Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Why so fearful, O ye of little faith?" Let Trump be Trump!

Trump Supporters,
Matthew 8:26 comes to mind "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
when I read emails from several friends who are already discouraged with
some of the people President-elect Trump is considering for key positions
or what is being incorrectly reported that he said.

Soon after the election I wrote an "Open letter to Trump supporters" to
warn what was coming. I suggested we tune out media on Donald Trump
and the transition, there would not be one positive report or even a
"complement" that was not meant to undermine our confidence he would
be true to his word.

I urged you to let Trump be Trump, remain confident, even when we
disagree with his appointments.  Don't allow someone we disapprove of
taint our opinion of Trump. 

If you must check in what is occurring, seek direct communications
from Trump or Kelly Ann Conway. With more than twenty million
Twitter and Facebook followers he 'speaks' directly and unfiltered
with YouTube videos.

We voted for him on the solutions he offered, not what the media
reports he says. 

Watch his responses as the daily attacks keep coming at him.
'Racist' Jeff Session, Steve Bannon!  Trump stood behind both men.

'Nazi, Fascist about him', ignore it as he does.

'Connected with Alt-right', label to taint Trump. Disavowed no matter
how many times asked.

'Wide range of candidates for positions' Should we expect less?
You already know why you voted for him, but have you've given
thought of why Donald Trump ran? He did for the same reason
Ronald Reagan did.

Both men did not have to be reassured by Matthew 8.26, "Why so
fearful, O ye of little faith."

Neither man was fearful of the challenge, both had faith in the American

If Trump fumbles after he takes office than criticism is warranted
but for now, 'Let Trump be Trump'.

Gotta run....
its getting hot here in NC, think I'll go out and buy a CARRIER air conditioner!

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

A long awaited day for Cuban Americans to celebrate

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Hudson County, NJ,
a thriving community that benefited from being in the
shadow of New York City, across the Hudson River. The
ability to work in “the city” allowed many residents
to move to the suburbs, purchase homes with yards and
garages, a premium for many in Hudson County.

We are the generation whose parents and grandparents of
European heritage came at the beginning of the twentieth

Unlike many towns and cities which lost their vitality when
people moved to the suburbs, not so Hudson County. Towns
such as Union City and West New York would soon be blessed
with a "second helping" of what every yearning people desired.

As Fidel Castro took control of Cuba the United States opened
its arms to the Cuban people who desired to come here, many
moving to Hudson County.

There would be no ghost towns in Hudson County, but there would
be signs, "se habla espanol". And there would also be storefronts
with Cuban migrants rolling cigars as passerbys watched in wonder.
We would hear music from the island sharing the airwaves with the
Beatles and Beach Boys.

For those of us who only knew of the immigration from our parents
stories, we now saw it first hand. This was the America we read
about and now could see for ourselves.

Over the past sixty years Cuban migrants did as others before them
did. They started businesses, insisted their children get the
education they did not, entered politics at every level serving the
country as immigrants have done since our founding.

With the death of Fidel Castro millions of Cuban Americans are cheering
in the streets of Hudson County and other areas they live.

It should not take decades for the Cuban people who could not leave the
country to live as free as Cuban Americans do. Maybe Castro's death will
be the end of the tyranny.

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Eliminate the Congressional "aisle"

"Reaching across the aisle" is a time worn phrase used
persuade anyone who will listen the importance of both
parties working together.

The origin of the phrase, "across the aisle" comes from
the formality of opening each session of Congress where
members of each party sit together, separated by the
center aisle of their respective chambers, the House or
the Senate; Democrats on one side and Republicans on
the other.

Reaching "across the aisle" is a reminder to work with the
opposition party.

The unspoken message is this; party takes precedence over
state delegation, which I find troubling.

Is this really what the people who elect members of Congress
want? Is it really better for a member from NC to sit and
mingle with members from OH, NJ, or TX than with the
other twelve members of their delegation?

Wouldn't the people of NC be better served if their thirteen
member delegation sat together, no matter which party they
are in?  Isn't their single objective to serve the state, not
their party?

At a time when party loyalties have become toxic it would
be wise for their leadership to do what is best for the people
who elected them, assign seats by delegation, not party. 

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Special Blessing on this Thanksgiving Day

In my seventy years I have not seen what I have seen the past
few. It is the unreported story of the year, like none we have
ever seen before.

I hope the new year bring returns sanity to those who believe
that law enforcement is an enemy.

We can no longer allow cretins assassinate cops or politicians
undermine the only defense the public has against crime.

So, this Thanksgiving Day, add the cops you see as a Blessing
you are thankful for.

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Jeff Sessions I know....

This was expected. Democrats would attack every person Donald Trump
is considering to appoint.

There is no bigger target than Sen. Jeff Sessions who was the first politician
who not only endorse Trump but campaign for him for over a year and has
now been named to be the next Attorney General.

Those unfamiliar with Sessions might be easily convinced the vitriol is true.
I won't even dignify what was said, I'll let my experience answer the charges.

Four years ago in Washington I attended a protest rally  organized 
by the 'Black American Leadership Alliance' (BALA) which opposed 
amnesty and a Senate immigration bill which would have worsened
the state of our porous immigration policy.

The BALA event did not draw much of a crowd, which was a blessing. 
It allowed me to mingle. Most speakers were members of the Black 
clergy. Politicians of note were  Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Rep. 
Steve King, and also former Congressman Allan West. Not a Democrat 
could be found!

The crowd may have been about 500 , giving me the advantage to chat 
with  speakers. My interest was with the Black ministers. I asked 5-6 of 
them the  uppermost question on my mind, "what support are you 
receiving  from the  Congressional Black Caucus". All answered, none 
at all.

Here we have good men, who I am sure support the Democrat Party telling 
me the CBC has little interest in their concerns how illegal immigration has 
hurt their communities.
The story is on this link,
Don't expect this to come out in the media. No, the false narrative has
hardened to 'truth' as only partisan journalists can describe it!

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

What will the Democrats do next?

With the election over and the Republican Party 
now in control of two branches of government
attention is being paid to what the Democrat
Party will do next.

Since 2008, from decisive victories securing and
holding the White House, passing its agenda,
and adding progressives to the Supreme Court
the future looked bright for Democrats.

There was little interest in what was happening
in "fly over country" that voted for Republicans
in greater numbers than ever before.

Democrats had no interest in people who went
to bed early rather than stay up to watch late
night talk shows that often poked fun at what
was occurring between our two coasts. These
'early to bed, early to rise' folks do care about
how our country was being run and voted.

The forgotten heartland citizenry put the final
nail in the coffin of Hillary Clinton's presidential
ambitions and the hope her party would continue
the transformation President Obama campaigned
on and executed expertly for eight years.

Now is time for the traditional postmortem both
political parties do once they're dispatched from
elected offices.

Right now things look bleak as Republicans have
been winning majorities in either one or both
chambers of Congress from 2010 to 2016!

Even more impressive was the Republican success
in the states, now controlling 68 chambers of
legislatures and 35 governor-ships!

It is over, at least for the time being, since we
know the people's desires are often fleeting.

From what we have seen since Trump won the
election its apparent Democrats will continue
to use the same playbook which will confirm its
future prospects will be no more successful than
recent results.

This is not unusual, Republicans have done this
too, go to a failed playbook if its nominee lost!

Consider what the media is reporting; the party's
failure to get more minorities to the polls, next
Democratic National Committee chair will once
again be an elected official, find  a new "star' for
2020 and continue its 'rigged' primary system.

If this is what we can expect then Donald Trump
will be two term president!

The Democrat Party MUST change! It was defeated
not by the Republican establishment, it lost to grass
roots conservative voters who elected Republicans
across the nation and by Donald Trump, a billionaire,
the people's preference to every politician running.

Thia happened due to voters in the land mass of more
than 70% of country which receives little attention.

The forgotten 50% of our country who saw the problems
of America differently than the politicians did. They
wanted solutions, not political excuses, saw our
country differently than East and West coasts citizens
do, and voted to change a government that no longer
served all, only the entitled few.

They are tired of politicians only representing Wall St.
and Washington.

The pulse of our nation needs to be taken in all fifty
states not only areas calculated to provide political

Maybe this election will be remembered as more than
a victory for Donald Trump. It could be a victory for
everyone, even those who did not support him if the
political process returns to the obligation made when
our nation was founded!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Another Happy Day after Trump's election!

I am sure many of you do not read "Indy", the weekly
rag that refuses to see the Sun rising if a conservative
is in the area.

Indy, so valued its available free throughout Wake and
neighboring counties, went to press too soon to report
on the election and launch the expected attack on Donald
Trump. The paper was still hoping Hillary would win.

Unfortunately (for them) this was not to be. Donald
Trump won and he will be called president-elect Trump
until Jan. 20th.

But, this gave the editorial staff a week to undergo therapy
and ponder what to write in its Nov. 16th  edition.

And write they did!  There was so much to say the paper
even eliminated its weekly Meetup ADs so it could use the
entire paper to attack Trump, and even direct it readers
to safe spaces to get hugs!

These fine folks who live on the dark side had a week to
sharpen their editorial knives and go after Trump with
barrels of ink aimed directly at the Trump Tower.

This is the front page, an 'encouraging' sign for those who
remain traumatized that the American people would elect
Donald Trump.

Where Do We Go from Here?
Many contributors took shot at Trump's election. Blaming "dumb poor White
people" who voted for him, people who stayed home, the Electoral College,
and even Blacks who could have given the election to Hillary, but did not!

If you want to read some of the rants, this is the link:
One thing I did learn. "Indy", like the Democrat establishment still does not
understand what occurred. And judging by the conversations in the party's
inner circles they will 'rebuild' the party so it will look and perform the same
way it has, 'select; candidate, rig primaries and not treat its constituencies as

No matter the Republican Party controls over 70% of  state legislatures across
the country, a six election trend the Democrat refuse to acknowledge!

And, as Martha Stewart often says, "That's a good thing"

I have gone through the paper and came away almost as
happy reading the lunacy as I did seeing Trump elected!

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Unsung heroines of the conservative movement..

Most conservatives are aware of non-politicians on the front
line fighting for conservative governance.

We know of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage,
all with the most popular radio shows reaching millions
of listeners. They lead the parade of dozens of others.

But, less known are the many women who 'give no quarter' and
'take no prisoners' fighting for conservative principles as well.

The names are familiar, but often omitted in such discussions.
They write, appear on most media successfully doing battle
against the legion of liberal antagonists.

In no particular order I will mention Ann Coulter, Michelle
Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley, Star Parker, Mary
Katherine Ham, Liz Cheney,  Kelly Ann Conway.

This All Star team can hold its own against any liberal, man or woman!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The wisdom of the people...

Ever since California approval 'medical' marijuana in 1996
other states have approved its use, either for medical
or 'recreational' use, whatever this means.

Its the direction we are going, "if it feels good, do it"
without consideration of personal responsibiity!

Yet, I wonder if its wise.

There is little argument our children are less engaged
in what is important and more interested in whatever pop
culture discussion is going on.

Will the condoning of marijuana use take us to a place
we do not want to go?

Will we revisit the belief by many of the youth in the
Vietnam War era, to "turn on, tune out"?

There  are differing views about legalization, but there
is one thing both sides agree on, use must restricted
due to the undeniable side effects, a clear signal mental
capacity is diminished, evidenced when anyone 'intoxicated'
from smoking a "joint" confirms.

So, why do many state legislatures go down a road which
introduce problems no state should desire?

We know there is a political drive as nationwide groups
have been lobbying for legalization for decades.

We also know states love anything which would provide
more revenue, and legalization of marijuana does this.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Sanctuary Cities" Unite!

The recent defiance by Democrat run 'sanctuary cities'
should be no surprise. It comes right out of the post-
election playbook, under the chapter, "what to do
when Hillary loses".
The anarchy of 'spontaneous' protests after Trump's
victory was the first step, followed by divisive rhetoric,
the stock and trade of Democrats to keep their select
constituencies captive.
Now, we see the 'memo' was circulated to defy his
plan to close sanctuary cities.
We saw the Obama Administration threaten to sue the
state of Arizona which had the audacity to dare enforce
federal immigration law.
Will we see the Trump Administration do likewise to
cities which defy immigration law?
We know the power of the purse is a strongest hammer
but when used the innocent pay the highest price, not
the politicians who remain safe in the confines of the
cocoon which protects them.
I don't know what Trump's response will be, but I believe
the underestimating of Donald Trump will continue by a
perplexed media and a befuddled Democrat adversary.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

An open letter to Trump supporters

Trump Supporters,
I offer this unsolicited suggestion I hope you will consider.

Avoid any news about President-elect Trump between now and his

By doing so you will not hear speculation about who Trump will
appoint and the predictable criticism of persons being considered.

You will avoid hearing Trump's selections called anti-Semitic and
 'White nationalists' who want to divide the country.

You will also miss learning Trump's election was due to a "White-lash",
against minorities.

To elected Republicans I will add, avoid appearing on most media, the
game of "gotcha" will be in high gear to undermine transition.

Additionally, consider taking a few weeks off from attending church
or synagogue services as well to avoid the preaching of how divided
this country is due to Trump being elected.

You may want to even home school for a while, perhaps permanently,
to protect your children from the toxicity from educators who will
strike fear in them about Trump becoming our next president.

And, don't fret you will miss hearing of the initiatives which made you
vote for Donald Trump. You will not hear anything positive reported
on them either.

So, tune out news, there are so many more enjoyable things to do.

Thanksgiving is nearing so volunteer feeding the needy, start writing
Christmas cards early, take in some holiday movies, connect with
long distance friends to catch up.

Enjoy the holiday season so you will be well rested and refreshed for
Inauguration Day when Donald Trump begin to fulfill his campaign

If you take this will miss absolutely nothing, such is
the state of the news media.

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Priorities of the Trump Administration...

With so much to do, its hard to decide where to start.

Begin with protection of the country, not only citizens
but the undermining of our institutions.

1. Root out the anarchy and treasonous actions seen in
recent years disguised as civil disobedience. Fraudulent
and funded 'spontaneous' protests must be stopped with
legal action, even imprisonment, of those behind the
scenes that organize, pay and dispatch protestors.

2. The integrity of the elections must be restored. There
should be no doubt in eligibility of individuals who vote.
Federal Election Commission must create identificaition,
approved by Congress for all federal elections.

3. Restore integrity to the IRS by fairly reviewing
requests, such as non-profit status, disproportionately
refusing approval of conservative applications. Those
employees behind illegal discriminatory rejection must
be fired!

4. Justice Dept. must be overhauled to provide justice,
not "social justice' determined by quantifying ratio of
member of groups prosecuted, not guilt!

5. Convicted criminals who entered our country illegally
must immediately be deported once incarceration complete.
Additionally, sanctuary cities will lose all federal aid
for harboring illegals sought by federal authorities.

6. The "war on" mania must be replaced with successful
efforts beginning with 'war on drugs' and starting on
the Mexican border. This is the menace of drug cartels
from Mexico and Central America, where they can be
found, and need to be destroyed and quickly.

How bad is the problem....this map shows what the media
rarely reports


7. The Visa system must be improved, with the failure
of 9/11 the constant reminder of why. Better vetting
of those seeking entry, either to work or seeking
asylum. The risk is too great to not do this.

8. Require all foreigners who entered illegally to
register as "undocumented aliens" to be processed
for temporary worker status based on skills and
talent they can provide our country. If approved
they can remain for a determined period or deported
if not.

Theses are more than first steps, they are "leaps"
which were needed long before today.


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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bigotry from the Pulpit

This Sunday, the first since Donald Trump won the presidency and
protesters were dispatched to several cities across the country to
protest, I attended the service at Duke Chapel in Durham, NC.

As the deacon began his homily he said he wanted to share a letter
he wrote to his children. Before doing so he cited the fear which led
to protests.

He described the divide in our nation. He told the congregation what
he observed. He told of the "White Power" signs, and "Black Lives
Matter" over written with "White Lives" so those who listened would
know what he saw.

What the minister did not mention were the riots, flag burning, taunting
of police, "swastika" written under Trump signs, businesses shut down
and worse, pulling young Whites out of cars and beating them.

The minister also omitted telling his congregation of the buses bringing
people to select cities from coast to coast to initiate confrontation. This
was orchestrated anarchy, something not even Jesus would do.

There was no need to fully educate the congregation. After all, offering
 "Jesus" name throughout was enough to show his own "righteousness".

But, to showed his own bigotry! The minister like half the country
was disappointed with the election and he spent nearly ten minute beating
his drum of discontent over and over.

Not one word of Trump's promise to protect us from terrorism or creating
American jobs. The minister played the role of a Democrat surrogate
preaching the gospel of political divisiveness, "us vs. them".

He did read the letter to his children, telling them to have faith, believe in
Jesus and to not be afraid, but not one word of our wonderful country
and how we elect one person to lead all of us!

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Friday, November 11, 2016

The Unreported story of the 2106 election

 The unreported story of the election has been the failure of both
political parties. Each took two missteps and both shared one.

One party was severely damaged while the other was 'saved' thanks
to its unlikely candidate.

The Republican Party did what it always does, push the initiatives
of donors who spend tens of millions to see that only an establishment
(the party's choice) candidate is the nominee even when its at the
expense of American workers as occurs when it promotes globalism
and the desire to increase the size of government.

Fortunately, Donald Trump, the candidate committed to "true
conservatism", not  the lip service conservatism the Republican
Party promotes, won its nomination.

The Democrat Party problems are much worse, beginning with insulting
its members once again by "rigging" the process, for a second time.

In 2008 the first 'coronation' of Hillary Clinton was staged so she would
be the "first" woman president. The desires of the Democrat voters did
not matter, the party's establishment would tell them who its nominee
would be. All key groups were aligned, including the Congressional Black
Caucus. The donors were locked in and the Super delegates promised to
support Hillary.

Not one more experienced Democrat opposed her, only a single neophyte,
Barack Obama, who entered to make a splash, not win the nomination.
But Obama proved  to be the politician Hillary was not and won.

Although the party failed, it did claim the White House for eight years.

But, the lesson of the failed coronation was either missed or ignored.
Hillary would be the nominee once Obama would be gone.

This year was a replay of 2008. Again, no consideration of the desires
of its electorate, the Democrat establishment which failed in 2008 lined
up donors, told others they "need not apply", locked in Super delegates
to guarantee her nomination and even undermined the noble attempt of
strong challenger Bernie Sanders with collusion between Clinton and
the DNC!

All remembrances of 2008 were forgotten. No need to consider the
Democrat party members, the establishment would once again say
who their nominee would be.

I write this on Nov. 11th, two days after Hillary Clinton was dispatched
from the political scene. All that is left is a party which must face its
members and explain to them why their voice (and vote) do not matter!

Will the Democrat Party change? Probably not, especially since its members
are treated as groups of women, minorities, organization labor, teacher
unions, environmentalists, and any other cadre you can think of.

The burden of pleasing groups with different desires is much harder than
governing people with more in common interest.

The Republican Party may have learned what it takes thanks to Trump's
victory.  Be true to your platform, don't  compromise on principles and
do what your membership wants.

The Democrat Party cannot as long as it looks at members are viewed as
victims, consigned to groups dependent on government, rather than a
single constituency defined by what they have in common.

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Be not afraid my children

My grandchildren are teen, the three oldest voted for the first time.
I wrote to reassure them fears of students reported should never 
let them lose confidence in our wonderful country.

Welcome to share with others,

April, Devin, Kelsey and Nick,
I am writing after reading stories that many students, especially those
in college, are fearful for their future after Donald Trump was elected 
this week. Some schools are even offering counseling sessions for 
students deeply fearful.

This is disappointing coming from young adults who react as an eight
year old would. It makes me wonder why haven't parents or educators
not taught them life is not always what they want it to be. I hope this
is not the case with you.

There is no reason to be afraid, even if  you  are disappointed.  In my
life I have been disappointed with elections at least half  the time but
I was never fearful of the person elected even if I disagreed.

I always knew our country keeps moving forward, responding to
whatever challenges as we always do.

Rather than try to convince you Trump was a good choice, I will
tell you one thing he will do, improve the lives of tens of millions
of Americans!

But, first I want to caution you about what you see on TV, the
protests  in several cities against Donald Trump. You are smart
enough to see that a bunch of people don't just happen to be in
the same place at the same time in different parts of the country 
and all had the same idea.

These protesters are not independent or 'spontaneous', they are
a 'team' that responded to social media commands to go to 
designated locations in selected cities to create an illusion, not
an honest and respectful protest. Listen to what they are saying,
they often repeat one another.

Now about Donald Trump. Forget what others are saying about
him, understand his core message. He wants the country to do
for you what it did for me and grandma and our parents too. 

He is pledging to give you something I had when I worked but
has been stolen away, job security.

In 1945, when soldiers returned from World War II and began
their careers as builders, engineers, teachers and every other
profession they had the confidence they would be able to work
for an entire career and retire with a pension.

This was what made the United States the strongest economy in
the world.  But, no more.

You may not realize it but over the past thirty years millions
of men and women who are forty or fifty years old have lost
their jobs and face an unsure future taking new jobs, often
earning less money while trying to raise their families and save
for retirement!

What worked in the past is rarely available today.

This was "workforce transformation". People are fired rather
than retrained and replaced with younger workers paid much
less, even from other countries. No one disagrees, this is unfair!

THIS is the promise Donald Trump has made. He will work
to keep prices lower so you can afford a home of your own
and pay for health insurance and even save for vacations.
So, put aside the chatter you hear on TV, talk with friends
about the bills they pay, look at the taxes taken from your
paychecks, see how much it cost to go to college.

Be confident in your new president, give him a chance and
if he fails you, than do what citizens have done for over two
hundred for someone else.
Love you all,

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Democrats can be beat if they are approached in the right way.

 NOT my commentary....but important enough for limit government
citizens to understand...

One of the problems that we have had to endure as voters and as
citizens is that the Republican Party, our party, has not believed that.
Party leadership has not believed the Democrats can be beat, and
Donald Trump has shown how to do it.  It took a political outsider,
somebody with no fingerprints on anything to do with the way
Washington works, ie. "fails", to demonstrate how you beat an
opposing  political party.

How many times I've shared this story with you, Republican
presidential candidate after candidate come to this studio and
 talk to me about their campaign, their ideas, how they want
to go about winning, and each one of them say...

"We can't win with Republican votes alone. We have got to be
able to cross the aisle, and we have got to be able to engage in
group politics."

"No, no," I said, "You guys are going about this the wrong way.
All you need to do is approach the American people as citizens,
as the American people.  To hell with what group they're in.  We're
human beings.  We all want the best for ourselves and for our
country."  Now, the opponents don't l ook at life that way.  They
do look at people as victims and members of groups.  But we can
beat them.

I've always known we could beat them. Beating the left has always
been what this is about. In addition to whatever I must do in the
realm of broadcasting in order to succeed, the substance and the
content portion of this program has always been, whether it's been
humor, whether it's been satire, whether it has been serious
commentary, it has always been about beating the left. 

I have never understood, and I do not understand people on our side
who do not believe that, who do not hope that, who do not also share
that sentiment -- and, furthermore, who don't think it's possible.  We
have been validated.

The things that we feel and think about our country, the direction it was
going, we have been validated by virtue of what the American people
did yesterday.  Now, I have made notes throughout the night as I was
watching the various cable networks and their coverage.

And I've thought about, how do I want to approach this day with you
today, because really there's so much to say, and there's so much to
 share, and so many observations that I want to make.  I thought,
Okay, well, maybe I can just do my stream of consciousness and
share with you note by note as I make them," or maybe try to come
up with some more organized presentation of things, or just react as
things happen as the program is taking place today.

And I figured that regardless of the approach that I take, I'm gonna
get it all said. Regardless in what format I design it and present it, it's
all gonna be said.  It may take three days or three hours here today
and a couple hours tomorrow to get it all said, because there's a lot.
There's a lot to react to. There are so many teachable moments that
have occurred in this entire campaign, and there is so much uplifting
and positive about what happened.

There is so, so much that is beautiful and American and Americana
that is still worth believing in and still worth promoting and still worth
fighting for, and all of this was demonstrated last night. 

The angst, the shock, the disappointment over the entire Democrat
Party, the entire left wing, and even some on our side.  One of the
things I kept hearing last night...  The media will always be predictable.  
The Democrats will always be predictable.  When it was finally clear
last night that Hillary was gonna lose,

They began to demonstrate who they really are, started talking about 
how it's gonna be necessary for Trump to approach them.  
"Trump's gonna have to be inclusive,  gonna have to do this!"  

Trump doesn't have to do anything!  He probably will.  Trump is the
winner.  If Trump wanted to, he could play this the way Obama did
and say, "I won!  Whatever you want to do, well, you've just
gotta stop listening to Rush Limbaugh guy. That's not how
things get done in Washington."  That's what Obama said two
weeks into his administration to a bunch of Republican leaders.

And then everybody started saying, "Now, this is not an ideological
election."  You can always count on that. When the left loses, it's not
because of their ideology, and they came through last night. 

Wrong, folks.  It is always ideological.  Big Government was told to
take a hike last night just like Big Government was told to take a hike
in the Brexit vote in England!

 Last night, yesterday, was a total repudiation of Big Government. It
was a total repudiation of the Obama presidency and every aspect of
it.  It was a total repudiation of the Democrat Party by the people I
always describe as those who make this country work. The people
who define the character and who define the values of our country
were the winners in what happened yesterday.  And what has been
going on the last eight years was repudiated and was pushed back
against and defeated.

It's important to point out. I was listening to Paul Ryan today, a new
Paul Ryan.  I've never seen Paul Ryan this enthusiastic! I've never
seen Paul Ryan this optimistic.  He was genuinely optimistic.  He was
enthused, and he seemed surprised at the same time.

Donald Trump heard a voice out in this country that no one else heard.
 A lot of people heard it.  A lot of people are that voice!  People didn't
have to hear it; we have been shouting it!  People missed the voice
didn't think it was there.  It's not they didn't hear it; they didn't 
think it was there. 

If there is a lesson for the GOP, this victory has been there all along, in
2008 and 2012. But it's obvious and apparent now that many in the
Republican Party never thought this was possible and they really didn't
think it was possible with Donald Trump.  They really were prepared
to be embarrassed and humiliated losing the House, losing the Senate,
and yet look what happens, they control both Congress and presidency.

Now the Republican Party have no excuses.  There aren't any excuses
anymore.  The Republican Party has  been given the full reins of this
government in this country, and there is a mandate behind it.  There's
nothing mysterious about this. There's nothing to unpack. There's
nothing to understand. There's nothing confusing about it.  It is dead
straight simple what the American people voted yesterday and last
night, and it is a full repudiation of Obamacare.

It's a full repudiation of Obama economics. It's a full repudiation of
our culture and the way the Democrats go about dealing with people.

In Hillary's concession speech she rattled off all these groups: LGBT,
women, one-armed amputees SOHO in New York City. Groups.

Democrats see the country is not the way this country is. 

This is not a nation of victims!  It is not a nation of people who are
discriminated against and denied opportunity. But that's what they
see when they look out and see America.

Trump's victory proved how absurd this is!

Transcript from Rush Limbaugh.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Profile in Political Courage.....

After elections the media always has answers for why candidates win that
are often at odds with what they report before an election. So, it was today.
I will not join this crowd and look as foolish as they sound. 

But, I will point to something I hope the Republican Party will finally learn,
believe in your party's platform rather and fight for what you believe in.

THAT was the message of the 2016 election that needs to be heeded by
the Republican Party and its elected leaders.

Donald Trump displayed on the political most of us have seen,  a 'profile in
political courage'.

He did not shy away from a threat of "Islamic terrorism' a term that sent
shivers up the spine of the politically correct. Nor, about doing the unthinkable,
'building a wall' on the Southern borders.

These two controversial statements would never be stated by a politician
who weighs every word and consults with political consultants or donors
who give approval first.

As for the Democrat side, anything and everything goes. When Arizona
attempted to deport illegal the Federal govt. sued the state. When North
I will offer something else which every future president should keep in mind.
Failures in government need to be addressed, not dismissed or ignored!

Case in point Obamacare.  It has been reported since inception that insurance
premiums would be going up, proven as each year more people saw increases.
Yet, President Obama did not publicly address the issue or work behind the
scenes to fix it.

I won't venture why the Obama Administration took the "ostrich" approach
to this problem, as it had with problems at the Veterans Administration or
deporting illegal alien criminals.

But, the message should be clear when problems are not resolved the burden
falls on an incumbent running for reelection or the party's candidate to replace him.

Hillary was saddled with problems Obama could have fixed but didn't.

If he did Obamacare would not have been an issue Trump could use and Hillary
Clinton would not avoid speaking about it.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

From Wall St., markets have "spoken", the system is rigged

Donald Trump has been saying the system is "rigged", something no one
in the political universe dared to say, or curiously attempted to defend!

Over the past year we have learned Trump was right, proven by numerous
revelations of  the unseemly relationship between the media, Democrats,
donors, lobbyists and Wall. St.!

It may not have been obvious Wall St. was part of this cabal, but candid
remarks demonstrates the "crooked" connection it has with Washington.

I often laugh when I hear a business commentator tell their audience the
markets "spoke" when stocks rise or fall in dramatic fashion. A silly answer
without evidence to support what occurred!

Recently, the markets 'spoke' again, and this time even I heard it. What
they "said" came through loud and clear from the voices of Wall St. power
brokers and showed to all what Trump has been saying for over a year,
the system is rigged!

How so?????

Many of the rich and powerful in the financial industry among them, 
Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley, JPMorganChase and Bank of America 
consider Hillary Clinton a pragmatic problem-solver. They are confident
she is someone who gets the idea that we all benefit if Wall Street and 
American business thrive.

“I think people are very excited about Hillary,” says one Wall St.investment  
professional with close ties to Washington. “Most people in New York on the 
finance side view her as being very pragmatic. I think they have confidence 
that she understands how things work and that she’s not a populist.”

Is it any wonder Hillary Clinton received tens of millions in donations
and speaking fees after seeing what Wall St. is saying?

Consider what this 'telegraphs" in contrast to what Donald Trump
wants to do.

Wall St. gurus see no problem with the highest corporate tax rate
of any advanced nation that  Trump wants to reduce to 15%.

Wall St. shows no concern over the cost of egregious regulations
which can exceed 30%  the Trump wants to reduce.

Wall St. doesn't even care that more that $2 trillion parked safely
overseas hurts their investments here in the US and only Trump
wants to 'repatriate' this money with a modest tax.

Wall St. does not even believe one sided global trade agreements cost
American workers jobs despite decades of stagnant wages, that Trump
promises to end.

If this does not convince you of the collusion orchestrated between
Washington and Wall St. I don't believe anything will!

This is has been the intended "transformation" planned long before candidate
Barack Obama spoke of one when campaigning in 2008.  His remarks
should have been seen as a warning rather than 'hope' as he presented it.

Today, more people are closer to the lowest rung of the ladder of success
than ever before, including even those with college degrees.

Most workers will see the cost of housing,  health care and education
accelerate faster than their incomes.

More couples need two incomes to raise their families than ever before.

More people are taking a second part time job to keep up.

Finally, despite what is happening across the country,  what we "hear"
from Wall St. tells us how rigged the system is, stock market at record high!

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From Wall St. itself....

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Don't expect Hillary Clinton mention...

Obamacare higher insurance premiums

Failure in Benghazi

Funding Sanctuary cities

$800 billion trade imbalance

$500 billion in foreign interest payments

$1.7 billion randsom payment to Iran,

Thousands of Syrian refugees migrating

Trans Pacific Partnership

Common Core education

Crime in Black communities

Mexican drug cartels

Clinton Foundation use of State Dept.

Deporting criminal illegals

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The unreported stories we see all too often.

We know it happens in all elections, but rarely reported.
Volunteers see it first hand, time and again, often in the
most ugliest ways.

Its the assault some politically active citizens take on
against those in opposition.

Here in NC, in the past three weeks the attacks included
setting fire  to a campaign office and vandalizing another,
both occurring at Republican facilities.

Even fist fights occur at rallies as those in opposition
to candidate show up and become belligerent! 

This happens all across the country, and now with greater

But, such behavor occurs on a "one way street", Democrats
doing the attacking, not allowing Republicans to peacefully
assemble in support of their candidate.

Yes, we do seem some Republicans show up and say things to
Democrat candidate, but that is America.  Showing up and
starting fights is not!

Why do supporters of one party seek to harm supporters of
the opposition party?

The answer is simple, and has its roots in political discourse
between the two major parties!

In discussions on issues Republicans are more than equipped to
win the debate, which is why so often Democrats refuse to engage.

Note: Have you ever seen a fair debate on 'Climate Change'?

Even on the university campus the overwhelming majority of
professors who are liberal prefer to indoctrinate students
rather than educate, knowing when challenged they must resort
to bullying tactics, with threat of failing grades.

This is what take places when liberal/leftist/progressive ideas
cannot be convincingly sold!

Civil behavior is essential, or the process will be controlled
by the political establishment.

Its up to both Democrats and Republicans to respectfully engage,
make their points and appreciate opposing views.

Battle should be fought inside the voting booth, and no where else!


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You'll never hear Hillary say anything like this!

Excerpts from Trump speech in Michigan....

To bring back your jobs, we must also immediately repeal and replace
Obamacare. It’s just been announced that Michigan residents are going
to experience crushing double-digit premium hikes.

In Minnesota, where the premium increase will be close to 60 percent,
the Democratic Governor has said “the Affordable Care Act is no longer

Hillary Clinton wants to double-down on Obamacare, making it even more
expensive – in fact, much more expensive. I’m asking for your vote so
we can replace Obamacare and save healthcare for every family in Michigan.

My Contract With The American Voter begins with a plan to restore honesty
and accountability to our government.

I want the entire corrupt Washington establishment to hear and to heed the
words we are all about to say. When we win on November 8th, We Are Going To Washington, D.C. And We Are Going To DRAIN THE SWAMP.

At the core of my contract is my plan to bring back your jobs.

Michigan has lost more than 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs since Bill Clinton
signed NAFTA, a deal strongly supported by Hillary Clinton.

Before NAFTA went into effect, there were 280,000 auto workers in
Michigan. Today, that number is only 160,000.  Our country has lost
70,000 factories since China entered the World Trade Organization –
another Bill and Hillary backed deal.

We have nearly an $800 billion annual trade deficit with the world.
We are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the
world.  Our trade deficit with China grew almost 40 percent during
Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State. Her trade deal with South Korea
killed 100,000 American jobs.

So when you look around Michigan, and you see the rusted-out factories,
the empty buildings, and the long unemployment lines, remember: Hillary
Clinton did much of this to you.

Hillary got rich selling your jobs – the same special interests who pushed
the jobs out of America are the people who’ve given countless millions to
the Clintons. Hillary gets rich making America poor.

Just look at the devastation.  Delphi laid off 3,627 workers here in Michigan.
 Most of those jobs went to Mexico.  We are going to fight for the workers at Delphi. They got a raw deal, and they deserve better.

– GM laid off 314 workers at the Lake Orion Assembly Plant in 2013 because of imports from the South Korean trade deal pushed through by Hillary.

– Lear Corporation laid off another 50 people in Rochester Hills and moved
their jobs to South Korea.

– FTE Automotive laid off 166 people in Auburn Hills. Their jobs went to
Mexico. – Chrysler laid off over 5,300 workers. Those jobs went to Mexico,
China, India and other countries.

– Ford laid off 2,155 workers. Those jobs went to other countries.

Now, Ford is moving all if its small car production to Mexico.

A Trump Administration will stop the flight of American jobs.

If Ford, or another company, announces they want to move their jobs to
Mexico or another country, then I will pick up the phone – I will call
the executives  – and I will tell them that if they want do that, we will
charge a 35% tax when they try to ship their products back across the border.

It used to be the cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water
in Mexico. Now, the cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in
Flint. We are going to turn it all around.  We are going to rebuild Flint.
We are going to rebuild Detroit.  And we are going to rebuild Michigan.

I’d like to share a special message today with the African-American
community in Michigan which has been so terribly harmed by the policies
of the Clintons.

Look at the City of Detroit. It used to be the manufacturing hub of the world – now, nearly half of Detroit residents do not work, it has the second-highest violent crime rate in the country, and the children are trapped in failing government schools.

Yet, as the people of Detroit suffer, Hillary wants to spend trillions of
dollars on government benefits for illegal immigrants and refugees.

I’ve outlined a plan for urban renewal, it’s called A New Deal For Black
America. That deal includes a plan to use the money we will save by securing
our border, and curbing refugee admissions, to invest in communities like
Flint and Detroit. It includes school choice for African-American children.

My plan also includes a promise to cancel billions in climate change spending
for the United Nations – and instead use that money to provide for American infrastructure, including clean water in cities like Flint.

My plan also includes a pledge to reduce violent crime – every child in this
nation has a right to grow up in safety and peace.  And my plan includes a
pledge to restore manufacturing in the United States.

Hillary and the Democratic Party have run the inner cities for years, and
only produced more poverty. The time has come for real change – I’m asking
you for the honor of your vote so that together we can turn decades of
political failure into generations of lasting success.

Hillary, on the other hand, wants to destroy what’s left of manufacturing
in Michigan with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  A Trump Administration
will stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

We will renegotiate NAFTA, if we don’t get the deal we want, we will
terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal.  We are going to lower
taxes on American business from 35 percent to 15 percent.  We are going
to massively cut taxes for the Middle Class.

We will unleash American energy – including shale, oil, natural gas and clean
coal. The Obama-Clinton war on coal is going to cost this state 50,000 jobs.
We will also work to restore and protect the Great Lakes.  We are going to
become a rich country again.  But to be a rich country, we must also be a
safe country.

When I become President, we will end illegal immigration, deport all
criminal aliens, and put American Workers First.

We will also repeal the Obama-Clinton defense sequester and rebuild our
badly depleted military.

We also need a new foreign policy that puts America First.

Just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days –

We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan; eliminate
every unnecessary job-killing regulation; cancel every illegal Obama
executive order; rebuild our military and take care of our Vets; support
the men and women of law enforcement; save the 2nd amendment; and
appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the
Constitution of the United States.

I am asking you to dream big, to push for bold change, and to believe in
a movement powered by the people and by their love for this country.

I’m tired of politicians telling Americans to defer their dreams to another day – when they really mean another decade.

America is tired of waiting. The moment is now.

All we have to do is stop believing in our failed politicians and start
believing in each other and in our country.

There is no challenge too great, no dream outside of our reach.  Don’t let
anyone tell you it can’t be done — the future lies with the dreamers, not
the cynics and the critics.

Our movement represents all Americans, from all backgrounds, and all
walks of life.  We are asking for the votes of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and first-time voters.

We are asking for the vote of every American who believes truth and justice –
not money and power – should rule the day.

We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve
the people – not the donors and special interests.

We are fighting to unlock the potential of every American community, and every American family, who hope and pray and yearn for a better future.

With your vote, we are just 8 days away from the change you’ve been waiting
for your entire life.

A Trump Administration will also secure and defend the borders of the United States. And yes, we will build a wall.

We’ve received the first-ever endorsement from our ICE and Border Patrol
officers. They tell us the border crisis is the worst it’s ever been – it’s
a national emergency. They also warn America that Hillary’s plan is the “the
most radical proposal in U.S. history.”

FINALLY, a reminder of why Hillary should NOT be elected!

Real change also means restoring honesty to our government.

As you know, the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton
and discovered another 650,000 emails. Hillary lied under oath when she
said she turned over all of her work-related emails – just one more lie
out of so many.

This is the biggest scandal since Watergate. Hillary wants to blame everyone
else for her mounting legal troubles, but she has brought this all onto herself.

Hillary is the one who set-up an illegal private email server in a closet to
shield her criminal activity.

Hillary is the one who engaged in a corrupt Pay-For-Play scheme at the State
Dept – and now there are 5 FBI probes into the Clinton Foundation and their pay-for-play activities.

Hillary is the one who sent and received classified information on an insecure server, putting the safety of the American people under threat.

Hillary is the one who lied to Congress under oath.

Hillary is the one who lied to the FBI.  Hillary is the one who made 13 phones disappear.

Hillary is the one who destroyed 33,000 emails.

Hillary is the one who broke the law over and over and over again. We can be
sure that what is in those emails is absolutely devastating.

Hillary is not the victim – the American people are the victims of this corrupt system in every way, and this is your one chance to change it.

Hillary is likely to be under investigation for a very long time.

One of her longtime supporters, a top Democratic Pollster, Doug Schoen,
is now totally withdrawing his support. He wrote an article entitled
“I’m a Democrat, I worked for Bill Clinton, but I can’t vote for Hillary.”

Schoen writes: “I am convinced that we will be facing the very real
possibility of a constitutional crisis with many dimensions and 
deleterious consequences should Secretary Clinton win the election.

Schoen warns that if Hillary is elected, she would be under protracted
criminal investigation – and probably a trial of a sitting President.

She is unfit and unqualified to be President, and her election would mire
our government and our country in a constitutional crisis we cannot afford.
We need to be going to work for the American people – we can’t do that with
Hillary in the White House trying to avoid prosecution.

Hillary Clinton’s corruption is a threat to Democracy, and the only way to
save our Democracy is get out and vote by the millions.

The Clinton crime spree ends on November 8th.  And when we close the chapter
on the Clintons, we open a bright new chapter focused on the American People.

Together, We Will Make America Wealthy Again.
We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make America Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.

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No "horsing around" in North Carolina...

Well, the 'sky is falling crowd' should chew on this:

World Equestrian Games could be North Carolina's biggest sports event!

The 2018 World Equestrian Games will be held at the Tryon International
Equestrian Center in Mill Spring, about 80 miles west of Charlotte.

This news will be a tremendous shot in the arm for NC after seven months
of seeing high profile events withdraw from coming to NC such as the NBA
All-Star Game.

The equestrian games could provide an economic impact of more than
$400 million, four times the impact of the All-Star weekend! The event
will also draw more than 500,000 spectators from 72 different countries!

The games, held every four years, will require 60,000 room nights at hotels throughout the region, from Asheville to Charlotte to Spartanburg, S.C.

To help prepare for that ahead of the games, the hotel management company Salamander will be building a resort and spa at Tryon International.

Mark Bellissimo, CEO of the equestrian center, said the project requires
only a small amount of public financing, including marketing and security.
He anticipates his group’s budget will be between $50-$60 million.

The state has been hammered for passing House Bill 2 that restricts
access to restrooms and other single gender facilities. What was an
issue of common sense and modesty was twisted to be a "civil right"!

Reports this bill would cripple the NC economy have made national news
and the state the butt of late night jokes!

But, it is serious when you must seek a balance between accommodation
and respect for those who would be uncomfortable.

Maybe this is a first step to show all North Carolinians can get along!

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Friday, November 4, 2016

Is Media Bias even worth discussing?

It will be very difficult to find a journalist who will
admit he is biases or there is bias in his industry.  So
its a waste of time to chide the media when displeased
with reporting.

Bias does exist, but like beauty, "its in the eyes of the
beholder". So, what can we do to combat it?

One thing, educate ourselves with the riches of information
all around that earlier generation never had.

Bias or not, truth can be found, maybe its scattered, like
pieces to a puzzle, but its there and provides a trail to
completeness that counter any deliberate omissions.

We know what media bias is. Its what is omitted
that we want to hear, or what is reported that
differs from from is elusive. It is easily seen if you're
displeased with what is and "not" reported.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Are there any principled Democrats left?

We have seen the split among Republicans over Donald Trump's
candidacy based on honest disagreements.

However, similar refusal to support Hillary Clinton can not be seen
among elected Democrats, as not one has publicly stated they will
not support her candidacy no matter concerns of trustworthiness,
honesty, behavior or lack of meaningful accomplishments.

Such allegiance may be commendable, but is troubling, it is the same
'cancer' which brought down President Nixon.

Revelations about Hillary Clinton's actions have cost the FBI more
than three years investigating and a divide within the Justice Dept.
where the Attorney General placed barriers to impede the FBI from
doing its job!

This is not the way American governance should work, but seems to be
acceptable in the Justice Dept, with a wink and nod from the president!

How can public servants march in lock step with Hillary Clinton, putting
their own reputations on the line solely to see her elected president?

There are so many more accomplished Democrats who would be better
suited to be the party's nominee. If the appetite is for a woman, dozens
could have run, but "were advised" not to!

With Hillary in the contest, there would be no contest!

Yes, there was a  Democrat primary. And, if you can keep from laughing
you might try to convince others it was a competitive contest, until
the facts proved otherwise. The fix was in as evidenced by the actions
of the party's chair who was forced to step down.

Clinton would "win" the nomination, without a serious challenge, even
as Bernie Sanders, who campaigned as a socialist, threatened her.

Is this how a political party selects its nominee? When the desired
nominee is Hillary, is there any other way?

I still can't understand why principled Democrats believe Hillary Clinton
is deserving of the highest office in the land.

For those who say "Hillary is better than Trump", that is a convenient
excuse, not a coherent reason. Party loyalists would never walk away
from Hillary no matter who the Republican candidate is.

It is not a mystery what is occurring in the Democrat Party. The 'soul'
has been so corrupted, as not one Democrat was principled enough to
say they could not support, endorse or work to defeat her.

I wonder if these party loyalists see the lesson they are teaching their
children, "What is really important, isn't important at all".

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What we can learn from George Will

I have followed George Will for many years, enjoying his
thoughtful commentaries on the state of our nation.

Today, I was disappointed to read Will veered into a
territory reserved for Democrats, the suckling of
constituencies to gain favor, at the expense of the
principled governance the Republican Part should
stand for.

He recently commented about the relationship between
the Republican Party and minority groups, coming at a
time Donald Trump, its nominee, could become our next

Will believes "President Trump" would not be good for
the health of the Republican Party and future of
conservatism, a view shared by many in the circle will

Apparently, increasing Republican registration and setting
primary voting records mean nothing to Will and others who
still attack Trump less than a week before election day.

No such problem for Hillary Clinton among Will's media
polar opposites! 

Will goes on to say the Republican Party must do several
things, beginning with "emancipating itself from its bondage"
to the talk radio industry and certain cable personalities
that he says have a paralyzing effect on the party when
it attempts to deal with things like immigration.

Its interesting Will chose immigration. Talk radio is
equally vocal against budget deficits and federal
overreach, which I am sure would get his approval!

While Will is concerned views about immigration over the
airwaves weakens the Republican Party he does not seem
troubled about influence peddling lobbyists who have direct
access to the party, elected officials, and agencies corroding

representative governance, all which Trump has campaigned
against as no Republican I can remember!

If not for 'talk radio' the only news the public would hear
is what the Democrat Party wants reported in the fertile
ground of progressive media.

Perhaps George Will has forgotten talk radio is the only
place he and other conservatives are taken seriously. He
may be invited on mainstream media, but his appearances
are to showcase him and conservatism as mainstream
oddities, for entertainment value, not thoughtful opinions.

If not for talk radio the public would be in the dark, which
we have seen during this campaign  and exactly what most in
Washington prefer.

Will goes on to say "until the Republican Party gets right
with minorities in this country, it's never gonna win
another presidential election."

As expected when such pontificating is offered, suggestions
are rarely introduced. How can Republicans "get right"?

What should the Republican do? Ignore existing laws to win
immigration battle, be quiet about late term abortion to
win the women's vote, accept gay marriage and men using
women's restrooms to reach out to LGBT voters?

If this is what George Will desires, then HE is in the wrong
party, not Donald Trump!   

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