again, how
will party leadership defend its legislation?

​History has shown Republicans often fail to win public sentiment
on issues of this type. The "offended"industry is expert on using
well versed empathy to beat clumsily prepared logic which is 
troubling since true limited govt. and conservative positions are
successfully defended on conservative talk radio every day.

If the Republican leadership on Jones St. takes no other
suggestion, take this advise, tune in conservative talk radio,
you might learn how to beat back the "offended" industry!

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

"When you Wish Upon a Star" make sure it still glimmers!

Maybe its "wishful thinking" on my part, but it appears the one person who could ensure
a Republican will be our next president could currently be occupying the Oval Office.

While Hillary Clinton is trying to lock in the Democrat nomination by vending off her pesky,
2nd tier challenger, Bernie Sanders, President Obama may be undermining her campaign
with many of the questionable decisions he has made, especially in foreign affairs.

Hillary "locked in" on Obama's foreign policy, believing he is the "star" that will carry her
to the White House. Unfortunately, Obama's star is not shining as it once did.

The electorate knows this is a major failing while Hillary continues to campaign as though
there is no ISIS, the Middle East is at peace and  Europe is as popular today for American
teenage backpackers as it was thirty years ago.

Hillary is either delusional, in denial, or indifferent to terrorist threats being the norm that
Americans and Europeans must accept.

Once its down to Hillary and the last standing Republican the battle will be about which
one offers a new vision based on the failures in trade, immigration, and now terrorism
that has arrived full throttle in the cradles of democracy, the United States and Europe.

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Scattering in the Aftermath

One of most powerful forces of humankind which separates us from other species
is our ability to express grief and compassion for others when the most horrendous
events occur.

We interrupt our busy lives, stop our latest check on our Iphone, which we often
find more important than the person sitting across from us at dinner.  We stop
everything because  something terribly monumental has occurred, and our innate
sensitivity demands we show we care.

Two weeks ago this occurred in Brussels, a year ago it was Paris and dozens of
places around the world in between. On these occasions we saw scenes of carnage,
bodies scattered on blood covered streets for reasons we cannot understand.

We may with wrestle with what to do,  but only do what we have done countless
times before. We will scatter flowers in places once filled with blood of those who

This is what we do, to show we care. Then we move on, back to our Iphone or
whatever else fancies our attention. Until the next time, which will occur as sure
to arrive as the next sunrise.

Will this cycle of carnage followed by caring ever change?  Only those who
take the time to place the flowers know the answer. Its in their hands.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

The power of the editorial page at work again!

It will take a while before the dust settles on the General Assembly's
decision to halt the Charlotte council's decision to allow transgender to
determine for themselves which toilets to use.  Dust will not settle until
the wagon traveling around carry its load, in this case, nonsense labeled
as discrimination, reaches its destination, submission!

The News and Observer here in NC is doing its part to frame its view
the decision is one of  taking away Constitutional rights. The paper
ensured  public sentiment was on it side, only publishing letters in
agreement, the decision was discriminatory.

The paper's headline offered, "Bathroom law makes NC an outlier in US",
is an interesting description of our state, referring to NC as an "outlier".

 By definition, an "outlier" is something that lies outside main body or group.
I would say in industry Steve Jobs was an outlier, investments Warren
Buffet is an outlier, in politics so are Donald Trump and President Obama.

A case can be made that transgenders could be considered "outliers' based
on their unusual sexual proclivities, a view made at John Hopkins, that
"transgender is a mental disorder"
This may offend many who will disagree vehemently, but this is no more
than when I am offended being called xenophobic for my views.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Is Apple rotten at its core?

Apple is an outstanding company, not only does it provide valued products for its
customers  but serves its shareholders equally well, with excellent returns on their
investment. Apple is also is well known as an outstanding corporate citizen by its
many philanthropic endeavors.

At times Apple will use its corporate heft to influence decisions of governing bodies
as they did this past year in a legal battle with the FBI and most recently here in NC.

For several months Apple has been resistant to a request by the FBI to "unlock"
an Apple cell phone so the communication path used by terrorists could be traced.
Surprisingly, this "corporate citizen" balked, even capitalizing on the request using
the defense it was a violation of the First Amendment!

This week Apple weighed in on a decision in NC, that rescinded a local law which
allowed transgenders access to toilets of  "their choice". Apple was not alone as most
corporate lemmings criticized the state for what they call discrimination, which is not
unusual, they prefer to take the path of least resistance on social issues rather than
run the risk of seeing protesters at their corporate headquarters.

But, Apple is not like the others, it is a world wide behemoth that has been doing
business in China for decades, primarily in huge manufacturing plants employing
tens of thousands of employees.

China is well known for human rights violations and still refuses to allow United
Nations human rights monitors in to inspect facilities.

So for Apple to weigh in on a matter in NC and not demand China open its doors
to human rights monitors is more than curious, its hypocrisy of the highest order.

Apple seems concerned about what is going on in state capitals where they have
limited interests and no time in countries where they have vast investments.

If Apple CEO Tim Cook, who refuses to assist the FBI, wants to mount his
good corporate citizen high horse to criticize states, he should also "ride" in the
direction of China, issue an ultimatum, either China do more for its people, end
discrimination against the LGBT community or Apple will do its business elsewhere.

Would Apple have the corporate courage to take on China? Of course not.

Its a lot easier fighting a battle over who should be allowed in a toilet!

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Democracy dies when the people do not decide!?

As often happens in political circles the most important people are barely given
a second thought. We see this time and again when legislation and regulations
impact citizens and business far more than the benefits projected.

Only in the electoral arena are we assured the people come first as their votes
determine who will represent them.

This brings us to the 2016 presidential election campaign with both parties being
exposed for failing to let the votes of the electorate determine their nominees.

The "fix" on the Democrats side was locked in before the campaigns began, assuring
 the party favorite Hillary Clinton would win.

Not so obvious with the Republican Party which uses the democratic process to select
its nominee.

Now down to three out of almost twenty challengers, the overwhelming choice of the
electorate is Donald Trump with Ted Cruz a close second, showing how the process
has been successfully working.

But, "success' must fit hand in glove with desires of party leadership or it is viewed
as illegitimate, necessitating efforts to cripple campaigns of both men, neither
suitable, and replace them with candidate who is a better fit.

If you follow the political chatter you'll hear endless conversations about the party, possible nominees, donors, issues; but nothing about the electorate who cast their
votes expecting their decision determines the party's nominee.

What can be done so corrupting the electoral process does not occur? Too often the
answer has been not much, leading the electorate to stay home and let the opposition
party win.

First its not "their" party, its the members party! So staying home gives the leadership
your vote.

Party members must remain engaged if they want their voices heard. Contacting party
leaders, elected officials, even contacting the media brings attention to your cause.

If the political class ignore the will of the electorate, the electorate must take
matters in their own hands. They should never take for granted the chosen leadership
will administer on principles.

Being involved is essential at all times, not only in election years to protect the party from becoming a dictatorial organization.

If you're dissatisfied with party leadership but rarely engage them you have contributed
to the indifference leadership has for its members.

Make the difference!

Party members cannot be quiet, they must engage and fight for the people
THEY want.

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No "Surprise" coming from the home of Mayberry!

North Carolina is home of the fictional town Mayberry and its many 
characters, Andy, Barney, Aunt Bea and others including its auto
mechanic Gomer,  known to reply "Surprise, Surprise" when he 
learned something new.

Well, it was no surprise what many corporations had to say after the 
NC General Assembly stopped Charlotte from imposing transgenders 
will be allowed to use ​whatever bathroom they choose.

Major companies like Apple, Wells Fargo, Red Hat, Microsoft and 
others  were quick to join the "offended" claiming state action was
discriminatory, as loose a definition as you can find.

Each of the press releases must of had the same author, perhaps the 
News and Observer which thrives on defending the offended, unless
they have conservatives views, at which point they're told to shut up!

What these companies had to say was nothing new, more silly drivel
that non-discrimination "fosters talent and innovation" and the law 
"undermines core values" heard time and again to push whatever 
envelop appropriate to advance an issue. Laws notwithstanding, each
of these  companies have the latitude to  provide as much or as little
for employees as THEY determine.

There is no law stores must have a family restroom for tending 
to a diaper change, yet many stores do.  We saw no marching in 
parking lots to make this happen, it was a business  decision. At 
issue is not discrimination, its accommodation. 

However, when a governing body attempts to impose that a person 
can select the toilet of his/her choosing it fails the non-discriminatory
test, and worse its a wrongful imposition on those equally offended 
by this intrusion!

Aside from companies issuing press releases, the NBA basketball 
league issued a threat, "suggesting" it may choose another city for 
its 2017 All-Star game. Before the league does this it should make
certain the venues where each if its thirty teams play have an in-force 
ordinance as Charlotte had, that transgenders are allowed to choose 
its toilet facilities. It is doubtful many of these cities do.

This is not the end, it never is, miserable people will continue to
make others equally miserable, and in the end, they will be no 
happier than they were.

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Another sorry tale from North Carolina!

Once again North Carolina is in the news.

We saw this before when minorities complained Voter ID laws would prevent them from
voting. Fact is, they did not.

This time another faction of  the victimization crowd, transgenders, are complaining their
"rights" were taken away.

It started in February when the Charlotte city council expanded its non-discrimination
guidance so transgenders could go into the bathroom of  their choosing. The vote was split,
but it did pass.

Not surprisingly there was a backlash, sizable enough for the General Assembly to call a
special session to do what the council would not, consider all people, not just transgenders.

A bill was introduced, passed, signed by the governor that bars local statutes that prevent
what is considered "discrimination" against transgenders.

The governor said it best, common sense and public safety need to get preference to a broad
view of what is a "right".

Stories of this type seem to be happening with greater frequency when local govt. grease
whatever political wheel is squeaking rather thoughtfully reviewing full impact on communities.

Legal eagles love to wrap themselves up in "rights" for some, while remaining blind to others.
Lack of  respect is standard for these vultures who circle courtrooms across the country.
They throw around the word discrimination without caring what it is or its boundaries in society.

With this reversal we are also seeing media savvy, and politically correct, businesses chime in.
They feel compelled to side with the LGBT community.  They could care less for those,
especially women, who may be uncomfortable sharing  toilets with transgenders.

With the state interceding does not end the matter.  Newspapers will hawk the "rights" of
transgenders, protests will be organized and even national news coverage will target NC as
non welcoming to alternative lifestyles.

And don't forget universities, you can expect to see protests galore, maybe even toilet paper
replacing the ivy covered walls.

Groups with a gripe, even serious ones, will keep pushing the envelop, caring little about
impact on others, only their objective. Even with success they will still be unhappy, only
a little more arrogant and forceful. These groups don't give a damn about anyone else.

They permeate colleges campuses across the nation, demand "safe speech" zones, protest
anyone whose views do not mirror theirs, and on and on.

These are the "millennials" , the newest crop who replaced the "Gen X"  generations. These
will be the captains of industry, political leaders, and academia.

These will be the people to tell Americans what toilets they will be allowed to occupy!

THIS is America today!  And what a sorry state are in!

NOW is the time for a Trump and Cruz Alliance!

Earlier I wrote Trump and Cruz should form an alliance, as a suggestion.

Some of my Cruz supporters (I voted for Ted) took offense, which I can

Well, today what was a suggestion I raise to a principled defense of both their
campaigns to ensure one of them will be the Republican nominee.

Apparently, their success in AZ and Utah means nothing to the self-annotated
power brokers who think THEY elect the candidates. Today,  the surrogates for 
the Republican leadership are making the rounds on cable networks ignoring the 
success of Trump and Cruz, and speak of resigning themselves that losing to Hillary
would not be a big deal and rebuilding the party was more important.

I expect this will be what we will  hear from now through the Summer  to wear down 
the electorate. 

But, unlike with McCain and Romney when the electorate had to settle for two
Washington-first insiders, this time it will not work.  The electorate is engaged as 
they have not been in years.  Trump calls it a movement,  and it is one.  But, it is
a Cruz movement too!

Both men want the job, and both would be superior to all the pretenders who
clumsily try to convince us they are conservative.

Granted, Trump may not have solid Cruz-type conservative credentials, but
at this point it does not matter.

Right now only two conservative stallworth's. Laura Ingraham and Rush
Limbaugh have been carrying the torch for BOTH men as they understand
either one can be the "game changer" our country desperately need!

Trump and Cruz should IMMEDIATELY have a joint press conference 
and take on the GOP political leadership head on. 

If this is a movement they must now defend it, the electorate expects 
and deserves no less.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

"Market Driven" it time?

We often hear the benefit of a "market driven economy", as it
lets natural forces of the marketplace determine prices based
on the supply and demand of goods and services.

But, what we rarely hear about are the outside influences which
prevents these natural forces from performing as intended.

All it takes is close scrutiny to see the reduced purchasing
power of consumers and businesses due to this influence.

With all the discussion about the three fastest rising costs,
education, health care and housing I have yet to learn of each
being studied to see the driving factors behind the increases.

There are so many examples of how the "market driven economy"
is successful, yet these three costs seem to be immune to the
benefits it provides. Call them the "Top Three".

TV, computers and most electronic products are much less the
price they were ten years ago and provide more value.

Even autos, the second most expensive purchase most people make
provides greater value for the increased cost.

Not so the "Top Three".....and no offering of the reasons why!

The answer is right in front of us, the "top three" have been
excluded from market driven influence by the govt. which
intercedes at the expense of an unfettered marketplace.

I don't believe this intrusion is done to deliberately make the
costs of education, housing and health care higher, but it does.
Call it another example of "unintended consequences" by govt.
not determining impact of its actions.

Each regulation and new law creates a ripple effect in the market
place that I doubt is factored into the decision to impose them
on the public. But, they do.

Businesses know the additional cost to provide their goods and
services, and the public knows how much deeper they must
reach into their pockets but our govt. never acknowledges either.

It can be done, but who will explore and report, or better
evaluate how the "Top Three" can be brought down to a level
of affordability....without more govt. tinkering!

To be continued....

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reports of Republican Party's death are greatly exaggerated

Professional pundits are quick to tell us the future of the Republican Party
is at risk, with comparison to the Whig Party, born in 1834 as a challenge 
to President Andrew Jackson and "Jacksonian Democrats", yet dying twenty years later. They go on to say an outsider, such as Trump  or perhaps even Cruz, would destroy the Republican Party. They are wrong on both counts.

First, the Whig Party even with two presidencies won, was never as powerful as the Republican Party is now.

Both major parties are powerhouses and keep their dominance by shutting down members whose views are inconsistent with a litmus test.

For Democrats the party's stand on social issues is impenetrable. Gay rights,
abortion, expanse in govt spending and programs are the "commandments" 
that must be obeyed. Differing factions in the party cannot be found, they
keep a low profile, out of fear their political futures would be destroyed if 
they dared wander off the party's reservation.

On the Republican side, its establishment fights any effort to halt flow of 
cheap labor to the United States or halt flow of business interests offshore
and the jobs that go with them. There are factions, grass roots members
first elected in 2010, called the Tea Party, that delivered a majority in the House.

But the Tea Party's electoral success brought little else, including not being fully accepted by the establishment which runs the party. The 
collective wisdom of the party leadership determined this faction had 
to be neutered, and it was. 

Tea Party members did not receive the respect which normally comes with victories. Its eighty member caucus had little influence, important committee assignments were scant, public criticism by colleagues was 
common and little in campaign funding are some of the hurdles these 
new members had to endure.

In fact, if  any new members suffered a defeated the party leadership
would not even care,  and probably say "good riddance", even if it 
meant losing the majority!

To believe the Republican Party with its resources including more than 
70% of elected members in state legislatures, majorities in both chambers
of Congress, a Rolodex chock full of donors and lobbyists, will disband
is ridiculous.

The Republican Party is "too big to go away", but not too strong to not
be taken over!

The two "outsider" candidates are proving the right message resonates
now as it did with back to back mid term victories in 2010 and 2012. 

Across the country the grass roots are succeeding, and the establishment
within the party is filled with fear!

The Republican Party will not disappear, the political "stars" are aligned
for a takeover and a new "establishment" will arise, one that will adhere
to the party platform which includes Constitutional  limited govt. and 
fiscal responsibility as its primary tenets!

Someone needs to advise the political pundits! 

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

A thread Trump's critics refuse to pull on

When you read or listen to the critics of Donald Trump don't expect to learn anything new.

You will hear Trump is a narcissist, vulgar, racist, anti-this/anti-that, and so much more.
You will also hear insulting remarks about those who show up at his rallies.

What you will not hear is what he says that gained him the most votes in the Republican
campaign. Building a wall on our Southern border, no trade deals that send more American
jobs overseas, reducing taxes on the middle class, strengthening the military, freeze on refugees
from the Middle East, localize public education and fixing problems politicians only talk about

This is what he is saying that brings out the biggest crowds and won him the most primaries,
all omitted from the commentaries written to destroy his candidacy.

Consider his opponents, a strange mix of bedfellows. Long in the tooth Republican members of
the Senate, some who share similar disdain for Ted Cruz. Add to this the entire Democrat Party,
and its surrogates in the group and its offspring #Black Lives Matter.  Then we can
add the Republican establish consisting of the donors, lobbyists, so-called conservative media
darlings. And last, but never considered least, the Democrat controlled liberal media led by the
NY Times and Washington Post.

This is a formidable alliance that would destroy a lesser candidate.  But defeating a candidate is
a lot easier than defeating a movement.

The "thread" ignored is the appeal of Trump's message which is anything but what his attackers say it is.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hot Summer days of July are fast approaching!

This July in Cleveland and then Philadelphia the two major political
parties will put on their 'pageants", their conventions, to choose
their presidential nominees.

The battles will be no ho-hum affairs, leading candidates Hillary Clinton
and Donald Trump have others nipping at their toes to stop them from being

But, more than the expected political infighting will be the protesters going
to both conventions scheduled one week apart.

But, these may not be traditional protestors that normal law enforcement is
able to control.  This July the people protesting at the conventions will be
"anarchists" deployed to disrupt both conventions.

We have seen them come out in force at Trump rallies using his over the top
bombast to justify their efforts to shut them down going over the line of our
First Amendment protection. 

Anarchists are nothing new, they have always been around, do intended destruction,
than go away. Only today they have more muscle, financially backed, professionally
organized and will be a force that civilian authorities may be unable to control.

Those old enough to remember protests at the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago
know what can occur. But, 2016 is not 1968. It can be much worse.

In 1968 there was strong justification to protest, the issue was an undeclared war
in Vietnam that cost 56,000 lives. And the protesters were not anarchists, simply
anti-war citizens protected by the Constitution.

Today, the protest is against free speech, not an unpopular war. Nor do anarchists
have regard for the Constitution which they will ignore when it suits them.

There is another stark difference between 1968 and 2016, the neutering of law
enforcement by civilian authorities. We can no longer expect law enforcement to
protect citizens and property as we once did.

In recent years police have been instructed to restrain from confronting protesters
and let them "get it out of their system". If Trump is the nominee it will not be a
surprise if property damage occurs as well.

In 1968 Chicago Mayor Richard Daley had cops confront and even beat protesters which
nearly destroyed the city and ended his political career. This was how Chicago was 'governed". Don't expect confrontations like this in Cleveland where Republicans
will hold their convention.

Aside from the difference in law enforcement, protests this year can be much worse,
groups are efficiently organized with social media driving an anti-American sentiment.
They are bolder and antagonistic seeking confrontation!

I don't think it will end pretty.  Cleveland can become Ferguson and Baltimore  times ten.

The real message Black Lives Matter is delivering!

"Black Lives Matter" offers a message our country should not ignore and its not
the one its organizers want us to respond to, that law enforcement targets Blacks.

The message "Black Lives Matter" is delivering, even if it does not realize it, our 
country failed poor Black communitiein ways which need to be addressed now.

The problems are well documented; the worst neighborhoods, the highest crime, 
drug use and unemployment rates, the worst schools, the most fatherless homes,
the most unwed mothers and the highest rate of abortion.

Its clear govt. has failed, not doing anything meaningful to improve conditions which
led to these tragic and disturbing statistics. Its only solutions govt. are spending
money and implementing untested programs, which fail time and again.

The only visible result has been the creation of a govt. 'industry' administering dozens
of programs by thousands of workers whose livelihood depends on  ensuring Black
communities stay exactly as they are, poverty stricken and  dependent.

Of all the issues to address, I would select abortion first!

No other issue devalues human life as abortion does. And the last thing we want young,
mostly under-educated people, no matter their race, to believe is lives, even the unborn, 
have  no value. THIS is the REAL message "Black Lives Matter" is delivering that few are

We see no internal outrage from Black groups towards 40% of abortions performed on 
Black women, three times the percentage of Whites? Have community leaders resigned 
themselves this is the way it is and forever will be?

Judging by their leadership, the answer sadly is yes No visible leadership is working to
reduce the number of abortions or increase the number of  adoptions. They prefer to
have Planned Parenthood decide how many Black babies will be aborted each year!

The Congressional Black Caucus should do more to reduce the number of abortions,
but there is  little evidence they are.  In Black communities its the clergy fighting this
battle with support from Pro-life groups across the country working to stop the lawful
"genocide" which has taken the lives of over 20 million unborn Black children.

While CBC members refuse to join the fight to reduce the number of abortions rest
assured they'll attend the next  "Black Lives  Matter"event.

This is the battle "Black Lives Matter" should fight, if it really believes Black lives do matter! 

Its time the Republican Party adhered to its own platform!

The American people have been conditioned to believe there is a distinct
difference between the two major political parties.  This false belief is due
to the antics of politicians who play to their constituents, not to principled

Yes, there is divide on some issues, but the divide is insignificant when it
comes to both parties common desire, centralized governance which limits 
the sovereignty of independent states and freedom of American citizens.

Both Republican and Democrat parties are quite pleased the many Federal
agencies born in the last fifty years and the tens of thousands of regulations 
imposed on citizens and business alike exist. Neither party makes any effort
effort to end the ongoing encroachment on the American people.

Democrats openly admit they want big government, so we cannot expect
them to demand such agencies be shut down. Large governance is in their

But, this argument can be made toward the Republican Party whose own
platform includes limited government and fiscal responsibility, yet no
effort to commit to its promise.

"He's Not Conservative", does it really matter?

"He's not conservative!" is the Republicans leaders warning to its base
electorate when a candidate fails to meet the party's litmus test.

Isn't this a bit silly when you consider the countless issues and the 
diversity of  the American electorate of which half don't fall into the 
conservative category.

Since the Republican Party often reminds us of it unwritten requirement,
perhaps we should look at what the loyal opposition, the Democrat Party, 
use to measure its candidates.

First, Democrats rightly understand a label does little good, and attacking 
the opposition provides greater political gains. This is why you will never 
hear its leadership pronounce "He's not a Liberal!" to ward off a candidate! 

Democrat do have a litmus test for serious candidates, but its based on issues,
with the campaign strategy of appealing to groups. Republican approach the
electorate as individuals. Both strategies have been successful enough that 
neither party will abandon its approach to the electorate.

But, if our nation is about 50-50, liberal/conservative, does it make sense to 
promote conservatism, even in primaries?  Yet, this is what the Republican 
Party has done ever since Ronald Reagan won the presidency, even though
the party refuses to govern as conservatives!

Until the Republican Party accepts the fact "conservative" will turn off a 
significant percentage of the electorate it will always struggle to get over 
the 50% threshold required to win national elections!

"Point of View"  Blog, Series of commentaries, 
welcome to add feedback on blog or via email,

Friday, March 18, 2016

Conservatism, snakeoil poured down our throats!

The latest warning coming from Republican Party leadership dissatisfied with Donald
Trump's success is that he is not a conservative!

Stop the presses, is this really news? Or, more importantly, does this really matter?

Foolishly, the clueless Republican leadership and its donors think it does matter,
believing we will continue to be fooled.

Republicans have gained a lot of political capital on the word conservative. The party
now has more state legislature majorities then it ever had, 70 out of 99 states
chambers, more than half the governor-ships, majorities in both chambers of Congress
thanks to labeling itself "conservative".

But a label is meaningless if performance does not prove its validity.

And since the Republican Party want to remind us what Trump is not, its equally
appropriate for us to know what the party is, and based on its performance, it too,
is not conservative!

Republicans cannot speak about limited governance while allowing govt. to grow with new programs, agencies, regulations and legislation.

The party cannot speak about independent states while mandating states submit to
Washington or lose rightful federal funding.

Nor can the party preach conservatism while it continually approves annual deficit budget
and increasing national debt each year.

If this is conservatism....than dictionary definition needs updating.

"Point of View"  Blog, Series of commentaries, 
welcome to add feedback on blog or via email,

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Let's have the hearing for SCOTUS appointee!

With the sudden death of Antonin Scalia, a dormant issue will be center
stage in this presidential election year, selection of the next Supreme
Court justice.

Cutting right to the chase, President Obama wants his nominee Merrick
Garland to get his rightful confirmation consideration by the US Senate
while its Republican leadership says it would not consider an appointment
in an election year which both parties at different times have stated.

There are merits in both opposing viewpoints. But, perhaps its more
important the Senate have the hearing now, as it would be highly visible
and allow the public to see serious Constitutional issues discussed.

A confirmation hearing in an election year provides the public the
opportunity to learn about issues which have come before the court
candidates running may not want to campaign on, but should be
questioned about.

There remains a wide divide among Americans, especially on social
issues. And, even though many of them were already decided by the
court and are considered "settled law", they are not settled in the
minds and hearts of Americans with sincere beliefs.

Supreme Court appointments are not simply a matter of hiring another
govt. worker it is the most valued position a person can hold as decisions
can be life altering.

So, we should have the confirmation hearing, the American people deserve it!