Thursday, March 14, 2019

Republican "Principled Dozen"

Today, twelve Senate Republicans joined all the Democrats and voted to 
block President Trump's national emergency declaration on the southern border.  

The reason they offered was their concern of executive power overreach, which 
they found being unconstitutional.

At first glance I found their vote was principled and admirable. But, when I saw
every Democrat was aligned with this "principled dozen", I knew most votes
were purely political, to ensure the border will be as porous when Trump leaves
office as it was when he entered. 

President Trump said he will veto this bill, his first as president and rightly so.
Until Trump came on the scene there has been little interest in protecting the
border, only spending money with little to show.  Trump understood what was
going on, Congress teasing the public with promises, easily forgotten because
as a body Congress did not care!

Nor it seemed the judicial branch didn't either, as courts gave "green lights" 
to anyone who entered our country illegally to remain for decades which 
brought us to where we are today. 

This is what President Trump is up against, two branches of govt. indifferent
about enforcement of immigration law. 

The only hope is the third branch, where President Trump has executive power
to do what the other two branches have failed for decades.

Does it represent a constitutional concern? Perhaps.  But when the Constitution
stands in the way enforcing laws and protecting the American people, this
debate can be argued another day. 

The "Principled Dozen" should sleep well, even if our nation doesn't! 

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Records are made to be broken", even the most shameful

Its unfortunate that even shameful records have an allure,
as does the record that comes from Planned Parenthood,
the number of abortions this women's "health care" provider 
performed in 2018!

The 5% increase brought the number of abortions to a 
staggering 337,000, up from 321,000, more than 30%
of all abortions performed. 

In contrast, Planned Parenthood only tallies 1000 adoptions
annually, less than 1% of 135,000 adoptions each year.

This story was reported on Fox News, and several conservative 
websites, including this link:

It appears the lives of the 337,000 unborn was undeserving of 
mention on the majority of media sources in print or network. 

Think of these disturbing numbers when you hear Congress
continues to fund Planned Parenthood $500,000,000 each year. 

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Bowing to the pressure, spineless Republican leaders...

Once again our elected Republicans in Congress have delivered the
"punch" as instructed by their opponents in and out of the media.

On this occasion the knockout blow comes with the removal of Iowa
representative Steve King who has been condemned for stating, 
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how 
did that language become offensive?” in an interview with the 
NY Times.

Apparently Rep. King went against the "holy grail" of the Left that
decides what can be said, then proceeds to denigrate anyone whose
remarks IT finds offensive.

Rep. King, who I met during a Washington rally organized by Black 
ministers on the impact on Black communities of illegal immigration, 
is anything but!  

At the rally King was joined by a few other Republicans, including 
Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz.  At no time did I see Rep McCarthy, 
the GOP leader who took away King's committee seat, in attendance!

I called Rep. King's office to offer support but his mailbox was full, 
so I could not leave a message. I took this as an encouraging sign 
of support. His number is 202 225 4426 if you want to do likewise.

I also called Rep. McCarthy's office, stating my displeasure of his 
action  against a good, decent, representative like King. His number
is 202 225 2915.

Consider doing so yourselves....

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Its not personal, its business..

Three headlines recently caught my attention......

 "Netflix drops satire episode critical of Saudi Arabia"
"Airbnb removes Israeli West Bank settlements listings"   
"Vatican signs historic deal with China, critics 
denounce sellout" 

What could they possibly have in common?

To begin,
"Netflix confirmed Tuesday it removed an episode of a satirical 
comedy show that criticizes Saudi Arabia, after officials in the 
kingdom complained." 
The full story can be found on this link,

As I read this I thought of the double standard often used by 
businesses, based on how far they will go to ensure they have 
access to markets around the world. And since we have been 
conditioned to this behavior I do not expect Netflix to be criticized 
for dropping any degree of "artistic integrity", to continue to be 
allowed access to the Saudi market.

Conversely "Airbnb" a vacation rental company, refuses to do
business in Israel, citing its disagreement with settlements being built,

This is the upside down world where two different standardseach
based on what can best be described as a 'totalitarian' litmus test, 

Companies that have accepted China's strong arm tactics in order 
to sell products, are the same ones that fight against, even minor 
suggestions, made by our own government, to protect personal 
privacy and even national security!

Companies understand an unwritten "two standard" system found
in nations in the Middle East and Asia, that have a stranglehold 
on its people, different than found here in the United States and 
other Western democracies. 

We have seen time and again American companies give up whatever 

it takes to ensure they have access to markets around the world,
with the exception being in our country where most quickly 'defend' 
their resistance to even the simplest requests no matter the reason, 
using supposed rights protected in our Constitution.

Lastly, companies are not alone in such behavior. Even the Vatican
can be seen submitting to national requests as it did recently with
its recent "agreement" with China over appointment of bishops, by
allowing the government to have final say, something that would not
happen here.   Full story,

These are the times we live in, call it globalism run a muck! 

Replies always welcome.

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

A veto worth the cost.....

Mr. President, 
As the year nears its close, once again the failure of Congress to pass
a budget necessitates a short term spending bill to prevent a partial
shutdown a small percentage of our government.

Your opponents in and out of the media will focus and ridicule your
campaign promise to build a wall to protect our southern border as
the reason, rather than Congress which again fails to perform its most
important responsibility.

The Senate has sent a stopgap two month spending bill across to the
House without the money for the wall that will surely be passed, and 
attention will turn to your hand and "pen". 

The unanswered question, "Will you sign this bill?"  

I strongly suggest you do not.  Funding the wall may be getting attention,
but the failure of Congress is the reason for this annual budgetary 'drama'.

Your signature should not brake a campaign promise to protect national
security.  The fault falls squarely on where it belongs,  Congress. If it wants
this bill passed, they can do with an override of your veto.  

In closing, there are 62 million reasons, the people that voted for you and
 have not wavered since the day you were elected.
Don't sacrifice your principles to protect Congressional folly.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

2018 Mid-Term Election Recap....

 "It could have been worse!"

This is how I sum up this election, both here in North Carolina
and across the country.

Across the nation, Democrats took the majority in the US House, 
adding approx. thirty seats.  This should have not been a surprise 
on two accounts.

First, the failure of Republican leadership under both John Boehner 
and outgoing speaker Paul Ryan. Neither man did as promised, 
on time balanced budgets, not continuing resolutions, immigration
reform, reduce wasteful spending, lowering taxes, all that Trump
attempted to do, keeping "their" promises.

Apparently, President Trump "promises made, promises kept" 
do not mean much to either Boehner or Ryan. 

The second was the reversal of fortunes in states that Trump won, 
notably West Virginia, Michigan and Pennsylvania.  Give Democrats 
credit, they stepped up while state Republicans let Trump's successes
slip away.

For what its worth, the thirty-plus Democrat gain is about equal
to the 80% advantage the forty-five incumbent Republicans who 
are retiring would have had, a key factor in making these battles 
more competitive.

The Senate was another matter as Republicans even gained seats
that ensures this chamber will not be a 'rubber stamp' for whatever
comes from the House.

Holding the Senate ensures President Trump's next Supreme Court
nominee will get a fair confirmation hearing, unlike the one for Justice
Kavanaugh, which Democrats undermined. 

Under Mitch McConnell the Senate will be a firewall against 
Democrat legislation pushed in House bills.

Equally important, the Florida seat of incumbent Sen. Nelson was 
defeated by Rick Scott. And Texas seat was 'saved' as Cruz held.

Two important governorships were also won by Republicans,
Florida and Georgia, ensuring the South can counter Democrat
influence on the West Coast. 

Last observation, despite the numerous appearances at rallies, 
Trump's 'star power' was not enough to help many Republicans 
win their own elections. 

I am sure some in the Republican Party will look at our 'larger than
life' president and  filter through the media and elsewhere much of
the blame is his. Republican voters across the country know otherwise.
Republicans still have a big job ahead of them, having squandered
their recent success.

Here in North Carolina, Republicans kept majorities in both chambers
of our General Assembly, but they no longer have veto-proof control
over legislation. 

(Note: I think this is good, as I believe every governor should be in
partnership with the people's representatives)

Also, four of the six state amendments did pass, including voter-id,
victim's rights, and limit on state tax and right to hunt. This success
came in the face of a well-funded campaign to "defeat all amendments".

Wake County became deeper 'blue' as Democrats continue to control
most municipalities and the county. This will almost guarantee more
debt will be added and lead to the next increase in our property taxes.

Stay tuned and more importantly, stay involved.

Feedback always appreciated...

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A pox on political consultants..

The fortunes garnered under Republican leadership, nationally
and state wide,  should make the upcoming mid-term election 
an overwhelming success, not a razor thin margin that can go 
either way. Why is this so?

I believe it is due to those seeking elected office not modeling
campaign ads after Donald Trump who continually reminded
voters what he would do if elected and equally important, what
he has done in the past two years.

Yes, President Trump does use bombast to label those against
his policies, most often after he has been attacked. But, anyone 
who has followed his campaign rallies can probably repeat from
memory the achievements, unemployment down, jobs up, 
economy growing, etc.

So why do so many seeking political office rely on negative ads
to promote their candidacy?  

I fault political consultants, an 'establishment' group that gets
little attention but wield a lot of influence during election seasons.

Unfortunately, most consultants rely on the same playbook, 
offering voters negative messages against opponents rather
than pointing to their own successes.

We have been told for years that "negative ads work", but do 
we really know for sure since the majority of campaigns only 
produce negative ads.

Where is the "morning in America" ads that President Reagan
campaigned on in 1980?  Don't expect to find any among the
consultants advising most campaigns.

But, we do see it each time President Trump mentions 'make 
America great again'.  The thousands that attend his rallies
know exactly what he means, applaud and cheer the one
person that refuses to denigrate our nation while recognizing
the successes of American businesses and their workers.

Republican incumbents relying on negative ads against their
opponents rather than promote the successes of the party
have taken the positive 'oxygen' out of their campaigns.

Even the amount spent on consultants should be questioned
after the surprising victory of President Trump who spent very
 little while Jeb Bush led his other challengers spending over
$130 million, several stories were written  questioning the value
of  political consultants

Will this mid-term be a repeat of previous ones where majorities
get 'flipped'.  If it is the question needs to be asked, what value
do political consultants really have when majorities are so easily

In less than a week we will know.......

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