Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Three "Ps" of American Governance!

The relationship between political party leaders and elected
officials is sometimes difficult to understand, at least to me.
Often there is a bond between them that leaves rank and file
members on the sidelines. 

Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, you should
expect elected officials to follow the beliefs of their respective
party and the oath of office they hold.

You also should expect party leaders to represent the party
and its members first and elected officials only when they
support the party.

Unfortunately, too often this is not the case, and often splits
the party from its members.

Party leaders and elected officials need to be guided by the
"Three Ps" rather than political consultants.

The first is 'platform', the foundation created to be strong
enough to endure no matter the challenges confronted.

Second, are 'principles' elected representatives are expected
follow in the execution of their duties and relationship with


Third, are the "promises" party leaders and elected officials
are both expected to keep in accordance with their respective
platforms and principles.  

When the American people can be confident political parties
and elected officials adhere to the Three Ps", then they can
begin to use a fourth P, "PRIDE" when discussing governance!

ajbruno14  gmail