Sunday, July 31, 2016


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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Can the "Clinton Machine" be stopped?

The "Clinton Machine" was around long before Donald Trump
decided to run for the presidency.

Upon leaving the White House America's most powerful couple
went into high gear. The favorite son of Arkansas had no plans
to return home, aside from dedicating his presidential library.

The Clintons immediately set up stakes in New York so Hillary
could easily win an open Senate seat.

Hillary became "Mrs. Inside" settling in at the other end
of Pennsylvania Ave. and Bill was "Mr. Outside" becoming
a globe trotting dervish, having both 'bases' covered. 

Not satisfied with the spoils from eight years in the White House,
they wanted more, so much more to gain and they would!

They created the 'Clinton Foundation', their effort to "give back"
and spread the word how others could too.

The foundation's unwritten credo without illumination on its
website; anyone or any nation can be guaranteed access to
Washington for tribute to their charity. This was 'one stop
shopping', gained with a check payable to the "Clinton
 Global Initiative".

Hillary would use her elected position to receive donations
from Washington lobbyists and Bill traveled the world seeking
contributions to their "charity", in return for access.

Despite failing in her first attempt to win the presidency
and no diplomatic experience, proven tragically a few years
later, she was able to secure the second most powerful
position in our government, Secy. of State.

The 'shingle' on the door of her office made it clear, federal
grants were available, most suspiciously to countries that
contributed to their foundation.

Jefferson's warning of "foreign entanglements" was ignored by
the "Clinton Machine" who preferred to parlay their notoriety
to the max. 

Since leaving the White House in 2000 "dead broke" as
Hillary is quoted, the couple amassed nearly $200 million
putting them in the same wealth bracket of the Hollywood
set which have fawned over them since they first arrived
in Washington!

With a dutiful media carrying her water, Hillary will have
no difficulty avoiding scrutiny. The media always favored
the Clintons and Hillary is so close to grasping the gold
'key' to unlock the the White House door they will do little
to stop her.

The media has always treated the Clintons as celebrities
rather than politicians, sugarcoating everything the couple
did, and only offering bland reporting on the breaches of
the law and the public trust.

Hollywood too remains loyal, becoming the longest lasting
groupies of any politicians! The Clintons could do no wrong
and any opponent was undeserving of respect, only insults
and ridicule.

But, the "Clinton Machine" is only the tip of an even more
dangerous iceberg, the corruption of American governance,
which often appears treasonous, selling out our country
for "globalization".

The  Clintons are globalists and have their expected supporters,
globalists of all political stripes. All want globalization and
promote a 'world economy', no matter the evidence American
workers would be hit the hardest.

This is the unreported strength Hillary has, complicit allies, aligned
to defeat anyone who challenges her for the White House!

The challenge ahead of Donald Trump is monumental. No matter
how much he tries, no matter how well he is received by the
electorate, he will never break through this wall of resistance.

Trump's only hope are millions of grass roots voters, the people
he is the only one fighting for. He cannot depend on even American
corporations, their interests are 'bottom lines', not American
assembly lines!

In less than one hundred days we our next president will elected and
the direction our country will go determined.


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Friday, July 29, 2016

What you missed at the Democrat National Convention

This was quite a convention for the Democrat Party, filled with everything
a loyal Democrat could ask for. The four day affair was filled with historic
firsts, nostalgia for bygone days, drama, and the unexpected.

This was the conclusion of the 'coronation', the end of the eight year journey
for the first women to be nominated to be their candidate for the presidency!

Even before the event began on Monday, it was preceded with a tradition
in political circles, a Friday 'document dump'. But, it was not the govt. doing
the dumping on a "slow news day", hopeful the media would not report it.

This time it was an independent source, Wikileaks, that released 20,000
emails showing coordination between the DNC-Hillary Clinton-Politico,
a news organization.

Wikileaks proved what Bernie Sanders said for over a year, the system was
'rigged' to keep anyone other than Hillary Clinton from being the nominee.
This created a firestorm, an embarrassment to the DNC, even before the gavel
opened the convention on Monday.

Immediately, the wagons were circled, a scalp was needed, and a deflection
from responsibility had to be found.

The circled wagons protected those who denied any collusion, the scalp was
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who had the thankless job of running the DNC
and being a firewall to ensure no one other than Hillary would be the nominee.
The deflection was not a video, that didn't work on the Benghazi coverup.
So some genius suggested Russia  and the DNC blamed Putin!

Unfortunately for the DNC Wikileaks denied this, as did Putin who was so
angry he mailed back the red 'reset button' Hillary gave him! The folly of
pointing to Putin, as if he wrote the emails himself!

Wikileaks also said more information on Hillary will be coming!

In any event, no matter where the information came from, the fingerprints
proved collusion to hurt Sanders did occur including racist and anti-Semitic
comments coming from a party which continually claims the higher moral

This story continued most of the week, overshadowing the DNC as much as
the media and Democrats tried to change the subject.

The opening night main speaker was the First Lady Michelle Obama. Unlike
Melania Trump, Mrs. Obama would not be accused of plagiarism.

The First Lady did provide a history lesson that is probably not taught in schools.
The White House was built by slaves!  This was not the first time she has said
this and must really trouble her  and why she often globe-trots around the world
with her daughters!

But, I was disappointed since she was giving a history lesson  but did not expound
further. She could have mentioned some items found in the White House, such
as the telephone invented by a Scotsman, light bulb by an American and radio
by an Italian. A lost opportunity.

Now to the nostalgia, which older Democrats may remember if they attended
the Chicago convention of 1968 and appreciate with tears in their eyes. The
event was the traditional flag burning by protesters who were rallying behind a
wall (see, walls do work) on Monday. In fact the only flags to be found were
in the parking lots, in  flames! None could be found inside the venue!

The protesters were protected by law enforcement, well known by the Black
Lives Matter delegates as pigs.

The omission of flags on the opening night must have been an oversight because
Tuesday flags did appear, thanks to the always reliable FedEx!

As with most conventions, there is an overall theme. In Cleveland the Republican
had nights dedicated to fighting terrorism and recognizing law enforcement.

It was a little different in Philadelphia. The DNC wanted to recognize the families
of  Blacks killed by law enforcement, which I believe it was a dozen. I understand
the DNC not recognizing the families of Blacks murdered, but not by cops. If this
was attempted the stage wasn't large enough to hold 2000 families.

The DNC went on to tally the delegates and to no ones surprise Hillary won. As
is typical of Bernie delegates they got a little rowdy, even holding up signs "Liar"
(Did Trump supply them?)

But, Bernie came out and gave a rousing endorsement of Hillary, but oddly
mentioned Trump's name more!  This was his swan song and singing it as
he leaves Philadelphia he was carrying a boatload of bucks, the remainder
of his campaign stash.  And, given the lax Senate rules he can do almost
anything  he wants with it. Perhaps, he'll join Charlie Rangel with a place
in the islands!

But, surprises were still at hand coming from Bernie. After getting a good
night's sleep he woke up and made another decision, to leave the Democrat
Party. How's that for appreciation!

Then after the "people of color" evening we got see why Hillary chose Tim
Kaine for VP, he speaks fluent Spanish. This will go well when rallying
voters who do not speak English, which as I remember is a requirement
for citizenship! Oh well, just another detail to ignore, like not using a
personal server for official business!

Next theme, illegals, those people screwed by their home countries, who took

great risk coming to America.  Their children became known as 'Dreamers'
which is interesting, because their dream has been a nightmare for young
Americans, mostly Blacks, who cannot find jobs!

But, illegals are the next 'constituency' needed to keep the Democrat Party
doing what  it does so well, looking for victims, registering them than
failing to deliver campaign promises and pointing elsewhere!

On this theme night we learned Hillary wants all the 10, 15, 20 or whatever
million number of illegals now in the country to receive amnesty.

Of sanctuary cities that flaunt federal law, Hillary, the  carpetbagger who moved
to New York to begin her political career, would say, "Forget about 'em".

There was brief mention of law enforcement on the next night with the opening
pray from a uniformed officer. Deferring back to nostalgia, she was booed!

In fact, some of the delegates were offended law enforcement in the venue
wore their uniforms!

There was mention of education and naturally an attack on Trump University,
even a young woman who was not pleased.

For some reason the center piece of global education, Common Core, never
was mentioned.  Perhaps it was due to the fact the largest representative group
of delegates, teachers, are against this creation of the education "industry"
funded by Bill Gates!

I also could not understand why the Clintons did not mention the work they were
doing furthering education. Maybe it was due to their shyness.

Did you know Bill Clinton worked tirelessly for Laureate University as its
Chancellor, paid $16.5 million for two years. But this was money well spent
as the university wound up receiving $55 million in State Dept grants while
Hillary was at the helm. I guess the fabled Clinton modesty kept this from being

In fact, while Hilary was running State Dept., more than 1100 foreign donations
were made to the Clinton Foundation. The coincidences are breathtaking!

There were other omissions by the DNC, such as the failure to put an accurate
face on the crime in Chicago or the terrorist threat from a former "JV" terrorist
group which is now getting straight As in advanced barbarism!

President Obama did remind the audience that Hillary Clinton is the most
qualified person ever to run for the presidency, but never told us what her
achievements were. 

However, when someone can go from being "dead broke" to parleying wealth
to almost $200 million, what else is there to say.

In fact, Hillary achieved another "first" she became the highest paid woman
author with an advance of $14 million. How great is that for a women who
had written only one book selling two million copies. Compare Hillary to
JK Rowlings of Harry Potter fame. Rowlings only got an advance of $8
million with books sales of 350 million copies!

I was disappointed Hillary was not joined on the stage by her brothers, Hugh
and Tony Rodham. Both have been highly successful.  It was rumored they
might be in the "witness protection program" for past questionable dealing.
Guess there is something in the Rodham kids  DNA!

While the DNC is heralding the first woman winning its nomination, there
is one final 'first', but not as flattering.

In December 1974 Hillary Rodman was the first, and only, member of the
Watergate commission who was dismissed for lying.

And, here we are 42 year later and we are still hearing Hillary being called a liar!

If per chance you would like to learn more, check out "Hillary's America" which
opened in theaters across the country!

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What were they thinking?

After the Republican Party won control of both chambers and
the governorship for the first time in over 100 years the party
sought to flex its political muscles, and did!

Under Gov. Pat McCrory long avoided tough choices were
made, especially while the state was still in a deep recession.

McCrory and the General Assembly took many steps which
led NC to rank ninth of best performing states by most economic

But, the new leadership did something else, they stuck their
hands into a dormant "beehive", awakening the colony, which
attacked McCrory with a vengeance ever since.

The "beehive" is Voter ID, important to Republicans who felt
the integrity of the process had been corrupted, and new voter
identification would strengthen the process.

As much as I believe it is important to have election integrity
I did not see the wisdom in  introducing Voter ID legislation
so early in a new administration, especially when the party
was victorious without tougher Voter ID laws.

I must say, in conversations with others, they disagreed with me.

For reasons I am unaware of, perhaps a campaign promise, McCrory 
and legislative leaders made it a high priority even though the
governor must have known what was coming.

North Carolinians need to understand our state has two influential
publications in Raleigh and Charlotte, the regions which have the
largest populations and often determine state wide winners.

The Raleigh News & Observer and Charlotte Observer dutifully
do  the bidding of the Democrat Party, and Voter ID was ripe for
the picking.  These "publications" have proven to be Democrat
propaganda instruments, not legitimate newspapers.

For the past five years both papers took on McCrory and General
Assembly, distorting the legislation and editorializing the alleged

Left leaning groups joined in,  protested at the capitol; the  ACLU
sued the state, appeals were heard, first upheld, now overturned.

The story:

The reason I felt it was too ambitious to seek Voter ID legislation
so early in an administration was the message it sent to the minority
community that has been lied to about the Republican Party for the
one hundred years since we last held the majority.

Republicans may have failed to appreciate the success they had,
changing history without  Voter ID! The party overcame whatever
real or imagined political chicanery might have been occurring!

Republicans have shown they can govern better than Democrats,
yet, as long as Voter ID is 'buzzing' around minorities will keep
the hardened views about the party, even if they are false.

Professional politicians should listen more to people outside the
sphere of political influence. If they did, there would be no reason
to ask, "What were they thinking?"

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Can Black communities be saved?

For years I have felt the biggest problem our country faces is not the economy
or world affairs, its the destruction of the Black family unit due to a form
of genocide within most Black communities.

Seventy-five million Blacks in our country are being subjugated, imprisoned to
a future of mediocrity, most confined in the shadows, beyond the reach of
opportunities and the prosperity which comes with them.

Imagine if the statistics used to measure the success of all Americans were found
in Black communities, rather than the failing grades in every category compared.

If there is a difference, there is a fix.

We have learned what has not worked, billions spent and new programs implemented,
have only produced anemic results at best.

Three things would make it possible for Blacks to do as well as other Americans.
Paramount are two parent families, quality education and competitive incomes.

This should be no surprise, all mentioned time and again as politicians convene
to discuss the failures in Black communities.

But, knowing what the problems are is easier than fixing them, success is too
often, out of politicians and bureaucrats reach.

For four decades we have seen many Black communities destroyed, with an able
assist from Blacks themselves who often made bad choices, many feeling helpless
while some took the path of crime, not unlike any groups of Americans throughout our history.

We have seen education diluted, with emphasis on 'diversity', not learning math,
history and other subjects to develop their minds.

We have seen men leave their woman and children. And no matter the reason, efforts
must be made to get them to return. Walking away from important responsibilities
may lighten his burden but makes his family's that much heavier.

We have seen young girls encouraged to abort rather than save a life, as 70% of
the 320,000 Planned Parenthood abortions annually are performed on Black females.

Equally disheartening, with more than two million families awaiting adoption, PP
assisted in only 1100!

We have seen inferior public education lead to equally inferior job prospects.

All of this can be seen in community 'petri dishes' created by our govt. that
no person should have to live in. Yet, THIS is what we have done to the Black

Nearly half of the 80 million Black Americans remain in captivity, and of the
ones who achieved middle class success, 30% of a population of 14% work for the

Can this dangerous and divisive trend be reversed before it gets worse, fermenting
into nationwide anarchy?

The answer is not yes or no.....the answer is, it must!

It can, but not by relying on the same politicians introducing new legislation
or the same  bureaucrat implementing a new program or adding new regulations.

The communities themselves need to take control, create communities board, with
a life line to families in distress, provide the 'parenting' and outlets for kids
going astray.

The community school must revisit what kids are being taught each day, measured
on the value to the child, learning the building blocks to be ready to graduate
prepared for higher education or hired in a desirous profession.

Lastly, community leaders MUST demand the political, weak drug war must be won.
For no matter what else is done the crime in Black communities is due to drugs.

Govt. must win this battle. If note, whatever else we do...will be meaningless.

The subject, "Can most unlikely person save Black community?"  No one may appear
more unlikely.  Not a politician, not Black, not a believer in bureacratic solutions,

There needs to be a guiding hand, one that views the problem from the perspective of
the Black community who had little voice and even less an understanding of the damage
the 'best intentions' of govt. can do.

The most hopeful sign is seeing Black students departing the education incubators
to attend charter and non public schools. 

and perhaps Donald Trump can be the catalyst

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Can most unlikely person save Black community?

For years I have felt the biggest problem our country faces is not the economy
or world affairs.

I contend the destruction of the Black family unit is a form of genocide that
needs to be addressed or the 75 million Blacks in our country will be subjugated
to a future of mediocrity, with the majority living in the shadows, out of reach
of opportunities and prosperity.

Imagine if the statistics used to measure the success of all Americans were found
in Black communities, rather than see failing grades in every category in comparison.

Three things would make it possible for Blacks to do as well as other Americans. These
are no surprise, but all have been elusive, no matter the billions spent and programs implemented, positive results have been anemic at best

What I find to be paramount are two parent families, quality education and competitive incomes. None are not out of the question, only out of reach.

For four decades we have seen many Black communities destroyed, with an able assist from Blacks themselves.

We have seen education diluted, with emphasis on 'diversity', not adding or subtracting
two numbers in their heads.

We have seen men 'encouraged' to leave in an environment which makes walking away from responsibilities more desirous than "manning up'.

We have seen young girls encouraged to abort rather than save a life, as 70% of the 320,000 Planned Parenthood abortions annually are performed on Black females.

Equally disheartening, with more than two million families awaiting adoption, PP assisted
in 1100!

We have seen inferior public education lead to equally inferior job prospects.

We have seen all of the above in a human petri dish created by our govt. that no person should have to live in.  Yet, THIS is what we have done to the Black community.

Nearly half of the 80 million Black Americans remain in captivity, and of the ones who achieved middle class success, 30% work for the govt.

Can this dangerous and divisive trend be reversed before it gets worse, fermenting into nationwide anarchy?

I think it can, and perhaps Donald Trump can be the catalyst

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email "Point of View" blog

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Limited Government, the war has been lost!

Political parties enjoy telling anyone who will listen what they stand for.

Democrats were proud of being Liberal until the word went out of
favor, switching to Progressive, considered more palatable.

Republicans preferred to promote conservatism, christened by its
'godfather', William F. Buckley, and came into prominence under
President Reagan.

Conservative and Progressive do not work well together, it is a
constant tug-of-war, between citizens and independent states and
the national government.

Conservatives believe government should be limited and reigned
in when abuse replaces service. Progressives believe there is no
problem too small that government cannot or should not tend to!

Since 1980 there have been five presidents, two Democrats, three
Republicans, serving nine terms. During the thirty six years of these
presidencies our national government has grown each year, no matter
who was president or which party controlled Congress.

New laws were passed an average of 2000 per year while new
regulations were enacted at a rate of 1000 per week, for thirty six

There is no doubt Progressives have won the battle no matter what
Conservatives attempt to convince us. Anyone suffering from the
delusion we are a conservative country that favors limited government
needs a reality check.

Conservatives like the "trappings" as much as progressives! 

Democrat presidents, Clinton and Obama relished the opportunity
to expand government, this is what progressives do. For them, its
mission accomplished!

Republican presidents, Reagan, Bush-41 and  Bush-43 may not have
relished expanding government, but they did it too!  It wasn't mission
accomplished, it was conservatism shanghaied!

Under five terms of conservative Republican presidents our government
has grown, in size, burdening states, costing taxpayers.

How did this happen? The first clue came in 1988, with Bush-41 went
back on campaign pledge, "no new taxes" when he agreed with Democrats
not only to raise taxes but also signed Democrat legislation guided by
progressive desires, expanded governance.

A poignant example occurred under George W. Bush, the self described
'compassionate' conservative. If you did not understand what he meant
by compassionate, it is the antithesis of conservative.

A conservative Republican representative describes what he saw first hand:

"As the Republican Party is a party committed to limited government, 
George W. Bush had a different vision, and that vision resulted in education
and welfare policies that have increased the size of government."

This Congressman opposed both Bush's Medicare drug benefit plan and
education initiative, 'No Child Left Behind" Act, stating "I was concerned
that the ship of conservative governance was veering off course into
dangerous uncharted waters of big govt. Republicanism"

Note: Medicare expansion added burden to states, and No Child Left Behind
was a failure, recently replaced with another program.

This conservative Congressman quickly learned the difference between
a conservative and a compassion conservative.

BTW, this Congressman is Mike Pence, now governor of Indiana, and on
the ticket with Donald Trump.

Those who profess to be conservatives will continue to campaign about
"limited government", promising the size of the national government would
not grow under a congress and president with these credentials.

But, at every juncture since Richard Nixon who incidentally created OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) ,MSHA (Mine Safety and
Health Administration) , NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) , , "self-professed"
conservatives presidents and Congresses have failed to reduce or even limit
government growth.

The only hope conservatives have since the battle for limited government
has been lost is to demand Congress and Federal agencies raise the levels
of effectiveness, efficiency and competency!

Kaine predicts Republican "mutiny" American workers!

Its less than a week since Sen. Tim Kaine was selected to run with Hillary Clinton.

On Kaine's resume is his ability to speak fluent Spanish which I am sure will serve
him well crisscrossing the country campaigning to people who do not speak English!

Today, Kaine said within first 100 days of a Clinton Administration, they will pursue
a bill to legalize illegal immigrants. He went on to say Speaker Paul Ryan would lead
the GOP to embrace legalization, adding Ryan and other leaders understand if they 
want a future for their party they must work together to find a solution to this”

I always appreciate the opposition party being concerned about my party's future. Only
thing missing are the crocodile tears!

When Kaine says they need to "find a solution" he means amnesty for the millions who
broke the law, no other solution will be considered!

But, Kaine is saying so much more.  He has telegraphed what the Democrat Party has
become and saying the Republicans must too. Forget the individual or one nation under
God, a name which troubles many Democrats.

Democrat Party is a party of groups, "people of color", gender, proclivities, and any such
group it ordains based on its ability to capitalize on the distinction!

Candidly, there are some Republicans leaning toward's Kaine's view. These are the "self-
preservationists', masquerading as representatives. They could care less about America's
'tomorrows', it is their todays they care about.

Knowing this Kaine is once again raising the political amnesty flag that Donald Trump
lowered when he began his run for the presidency. Trump was bold enough to say illegal
immigration has cost Americans jobs, despite the claims by business interests illegals are
good for our economy, indifferent to 30% unemployment of young unskilled American

Kaine believes the Republican 'spine' which was toughened by Trump will turn back into
jelly if Hillary is elected.  And, based on the history of dealing with the immigration
issue he may be right.

Trump gave the Republicans the confidence to stand firm for the American workers, not
the US Chamber of Commerce whose members "bottom line" is more important than which
workers are on the bottom of the labor ladder!

There are many important issue voters have to wrestle with but none is more important
to American workers than being able to earn a living!

Consider which candidate bests serves American workers.

If you'd like to add your comments, go to link

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Missing from the DNC email scandal!

The news media jumped right on the story when WikiLeaks dumped
20,000 emails showing communications within the DNC to undermine
Bernie Sanders' campaign.

Naturally, such a story could not be reported without some connection
with Hillary Clinton, which we also learned this weekend.

Do I believe collusion exists between Hillary and DNC to hurt Sanders?
In a word, absolutely!

The drumbeat all weekend was about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
being behind the embarrassing emails. Debbie resigned and became
one more symbol of  'collateral damage' that follows on so many
occasions when there is a connection with the Clintons, no matter
their 'fingerprints' cannot be found!

But, one angle I only heard once was a connection between Politico,
a political-journalism organization and the DNC.  Its reporter agreed
with DNC to withhold story about Hillary Clinton's fundraising machine
before he submitted to his editors, which came to light by WikiLeaks.

Story on:

To me THIS is the story. We already know the poisonous environment
political parties exist in. And even though its well known most journalists
have partisan leanings what Politico did needs to be illuminated and its
credentials taken away!

What Politico did should not be a surprise. With the explosion of social
media, led by Facebook and Twitter, many 'journalistic' organizations
have sprung up.

As a political junkie, I especially frequent Twitter.  I follow and
followed by several hundred organizations and individuals from
news, sports, and other interests.

I say this to bring to light what I have seen first hand, the "journalists"
attack on Donald Trump by Politico @politico, The Hill @thehill ,
Huffington Post @HuffPostPol and Media Matters  @mmfa ,
Daily Kos @dailykos , Mother Jones @MotherJones
(Sure there are more)

Review what they spew out day after day, and determine for
yourselves if its 'journalism'.

I offer this not to defend Trump, but to let you know the ratio of
negative stories on him pale with the 'soft gloves' approach to
Hillary Clinton.

Will this fraudulent attempt to pass off as journalism be stopped?

Probably not, but at least it should be exposed!

You are welcome to add comments at this link:

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Moving "deck chairs" might be good first step!

If you followed Congress for the past 3-4 decades you probably reached
the same conclusion, cemented by polls of 10% favorable, it is broken.

But, how many of researched into the bowels to see what is preventing
Congress from doing a better job so the public's view of it will improve.

I did and found many areas where improvements can easily be made, but yet
to find any evidence serious efforts have been made.

As I looked at the mechanisms, the rules, the protocols, the influences;
I found the reason a 10% favorable opinion is deserving!

The members of Congress don't have a chance to serve responsibly! 

Begin with 'factions', which from the very beginning have fractured Congress'
ability to represent the people as the institution was designed and written
into the Constitution.

"Factions' are commonly known as political parties. We have two, Democrat
and Republican that jointly govern, 'ruling' with little concern for the
citizens they periodically pander to stay in power.

Although we are governed by this two-party system, it should not mean the
two parties govern us! "We the People" must prevail!

If political parties weaken governance, what can be done?

We can start with the very first thing which occurs when members enter the
Senate and the House chambers. Dutifully each member takes his assigned seat
either to the left or right, depending on their party affiliation.

The very first thing they do is show allegiance to their party, not to their
state delegation or the people they represent!

Common sense and simple logic seems to have escaped the leadership that
considers this representative of the people!

The leadership should require members to sit with other members of their state
delegation. This simple, visible step binds them for the most important thing
they have in common, the citizens they represent in their respective state!

Changing the seating arrangement, the "deck chairs", translates into the first yet
simple way to demonstrate the commonality of representation.

This is a start.....more to follow....stay tuned....

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Where the right's pundits are wrong!!

The taste of sour grapes must appeal to these folks. I am speaking 
of some respected conservative thinkers, the list is lengthy and
includes George Will, Jonah Goldberg, Mark Levin, Eric Erickson, 
Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, and others.

Since Donald Trump began this most unorthodox campaign to win
the presidency he has been under attack beginning with the first
salvo coming soon after his announcement, calling him a "joke".

What struck me was a comment on the stage of the first debate.
One of his challengers referred to Trump as an entertainer, a
reality show star.

This remark may have played well for the uninformed, but one
look at the skylines of major cities shows the ignorance of
this person.

Not one of the challengers have done as much in forty years 
as Donald Trump, even with the highs and lows we all have.

Yes, Trump is not your typical, boring Republican candidate
campaigning on conservative promises and 'forgetting' them
when elected.

Yes, we have no idea if Trump will preside as he promised,
but this lack of assurance does not change the reality.

But, we do know what to expect from Hillary Clinton, more 
of the same, and reason she must be defeated. Anyone who 
believes she should be trusted is either delusional, .a 'pay for 
play' donor or just doesn't care about our country.

Nor do I believe not one of Trump's sixteen challengers would
be able to defeat her. Trump can and I strongly believe he will.
While the conservative 'thinkers' cringe at Trump's demeanor 
and over the top accusations, for the past year they have ignored
or dismissed what has occurred!

A person who has never been elected defeated a field that
collectively have been elected more than two dozen times
and used almost $200 million to stop him!

Trump has connected like no one ever, not even Reagan, whose
grace and likeability carried him to victory. But Reagan never had 
the vitriol against him as Trump has been getting for over a year!

Trump comes across as a New York street fighter, which he is.
He was a rich young man from Queens daring to do business
in the prejudiced Manhattan real estate market.

Trump knew 'they' may never accept him, but he also knew his
political contributions open the doors, including Bill and Hillary's.

But, in the political world Trump grasped something professional
politicians missed, and still miss as we are in the final stretch of
the campaign.

Trump realizes he does not need to "pay to play" as he once did. 
He sees his message is the currency for success, and  "spending"
 it all over the airwaves.

Others whine Trump gets too much air time. Silly! Trump never
refuses an opportunity to use the media, all the media, to speak
directly to the public, answer every question, challenge every
partisan attempt to destroy him..

Note: Hillary has avoided press conferences for over 200 days,
and only once left the safe cocoon of liberal dominated media
to appear briefly on Fox!

Other candidates could have done this, but preferred to go the
traditional and 'safe' route only to find themselves seated in the 
convention audience or licking their political wounds at home, 
as Bush and Kasich did.

So let the conservative 'thinkers' continue to criticize Trump,
not realizing every insult or criticism they make also reflects
on the millions who support him.

Like him or not Donald Trump is the one person who can keep
our country from having Hillary Clinton as its next president!

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

What do you do when war is declared on you?

If you listened to Newt Gingrich's GOP convention speech clearly describe the war 'radical Islamic terrorists'  have declared on the world, chronicling what has been methodically been going on for almost a decade, killing tens of thousands of mostly Muslims, you learned what most of American media has not been reporting.

If you did not, this is the transcript:
Points Gingrich made:

On Monday, an Afghan refugee in Germany used an axe and knives to slash and wound train passengers while shouting "Allahu Akbar." 

Last week, ISIS claimed responsibility after a Tunisian man drove cargo truck into crowd in  Nice, France, murdering 84 people,   including at least 10 children and three Americans, and injured over 300 others.

Two weeks ago, more than 300 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded in bombing  attacks in Baghdad.

Two days before that, radical Islamists in Bangladesh killed 20 hostages, including 3 American college students.

A few days before that, at the Istanbul airport in Turkey, ISIS attackers armed with guns and bombs killed 44 people and injured a few hundred more.

Last month, a radical Islamist in Paris stalked a French police officer to his home, where he  murdered the officer and tortured his wife to death in front of their three-year-old son, while streaming it all on  social media. He was pondering whether to kill the three-year-old when he was killed by police.

Two days before that, an attacker pledging allegiance to ISIS killed 49 people in an Orlando nightclub and wounded dozens more.

All this in JUST the past 37 days.

We risk growing numb to these accumulating atrocities.

One recent analysis estimated that since January of 2015, some 30,000 people have been killed at the hands of terrorists.

Donald Trump is right.

Yet, despite the evidence of the war, even within our own borders, President Obama is behaving as Franklin Roosevelt did in the 1930s,when he ignored the Nazi advances in Europe, only to join England after the fall of Eastern Europe and France!

In fact, Donald Trump's warning of caution are met by President Obama and Hillary as racist or any 'phobia' name they can conjure up.

This tells you all you need to know about how cautious Obama and Hillary are when it comes to protecting the American people, nothing else is needed.

The latest report from 

Ignoring more reports in recent weeks about Muslim “refugees” raping and attacking people in the U.S. and Europe, President Obama has ramped up his Syrian refugee program – delivering 625 to U.S. cities in one week and crossing the 6,000 mark for total Syrians who have entered the  country since October.

With a little over two months before the Sept. 30 deadline to fulfill his promise to the United Nations to resettle 10,000 Syrians, Obama has delivered 6,227 Syrian migrants to 38 states and dozens of cities.

That means more than 1,000 have arrived just since July 1.

Of the 6,227 total who arrived since Oct. 1, 2015, only 23 have been Christian and 10 Yazidi. All the of the remaining 6,194 Syrians, more than 98 percent, have been Sunni Muslim. That’s the same sect that makes up the ranks of ISIS, al-Nusra Front and other groups that are viciously persecuting Christians in Syria.

Michigan, California, Arizona, Texas and Illinois are the top five states for numbers of Syrian refugees received so far in fiscal 2016. These refugees are hand-selected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to be permanently resettled in the U.S.
graphic-syrian-refugees 2
The subject question, "What do you do when war is declared on you?"
We already have seen what Hillary will do, more of the same. Trump's promise is what catapulted him to win the nomination, a promise he intends to keep.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The "silver lining" that was the Iron Curtain

The following piece was presented on July 19th, less than one week back. 
Since then I learned of something to counter the 'anti-Trump' sentiments the
media is telling us about Donal Trump coming from Europe. Such fallacious 
charges were also hurled against president Ronald Reagan who was equally 
bold in stating exactly how he would address many issues.  I highlighted the 

Listening to Yugoslavian born Melania Trump speak opening night at the Republican
Convention brought back a thought I had about the European people who live in a
continent ideologically split.

In the West the 'trappings' of advancements have morphed many in France, Germany,
Italy and others into socialists, even if they do not recognize their leanings with an able
assist from the United States which stepped forward, doing the heavy lifting to protect
them, that may have been the root cause.

Even now the European Union does not have a security alliance, as its priority is economic
growth, such is the 'luxury' of knowing America will defend them.

In the East there were no trappings of advancements, only being 'trapped", in containment
behind an 'Iron Curtain' that divided Europe into two separate areas after World War II
by the Soviet Union, the conglomeration of aligned nations under Russian control.

I bring this up to show the distinction between Eastern and Western Europe, this 'split'
continent's view the world through totally different prisms!

This may well be the 'silver lining', for without being imprisoned behind the Iron Curtain
Eastern Europeans may have also fallen victim to government dependence rather than
desire the freedom and liberty America has always stood for, and Western Europe
succumbed to.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, symbolically seen when the Berlin Wall, built in 1961,
came down in 1989, Americans got a glimpse of people enslaved for almost fifty years.

We listened to Lech Walesa who led Poland after the Soviet Union fell. What he said
may have been in Polish, but it was equal to what Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry said,
freedom and liberty are paramount in any nation.

Eastern Europeans view the world as most Americans did when John Kennedy gave his
Inauguration Speech, that included the "Ask not what your country can do for you" line.
Yet, fifty years later too many American are demanding what the country can do for them.

Not so in Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary or even nations within the old
Soviet Union such as Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania. They do not want the governance
they see in Western Europe or the trapping of American dependence. They want what
our parents and grandparents wanted!

As some of us ponder what will become of our nation, deeply concerned their children
and grandchildren will leave schools poorly educated, unskilled so they will be unable
to earn an income to raise a family, they do not see a silver lining' to keep them encouraged.

Compound this with the transformation of America as  "people of color" become the new
majority, reported with glee by the media and White elitists, dismissing accomplishments
of  so many Irish, Italians, Germans, French, Scandinavians who contributed so much.

This is not to criticize any group, but to point to people who understand what it means to
be an American, even if these people are in other countries whether its Eastern Europe,
India or Asia.

Today I read of a first indication the "silver lining" can be seen asn Hungarian 
Prime Minister Viktor Orban suggested, going further than any leader in the 
European Union to back the Republican nominee Donald Trump.

It should be noted Orban built a barrier on Hungary’s borders to keep migrants 
out, and hailed Trump’s ideas to fight terrorism, especially now that Europe is 
“living in fear” after attacks in Nice and  Munich. Orban believes Europe had lost
its way trying to cope with its biggest migrant wave since World War II.

Orban said, “I’d never have thought that it would occur to me the idea that Trump 
would be the best choice for Europe and for Hungary.”

Today, we find most immigrants are of Hispanic origin and more than 10 million are here
illegally while there is an ever lengthening line of Eastern Europeans still awaiting the right
to migrate here.

It seems to make sense more immigration come from Eastern Europe and curtail bringing
in people from nations that has already blanketed our country with illegals.

Some may say this suggestion is 'racist', the "F-bomb" in such discourse. No matter,
nothing can change this view.

But, the merits of welcoming people from countries who understand better than even many
Americans what freedom and liberty mean can be the 'building block' to restore Kennedy
most memorable words!

Your comments are greatly appreciated, you may do so at this link

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Dr. Sandra Stotsky...fighter against Common Core

 Donald, Eric, Invanka,
Sorry for this last minute suggestion.

Here in NC we voted to replace Common Core two years ago. We were
greatly assisted by Dr. Stotsky, prof of English Lit, who helped develop
the Mass. public education standard, best in the nation.

Although it is last minute Dr. Stotsky is the perfect person to address how
Common Core was forced on the states and the flaws. As your Dad would
say it was "rigged".

Any criticism of Common Core was purged, states were threatened with
lose of committed education funds, reaon why 45 states adopted this untested

It is being pushed by the education industry...not pure educators. Even teacher
unions are against it.

Dr Stotsky is currently at Univ. of Arkansas, can be contacted through this link:

Again, it is last minute, but if anyone bring in such a superb advocate for our
children's education, the Trump campaign can.

I can be reached at 991 481 4538 to discuss further.

Anthony Bruno
Cary, NC

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

The sound of silence is deafening

What is occurring in our country is inexcusable, the assassination
of police officers.

What comes a close second is the 'sound of silence' from mayors
of towns and cities across our country.

From the beginning of the anti-law enforcement claims by Black
Lives Matter the media twisted its reporting to lend credibility
to the outrageous charge cops were killing Blacks, with intent.

Despite no evidence, this was the journalistic drumbeat heard time
and again. The lie that too many Americans believed to be true.

Now, about the 'silence of our elected lambs'.

When the false charges first rose I only recall two men stepping
forward to defend law enforcement, Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of
New York and Sheriff David Clark of Milwaukee!

I don't remember seeing any mayors of the largest cities speaking
out about the men and women who serve. Nor a single mayor of any
burb across the country whose towns are kept safe thanks to the
'cops on the beat'.

These are the elected officials quick to jump in front of backdrops
of blue uniforms when campaigning for office.  Yet, at a time the
'blue wall' to protect our communities need support they stand alone.

Is it any wonder that all too many people have accepted the LIES
about law enforcement when this shameful, spineless behavior is
displayed for all we see.

But, there is a silver lining that can be seen if we look closely,
out of the media spotlight.  It is the tens of thousands of people
who take a moment to walk up to a cop and thank them, to let
them know they have our support.

It is no surprise, when cracks in our society occur, the American
people can be counted on to lend support, no matter the direction
of the political winds.

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Despicable....but not surprising!

I'm never surprised with News and Observer editorials and associated
political cartoons, so the one below was met with a shrug.

Indulge me to make a point about the misinformation the N & O has been
reporting under the banner of journalism, the troubled relationship between
law enforcement and Black community.

Yes, there are problems, especially in crime ridden communities, but its not
as bad as is being reported.

Ever since 'Black Lives Matter' was spawned by the 'New Black Panther Party'
it had a single purpose, offer law enforcement as a threat to Black communities.
As untrue as this is, evidenced in excellent book, "War on Cops" by Heather Mac Donald,​ ​
and described on this link,, the media refused to report it. 

Most news agencies were perfectly comfortable giving angry protesters media
venues to make false accusations to fit a poisonous narrative. They relished
reporting the "fire in a crowded theater" when none exists.
The media knows full well law enforcement has no desire to kill Blacks, no matter
the circumstance that can create confrontations. But, why report truth when a
divisive issue can be propagated!

Black Lives Matter continues to turn lies into an issue, knowing  media will dutifully
 reports it, leading the drum beat of racial 'pot stirring' to inflame Black communities! 

Black Lives Matter has no interest in making communities safer, free of drugs, or add
quality schools and jobs.  Its law enforcement that gets attention, not the social issues
that cripples the spirit of easily persuaded and disheartened that consumes these
professional anarchists!

It is deliberate, made easier when a complicit media refuses to report the facts!

What could the media have done?

For starters they could have stopped the runaway train of misinformation before it
left the station, rather than watch it move across the country at breakneck speed,
beginning nearly  two years ago departing from Ferguson, MO in August, 2014
when Michael Brown was killed by a cop.

The media portrayed Mr. Brown as innocent, 'minding his own business' , when he
was shot. Not true, Brown attempted to get the officer's gun.

The media reported a LIE that hardened into truth that Brown was needlessly killed
by a cop, giving birth to the battle cry, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot", that became so
popular members of  the St. Louis Rams football team ran on the field with their
own hands in the air that even became a commercial bonanza for T-shirt makers!

To the facts, only two times Brown raised his hands, first when he was assaulting
a much smaller store clerk captured on video and second when he attempted to take
the police officer's gun when questioned on the street! THAT is what the media
never reported!! Again, this lie visually 'proven' on national TV became true.

Note: The police officer was exonerated, found not guilty.

Perhaps if the media fulfilled its obligation towns across the country would not have
been looted by rioters or more than a dozen cops assassinated!

This is the result of poisonous seed planted by Black Lives Matter. Fraudulent
reporting and political cartoons do more damage to Black communities and
whatever concocted stories about cops could ever do!

The attached cartoon is nothing to laugh about!

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

What the media will not report about Donald Trump...

Between now and election day tens of millions will be spent to destroy
Donald Trump, in order to elect Donald Trump.

But, I came across this story about him which you may be interested in.

With all the arrows directed towards him by fear-filled politicians, lobbyists
and status quo establishment, consider what this reporter has to say after
covering Trump for more than a decade.

Prior to hid 2014 venture in television positive stories about him are legion.

I know Hillary has been propped up on hyperbole rather than accomplishments.
We all know of Trump the builder, the deal maker, but read what he away from
the spotlight. 

Trump Does The Unthinkable

Liz Crokin

7/10/2016 12:01:00 AM - Liz Crokin
Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophobe, anti-Semitic and Islamophobe -- did I miss anything? The left and the media launch these hideous kinds of attacks at Trump everyday; yet, nothing could be further from the truth about the real estate mogul. As an entertainment journalist, I’ve had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I’ve never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could’ve potentially sold a lot of magazines and would’ve been a “yuge” feather in my cap. Instead, I found that he doesn’t drink alcohol or do drugs, he’s a hardworking businessman and totally devoted to his beloved wife and children. On top of that, he’s one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse.

In 2004, the first season of “The Apprentice” aired and at that time I worked as an entertainment columnist for the “RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune” and as a freelancer for “Us Weekly”. I had a gut feeling that Chicago contestant, Bill Rancic, was going to win the reality show. So I contacted him and covered the hit show the entire season. I managed to score an invite to New York for the show’s grand finale and after-party. This is where I first met Trump and got to ask him a few questions. That year, Rancic did win “The Apprentice”. I attended “The Apprentice” finale the next two years in a row. Between that and the frequent visits Trump and his family made to Chicago during the construction of their Trump International Hotel & Tower, I got a chance to meet most of his family too and I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with them. Since the media has failed so miserably at reporting the truth about Trump, I decided to put together some of the acts of kindness he’s committed over three decades which has gone virtually unnoticed or fallen on deaf ears.

In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill’s family farm after her husband committed suicide.  Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill’s pleas for help in news reports.
In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.

In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.

In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: “We’ve paid off your mortgage.”
In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach, Florida accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump “put the light on Palm Beach – not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination.” Foxman also noted that Trump’s charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.

In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl’s story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check.

In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson’s family members were tragically murdered in Chicago, Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump’s security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her family members were safe during such a difficult time.
In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life by convincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the hero bus driver a check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.

In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi after he spent seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn’t even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the United States Marine’s release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet.

In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she’s the “bravest woman, I know.” She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college.

Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending her boss against accusations that he’s a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she’s struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years. Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through “immensely difficult times.”

Trump’s kindness knows no bounds and his generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race and religion. When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help. Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he’d run for president. He said: “If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what’s happening with this country.” That day has come. Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help – how unthinkable!

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

The method of Black Lives Matter madness.....

Most thinking American already know law enforcement has no desire to
kill Blacks, no matter the circumstance which may create confrontations.
Unfortunately, they are not the ones the media run to whenever a Black
man is killed by a cop.  

You will not hear reports contradicting the lies that ferment long enough
to be believed the truth!  When the narrative is what the media wants
there is no reason to delve deeper to find the truth.

But, the truth is already in print, the "War on Cops", by Heather Mac Donald.

In decades of surveys of Black communities the issues are always education,
jobs, drugs,  crime, in no particular order.

Police shooting are barely mentioned, they only rise to the surface when groups
such as the New Black Panther party and its sibling, Black Lives Matter start
the drum beat of racial 'pot stirring'! Both are driven to create anarchy and
a racial divide!  

We need to understand why infrequent police shootings rise to the point of being
considered worse then every day difficulties so many poor minorities face. 
Black Lives Matter has no interest in making communities safer, free of drugs,
with quality schools and jobs. Its only law enforcement, not the social issues that
has crippled the spirit of  minimally educated and unskilled Blacks that consumes
our country's professional anarchists!
The reason is inescapable, its deliberate!

Consider where these  'protests' are held. Not in front of police headquarters
or precincts. not town halls, nor in front of the White House.

Protests are held where the public, mostly White, work. BLM prefers to
clog up the streets of working people in intimidating fashion. Protesters
have no interest in governing bodies even though elected officials are the
ones to address supposed racist policing.

BLM is deliberately avoiding the social ailments as this would reflect
on President Obama and his failing policies that have kept Black and
other struggling communities worse today than when he was elected.

As soon as Mr. Obama leaves office the real problems will be protested
for the next president to address.

The media could have stopped this runaway train of misinformation which
moved across the country nearly two years ago departing from Ferguson,
MO in August, 2014 when Michael Brown was killed by a cop..

The media portrayed Michael Brown as innocent, 'minding his own business'
when he was shot.Not true, he attempted to get the officers gun.

The media reported LIE hardened into truth that Mr. Brown was needlessly
killed by a cop, giving birth to the battle cry was "Hands Up, Don't Shoot",
which became so popular some members of the St. Louis Rams football
ran on the field with their own hands in the air and became a commercial
bonanza for T-shirt makers!

The only times Brown raised his hands was when he was lifting the much
smaller store clerk captured on video earlier and when he attempted to
take the police officer's gun! THAT is what the media never reported!!

Again, this lie visually 'proven' on national TV became true.

From this single lie across the country local communities are having
discussions on how to improve relations on a non-issue!

Several towns were torn apart with rioting and looting for what we
refer to as "journalism"!

This is the lunacy that has bloomed from a poisonous seed planted by
Black Lives Matter!

But, imagine how different things would be if after Ferguson President
Obama would have said Black Lives Matter is wrong, police do not
target Blacks. They serve today as is their duty!

Perhaps the assassination of two cops in NYC sitting in patrol car would
not have occurred, or the dozen other cops killed the past two years.

Black Lives Matter is achieving its goal, causing nationwide turmoil,
dividing Americans against Americans and not doing a damn thing for
Black communities!

But, the task is easy when spineless politicians and a complicit media
are such willing accomplices!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Democrats made a mistake Bill Clinton didn't in 1992!

There is a parallel between the 1992 presidential election and the 2016 one.

For those old enough to remember, in 1992 President George Bush was riding
high over the successful continuation of the Reagan initiatives, fall of the Berlin
Wall and defending Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq.

Leading up to the presidential election Bush was near 90% in polling.

Such outstanding popularity kept most Democrats from challenging President
Bush including Mario Cuomo,  Ted Kennedy, Dick Gephardt and several others.

Enter Bill Clinton, a little known governor from Arkansas, with little to lose and
much to gain as he raised his national stature.

Clinton was young, telegenic and great campaigner with an even greater strategy,
saddle Bush with weak economy and breaking his promise not to raise taxes even
though it was the Democrats who passed the legislation to do it!

The rest is History.

Now consider what occurred this year, with a twist. Hillary Clinton was definitely
going to be the Democrat nominee, there would be no serious challenge, proven
by none of the notable Democrats challenged her even though dozens of them
were successful governors or legislators, all more qualified and experienced as
Hillary' performance serving President Obama was dismal.

They message was clear, they "need not apply"! All Hillary had to worry about was
the Republican nominee!

But, Republicans, unlike Democrats, weren't fearful, as seventeen challengers sought
the GOP nomination. They may have believed it would be a long shot, but it did
not stop them. No such confidence was found among leading Democrat politicians!

The only thing that could have sidetracked Hillary was the 1000-1 long shot Bernie
Sanders who really wasn't running against her, he angst was against Wall St.

If Hillary falls the Democrats who decided not to run may kick themselves as I am
sure Cuomo, Kennedy and Gebhardt did as they watched Bill Clinton sworn in!

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