Monday, February 29, 2016

Part Two: The "Stimulus Package" our nation needs

There is another key question which needs to be asked; should the
majority of tax money continue to go to Washington or is the public
better served if this money remains in the states, in the hands
of taxpayers?

I would argue the majority of tax revenue should go to where most
services are provided, which is undoubtedly done by state and local
governing bodies!

Police, fire, waste pickup, road repair, education, parks, social services
and most everything else happens locally, making it logical for Washington
to limit its roll to do what states independently cannot do.

With more money staying within the states, in the hands of the people
it would be a profound and essential 'game changer', reducing the
amount available for Washington bureaucrats and lobbyists while
bolstering states by keeping more money in the hands of taxpayers.

Currently this is not the case as the ratio is three to one with most
revenue going to federal coffers causing incalculable harm as states
struggle to fund services and burdened by federal intrusion due to
legislation, regulations and mandates!

Congress should implement a 'stimulus plan' to put $1 trillion back into
the pockets of the American people which can be done in two steps.

First eliminate agencies whose services states also provide. There are
currently four agencies being mentioned; education, commerce, energy
and housing. In total this could reduce the overall federal budget by
$400 billion.

Second, lower personal and corporate tax rates the equivalent to a
$1 trillion budget decrease. This would allow companies to grow and
individuals to spend and save more.

These two changes would be the most significant and dramatic changes
since the income tax was established!

There is no denying federal agencies have "nine lives" and be difficult
to eliminate any. It would take the will of the people, support of Congress
and state legislatures to make this happen.

Consider Education, often mentioned. Do we really need a bureaucracy
of 5,000 at a cost of $90 billion to oversee public education when every 
state has its own education department?

The chances such dramatic changes we need will occur are slim, but creative
alternatives are the only real solutions to our fiscal problems.

​If you are wondering when someone will offer a tax proposal that could
become a reality, stayed tuned, only four years away from next Leap Year!​

Part One: The "Stimulus Package" our nation needs

Its Feb. 29th!!! 

Its as predictable as Leap Year which arrives every four years, the
tax plans from presidential candidates, promising to do any number
of things.

Pick your favorite, abolish the IRS, simplify filing, lower tax rates,
increase revenue, and much more.

Rest assured, when the political season is over, the IRS code
will remains at 80,000 pages, number of IRS employees will be
100,000, $2.5 trillion on average sent to Washington each year,
and still Congress will borrow another $1 trillion more as it can't
"get by" on what we send them.

Take note of the word "we", its important, yet rarely mentioned
in discussions about taxes. It identifies the source of the money,
the American taxpayers.

One thing which is also predictable; no matter which tax plan
is discussed, politicians never begin at the beginning. All
offer knee-jerk changes to a failing revenue generator.

Congress, the body responsible for budgeting and taxation,
looks at where we are now, keeping themselves trapped, unable
to see what is best for the American people and our country.

The "beginning" is the day the American people agreed to pay
the govt. for desired services. Unfortunately, taxpayers have
little to say about services Congress wants to pay for. This
is done independently of public discourse and has ballooned
the budget and indebted our nation almost $20 trillion.

To better fund govt. at both federal and state levels and grow
the economy there needs to be public activism. Citizens must
collectively ask, does Washington really need to tax us $3 trillion
and also borrow another $1 trillion each year?

This must be the starting point to any serious discussion
on taxation. Unless we first determine what are the desired
services Washington should provide, any discussion of tax
policies and rates will keep us mired with complex tax code,
thousands of IRS employees and unparalleled 'waste, fraud
and abuse' within our government!

End of Part One

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Do we really even need political party primaries?

​The 2016 presidential primaries may be the best in our country's
history! Not so much for what we are learning from and about the
candidates but what has risen from the bowels of a corrupt system
that permeates the entire democratic process of American elections.

Some of what an observant public is learning this election cycle has
never made front page news in the past.

Begin with donors, whose names we may not know, but politicians 
do, for donors contribute tens of thousands to candidates. 

Second, a contrived structure to fund millions​ to candidates using
PACs, political action committees with innocuous appealing names.

Third, the parties themselves who orchestrate the primary process
on rules they determine, often at the disadvantage of some of the
candidates, with subtle preference to an incumbent or a challenger
competing for the nomination.

Fourth, the media who desire to be "king makers", driven to favor 
candidate who agrees with THEM on divisive issues.

Fifth, the endorsements by elected officials, meant to persuade the
general public on which candidate to support.

Sixth, the attacks, meant  to condemn candidates by undermining
what they are saying, and where PAC money is generously spent.

Political primaries are so tainted there is little chance the public will
be able  to objectively choose a candidate without being unduly
influenced by a rigged system meant to keep things pretty much as
donors,  PACs, parties, media  and politicians want.

No need for primaries, a former "smoke filled room" will be just fine!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mexican 'Fox" refuses to leave America's "hen-house"

Former Mexican president Vicente Fox made headlines when he
said Mexico would not pay for the wall Donald Trump campaigned
he would build if elected.

What has yet to make headlines is the great injustice by the Mexican
govt. by failing to provide for its own people that led to an exodus to
the United States for a better life.

Fox remarks should give us pause and also stiffen our spine when
these verbal assault occur.

Consider what he did NOT say in his interview.

Fox did not acknowledge Mexico failed to provide a quality the life
its citizens deserve.

He also conveniently avoided mentioning NAFTA, the trade agreement
designed to create an economic boom in North America. As president
he reneged on its commitment to build the required infrastructure that
contributed to Mexico not benefiting as Canada and United States did.

Nor, will you hear of the equivalent to the Mafia now populating the
poorest urban areas, peddling drugs from south of Mexican-US border
destroying the fabric of poor American communities due to Mexico
failing to protect ITS side of the border to stop drug trafficking.

This failure has contributed to our prison population having almost
400,000 criminal aliens in federal, state and local facilities at a cost
of $15 billion annually, money that could be better spent on our
non-alien prison population!

The problem of illegal immigration goes beyond American workers
losing jobs to foreign workers. The failure to successfully address
this problem touches every area of American life.

Our social service system can barely provide for the truly needy, law
enforcement is stretched to the limit, court systems are overwhelmed,
public education in most at risk communities has been crippled and
our political system has been tied in knots.

THIS is some of what is happening 'thanks' to Vincente Fox and others
in the Mexican govt.

Since the United States grew in the Southwest, there was never a need
for a wall on our southern border. At one time it was as open as the one
we share with our northern neighbor Canada.

There is a need as long as Mexico and other of our southern neighbors
fail to do more for their citizens.

The 'Fox' in America's 'hen-house' has overstayed its welcome!

Comments welcome.....or email  ajbruno14 gmail

Friday, February 26, 2016

A meaningful first step on Immigration reform.....

The issue of illegal immigration is the political "gift" that have been giving since Reagan was president. It has served politicians well, providing them a divisive issue they prefer   to argue about rather than solve.


However, our country has not fared as well as the people we elected. The issue cost        our nation dearly, none worse then the prison system with an exploding population of   criminal aliens. 


The number of those incarcerated keeps going higher while the cost drains limited resources. Currently, there are about 60,000 criminal aliens, non-citizens in Federal prisons plus 300,000 more in state and local prisons, costing over $15 billion.


Rather than incarcerate non violent criminal aliens, upon conviction deportation hearing should occur followed by immediate and permanent exclusion from the United States.


This can be done now, even without a wall, or increased border security. All it takes is the political will.


This website offers additional information:

Another debate, another missed opportunity!!

I've lost count, how many debates have there been?

With the field down to five, this is the moment we
should be hearing more from each of the candidates,
not just the two closest to the leader, with the others
barely heard from.

It was obvious the network wanted "good television",
filled with glib sound bites, and attacks, not serious
discourse!  And the audience got their fill.

You would think their advisers would tell them to take
a cue from Trump and be bold about what they would
do and forget the attacks!

Not to be. Political consultants wrote the scripts that
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio dutifully followed. It was
time to bring Donald Trump down, to tighten the race.

I'm not sure it worked, especially for Rubio who at
times seemed desperate to prove himself, a bit of

Cruz was more measured, but should have offered
more content about limited govt, etc. that is his

I doubt either man asked himself, "Is this what the
public wants to hear?" If so, it brings up question of
their judgement!

Since immigration was the center stage issue, I would
have expected at least one candidate mention what is
happening at this very moment.

First, how many people know that Disney is replacing
American workers with foreign ones, that they must
first train?

Second, is the public aware  of the illegal "import
bank" is open once again, flooding the border with
unaccompanied minors?

This is happening, yet, no candidate mentioned it during
the debate.

Its up to candidates to keep us engaged, offering solutions,
not attacking one another.

Trump's success is due to him saying publicly what many
Americans are saying in their homes. Cruz, Rubio and the
others should follow his lead.

Rubio and Cruz should consider running their campaigns
as Trump is doing, fire consultants, don't do any polling.

Doubt this will happen as neither one seems to have the 
degree of confidence in himself as Trump does.
Replies  welcome.....or  ajbruno14 gmail

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Be aware of the liberal use of the word "conservative"!

I was not surprised to receive a political mailing from my Congresswoman,
Rep. Renee Ellmers! But, I was taken back reading she is a conservative! 
Did I miss something?

I do remember Ellmers ran as a conservative when she was first elected 
with the eighty-odd Tea Party challengers in 2010. Even when I met her 
in 2011 she demonstrated a grasp on many issues, although her back-
ground was in health care.

But, something happened as her 2014 re-election neared. Maybe the 
bottled water distributed in Congressional offices was spiked with an
'establishment' additive as Ellmers started behaving as Speak Boehner
did, and we saw how far that got him!

Locally, she hosted an event in Cary to 'discuss' immigration. It was the
first kangaroo court I ever witnessed, stacked with the beneficiaries of 
illegal workers.

Every speaker addressed the concern of  the illegals and the positive 
impact they had on their businesses. American workers, now unemployed,
were never even discussed. Only thing Ellmers did not bring to this show 
were her dog and pony".

But it wasn't just immigration. She voted as directed by the leadership, 
giving us deficit budgets and debt ceiling increases!  Conservative?

But, not one to outdo herself, Ellmers agreed to meet with several 
constituents in her Dunn, NC office in 2014. Although ten showed she 
only spoke with three of us. She persuaded us on her position on 
immigration by calling us names!! Not a constructive meeting.

Ellmers also proved her value as a 'foot soldier' in the amnesty army,
appearing on a nationwide talk radio show and demonstrated talking 
points could only take her so far. She was a national embarrassment!

This to advise you that no matter what label politicians wear, make sure it
fits with their outfit.

Higher education at Univ. of NC reaches a new low.

The attacks came almost immediately after it was announced Margaret Spelling
would be named of president of the Univ. of NC system.

Not surprisingly, protests were organized as Ms. Spelling was criticized for past
remarks and even for serving in the Bush Administration. Never mind she had
the strongest credentials of anyone to serve in this position, as the former
Secy of the US Dept. of Education.

Ms. Spelling is not the first former cabinet secy. to land a position at a major
university. In recent years there were two others.
First, Donna Shalala, who served as Secy. of HHS under Bill Clinton became
the president of Univ. of Miami. 

And, more recently ​Janet Napolitano, who served Barack Obama as the Secy.
of Homeland Security accepted the position of president at Univ. of California.

Neither Shalala or Napolitano held high level positions in education, yet their
appointment were not met with campus protests as we see here in Chapel Hill.
This has come to be expected, in academia if you are a Democrat all doors are
open, with little regard for your credentials.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Buyer beware when deciding which candidate to support!

The deck chairs are being rearranged on the Republican 'ship of fools' in an attempt
to keep it from going off its establishment desired course.

The primary race is now down to five from seventeen so the choices for the donors
who already spent $200 million and the politicians who have are spending their political
capital, has narrowed to two, Marco Rubio or John Kasich! 

Subtle message to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson; "you need not apply".
Donors want the assurances and politicians want stability that both Rubio and Kasich
offer. The other three are too "risky".

What the wealthy and the politically savvy refuse to accept, the public see this primary
much differently than they do.

The majority of Republican electorate will take a risk on Trump for his boldness, for
Cruz for his deep commitment to the rule of law, and for Carson for the human decency
and common sense he brings to the conversation. All would approach the presidency in
a much different way than the favorites of the political establishment.

As the process moves forward across the country it might be confusing as all candidates
will offer appealing messages, making it tough to pick one to support.

Be forewarned....PAC money and endorsed by politicians especially those who have been
in office for many years.  Consider them dis-qualifiers!

Comments welcome....or email ajbruno14  gmail

Monday, February 22, 2016

Do we really need a US Dept. of Education?

​The US Dept. of Education has sent a warning to NC, either the state
test at least  95% of its student or Federal funds would be withheld.
Thus, the Federal govt. once again "governs" an independent state.

When I read this story I thought back to 1979 when the US Dept
of  Education was created and wondered if Congress ever thought
what it was doing at the time and the impact on the states.

I am sure it seemed appealing to have Federal oversight to ensure
education across the country would be equal.  But, 40 years later
this is not the case, so what value does the US DOE provide?

The perceived benefit of Federal oversight not withstanding, we
must not forget Congress is elected by the people of independent
states, and are "employed" to represent them, not Federal agencies.

States are more than capable to provide the level of education its
citizens demand, not what the Federal govt. dictate they should.

The interests of parents is more important than those of Washington
bureaucrats, as it should be.

It is long past time this forty year experiment, centralized education
oversight be scrapped and states once take full ownership of public
education without the costly burden of compliance or the risk of
losing rightful govt. funding.

Comments Welcome, or email ajbruno14 gmail

Political corruption coming out of the shadows

Politicians usually work behind closed doors, making deals to advance
an agenda of the puppeteers who actually govern. 

But, not this presidential election year as two 'out of the mainstream'
candidates, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, are making waves in
the normally calm political waters.

On the Democrat side, Sanders is challenging Hillary Clinton as other
well known challengers "decided" not to run for the presidency.

If Sanders believes he has a chance to be the nominee he not only is
fooling himself, but also thousands of his supporters who think likewise.

This year there is no hiding the process is fixed to favor Hillary Clinton
by a political party as misnamed as any party can be. Democrat!

Hillary won the Iowa Caucus by the narrowest margin thanks to 'coin
flips'! Then she won the Nevada Caucus by drawing from decks of cards
in venues that included casinos of all places!

No matter coins or cards, Hillary Clinton was assured she would get the
super delegates needed to win despite how well Sanders performed.

On the Republican side its equally tainted. Although a field of seventeen
vied for the nomination, the political establishment was guiding the process
as donors placed their bets!

As the field whittled to five Trump remains far ahead, drawing the largest crowds
and energizing the electorate as no other Republican candidate since Reagan.

But, unlike the Democrat Party which 'gamed' the process, Republicans needed
to use a different approach and even publicly spoke of stopping Trump!

The plan was a bit nefarious. Political PACS ran negative ADs against Trump,
donors "bet" tens of millions on candidates who fit the establishment mold.
Even elected governors and members of Congress only endorsed candidates
who would pass the GOP 'litmus' test, which Trump could never do.

Party leaders do not care the electorate wants Trump, they do not!

Even media reports ask "what can be done to stop Trump". This demonstrates
how little respect is given to the will of the people.

For those scratching their heads why Sanders and Trump are doing so well,
review the behavior of the parties. It tells us more than either Trump and
Sanders are saying!

Comments welcome...or email ajbruno14 gmail.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Why college tuition will remain unaffordable.....

Bernie Sanders has gotten a lot of mileage in his presidential campaign
by promising "free college tuition".

However, Sanders conveniently omits stating "WHY" college tuition is so
high. Missing from his stump speech is the govt. run student loan program
as the cause, not the "billionaires" on Wall St.

Sanders will try to blame capitalism, but capitalism brings competition
that would drives tuition down. And, don't expect him to blame his 'holy
grail' of governance, socialism, for this would destroy the Utopian world
he promises.

But, it is socialism, woven into the fabric of college financing, that
prevents tuition from being affordable. 

With govt. loans schools have no reason to compete on price even though
it would broaden the marketplace to millions more.

So, as long as funding is available colleges can maintain high tuition,
with little incentive for them to do otherwise.

This is why you will never see a full page AD offering reduced tuition,
only low interest student loans that keep families in debt for years!

The unchallenged collusion of universities and the government which now
controls the entire student loan program ensures tuition will stay as
high as colleges desire.

Comments welcome....  or email ajbruno14

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Donald Trump may be the right man for the times!

A year ago if someone asked what I thought of Donald Trump
of a presidential candidate, I don't know who I would respond.

Its not that I did not think he was smart or a problem solver.
But, I didn't think he would address such a wide range of issues
with a competency only experienced politicians would offer.

I candidly do not know what I'd say. I never gave Trump much
thought as a serious entry in the political world.
As a 'true conservative' I doubted Trump would be a person to
ensure Reagan type conservatism would once again find a
home in the White House! I believed only Ted Cruz could fill
Reagan's shoes.

But, after listening to Trump address more issues than anyone
thought he even understood I have come to believe he could be
the one person to "make America great again".

A lot has happened since his announcement in June 2015 when
he joined a lengthy field of many experienced politicians seeking
the  Republican nomination.
Trump was dismissed as an 'entertainer', even though he has a
forty year career as a builder.  He was accused of being a charlatan,
a liberal who took a wrong turn. He was said to be "unfit" for the
office. And on and on!
The professionals who follow politics in and out of the media said
his  candidacy was dead due to the countless outrageous remarks
he made.  Worse, he was not a conservative, the cloak every GOP
candidate professes to be no matter how they perform!
If you listened to Trump you know what he said. If you have not, this
is  what I heard!
Trump said he would 'build a wall, and get Mexico to pay for it'.  This
over the top comment was met with ridicule, except where it matters
most, in the rural areas of Arizona and Texas which have been inundated
by illegals, coming to work and transport drugs!
He also said politicians do nothing but talk and take millions for donors who
want to influence them.
This claim resonated across the entire country to people who yearn for
problems to be fixed and hate the money from influence peddlers!

Not one candidate dared to respond about their failures or donor influence.

Trump added Mexico is sending drug dealers and rapists. The media was
outraged at this insult to people who came here to work.  But, it got attention.
Trump went on to say highly educated Hispanics are not coming here, only
the most hard pressed and criminals. Trump could have added, Mexico is
failing its own people, indifferent to their plight!
But, consider what is occurring across the country, the "war on drugs" has
been a failure, Mexican drug gangs populate our inner cities! How wrong
can Trump be?
Again, the American people have seen first hand what politicians ignored.

He said the Asian Trade deal is killing jobs in America, even though some
of his opponents favor it.  This message resonated so much some labor
unions are endorsing Trump! Not since Reagan have unions endorsed
a Republican!

Trump said Common Core is killing public education and education will once
again be done by the states. This is what parents have been complaining
about, yet the Republican party continues to support it!

Trump said he would be the Keystone pipeline and make our country energy
independent.  He probably will

He chastised the American companies moving to Mexico, such as Ford, and
would set high tariffs against them. Don't doubt him!
Trump even told the truth about 'climate change'. He said it is a scheme to
transfer wealth, any will only weaken US economy, which most conservative
also believe.

With every issue he addressed his favor-ability grew stronger and with each
passing week, one by one each of the 20 challengers dropped out, and we
are left with six!
This is what is happening. Trump is showing you can beat a political opponent,
overcome a complicit media and rally concerned Americans to support your
candidacy. And do it without mentioning you are a conservative or Constitution.
He is doing this in the most unorthodox method;  speaking the way Americans
speak in coffee shops and diners across the country.
Is he conservative enough to pass the fraudulent Republican litmus test? Does
anyone actually think the majority of Americans even care?
Americans who support Donal Trump are all true believers, but not all true
conservatives. They see him as the bold alternative to the political deal makers,
whose primary interest are how the deals affect them.

He says he will build a wall, make Ford will pay high tariffs if they build plant
in Mexico, stop all immigration until we get control, will not support TPP, kill
Iran deal, destroy ISIS, stop Common Core, return education to local control, become energy independent, build Keystone, expand fracking, called climate
change a fraud and more.


I am taking this primary as a bystander, enjoying the battle for the nomination.  Finally the GOP has life....thanks to Trump!  It has been amusing watching the governors believe their success is an asset.  They are clueless of the public
sentiment. It are the candidates which stand out which are well ahead.

So many conservatives get upset that Trump is doing so well, and only Cruz
seem able to keep pace.  But, as the NY Post story cited Trump is not
using consultants and other methods.  His advantage may be NOT doing
what is expected.

First of all Trump REALLY wants the job and doing everything he can to win
it. And despite those of us who cringe at what he is saying he has been
winning over more people than anyone else.
I disagree about turnout, with Trump it will huge.  Have you ever heard the
GOP get an endorsement from labor?  Well, Trump has, because of the
promise to create jobs.

The big concern I hear is that Trump is not conservative. But, have the
GOP Congress been conservative?  The govt. has grown under Bush
and Obama, yet the party refused to reign either in.

Trump is doing more than wearing a label, he has offered solutions to the problems high on the public's list.

He is touching on issues everyone, not just conservatives want fixed!
We could see "Trump Democrats" vote Republican for the 1st time since
Remember, Trump is a builder, yet he is not afraid to address anything he
is asked about.
He is the only one to go after Hillary directly, and Bill!!  People have been waiting years for this to happen...and it finally is!
Cruz may be the better choice, but if Trump is the president I believe the
country will be stronger and long term dysfunctional governance will end.
Trump will not accept excuses for failure...and will fire people!!

We do not want another Democrat in the White House.  Trump has shown
his mettle, fearless and has not even touched his bankroll.

Anthony Bruno
107 Landser Ct.
Cary, NC 27519

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Its Only a Piece of Paper!

Does it matter if President Obama makes the next Supreme Court appointment?

Everyone thinks it does. Republican want the next president to appoint the 
new jurist so the choice would be confirmed by an election, not a lame duck. 
But, Democrats say President Obama has a "duty" to do it now! 

To steal a line from Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?"

No matter who Obama or the next president appoints and the Senate confirms our
legal system has been so corrupted its highly unlikely we will have anyone near
a conservative jurist, certainly none the caliber of Antonin Scalia will ever
be seated on the Supreme Court!

America's law schools serve as the “farm system” for the men and women who
will eventually serve as jurists at every level of govt. They learn from a
ideological playbook, driven by indoctrination, not the painstaking efforts
of the Founders to write a Constitution that ensured states rights and
individual freedoms be protected!

From local towns, counties, states and all Federal courts, the probability of
seeing a “Scalia-type” jurist serve has gotten smaller with each graduating class.

Each years thousands of graduates become lawyers, trained to believe the
Constitution is an impediment, not a guiding influence on American governance.

Schools no longer teach the Constitution, deferring to legal “precedents”. Even
Chief Justice John Roberts candidly admitted during his confirmation hearing that
'settled law' should not be overturned. This was the warning no one picked up on
as to where the Court would be going!

No matter who is appointed and confirmed, the end is near for “Strict Constitutional Constructionists” on the Court. To find a Scalia may be near impossible, as anyone
as bold as he was may not even get a degree!

For every Scalia you will find 1000 Bader Ginsburgs. And for every conservative
president you will find two dozen non-conservative ones.

As President Obama recently said in an interview on gun control, "I believe in the 
Second Amendment. It’s written there… on the paper.”  He couldn't bring himself to
utter "Constitution"!

This is America's future, there is no turning back!

What is 'Constitutional Conservatism'?

The second most challenging task for a politician is to convince
the electorate less govt. is best for him. (First is fund raising)

The public has been conditioned to accept more govt. services to
lessen the burden and responsibility he carries, unaware of the
unspoken price!

This has been the “evolution” of American govt. for over 100 years.

Yet, despite all the govt. now does, the electorate remains displeased
with what they are getting.

Enter “Constitutional Conservatism”, two words foreign to most. Neither
is presented in a positive light, thanks especially to public education.
So the task of explaining it must be done in the simplest way.

“Constitution Conservatism” means the national government should be
bound by the US Constitution, with its explicit limits, allowing
independent states to govern themselves!

Yet, this is not the current state of American governance!

Independent states are now more “dependent” on the Federal govt. then ever
before, so dependent even Congressional representative pass legislation to
burden them further and Federal agencies apply hundreds of regulations!

States are required to comply with mandates while begging the Federal govt.
for money which their own citizens sent to Washington in taxes.

This must be the beginning of any argument to convince the American people
“constitutional conservatism” to the best form of governance. The people
need to understand this first!

Once this sets in, than the true cost of a looming Federal govt. can be
understood. The people may not realize that every service influenced by
Washington is more costly than services that are not.

The people need to understand the three most costly; education, health care
and housing are tightly controlled by the Federal govt. that plays a major
role in the accelerating cost of each. It is not a coincidence!

When these costs are quantified the people will understand “Constitutional
conservatism” would change the political dynamics, reduce power of influence
peddlers, lobbyists and corruptibility in Washington.

It takes more than saying you are a 'conservative'. You might as well say
it to a mirror if the electorate has little understanding of what it means.

You would think someone who says he is conservative would offer what it means.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Unasked question not mentioned

Immediately following the news of Antonin Scalia's death,the "chess game"
​over what will happen next began as Obama,Congressional leaders, media
and everyone following the story of when someone should be appointed
was chatted about throughout the weekend.

But, as often happens Rush Limbaugh brought clarity and realism of
what to expect. He calls it "wisdom based on experience".

The "experience" was the behavior pattern of President Obama who
has never delayed doing something he wanted to do. No surprise, he
immediately said he would name a replacement for Scalia.

Second bit of "experience" has been the performance of the Republicans
in Congress who time and again have disappointed their constituents with
their attempts to stop Obama through legislative actions.

That it the "experience"

Now turn to Sen. McConnell who said the Senate would not hold
confirmation hearings this year. Really? Not based on past experience.

The media and pundits thought this was great news, another Washington
food fight!!

Back to Rush.  The "wisdom" he offers, don't expect McConnell to
delay confirmation hearings. In seven years the Republican have yet
to even try to stop Obama. The best they offer are lame excuses no
more convincing then "the dog ate my homework"

Based on the "experience" Obama will nominate someone and the Senate
will have confirmation hearings and confirm the nominee.

If anything other than this occurs, that would be news!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Did I hear right at the SC GOP debate?

Trump was Trump again, doing what he does and taking no prisoners!
He even dared to attack former president George W. Bush for taking
our nation to war in Iraq!

This would not stand, especially to Jeb Bush who immediately came
to his brother's defense. Jeb reminded us his brother kept our 
country safe. Even Colin Powell's name was reverently mentioned
to strengthen the case to remove Saddam Hussein.

But, as I listened to the fond remembrance of Bush 43 and Powell
I thought how different the feelings were during the 2008
presidential election campaign.

As I recall, the Republican Party had no use for George Bush, the
man who "kept our country safe". The party did not even invite him
to its convention. This was the 'thank you' for eight years of 
fighting against terrorism where it was found. As expected its
leadership turned into jelly fish.

And for those who put Colin Powell on a political pedestal,remember
it was Powell who endorsed Barack Obama, a political neophyte with
scant experience against his mentor in the Senate, John McCain,
much more accomplished.  Powell continued to insult his party by
supporting Obama once again against Mitt Romney in 2012.

So the outrage towards Trump should pale to the outrage of insulting
President Bush by his own party. And to hold up Powell as a paragon
of political virtue is hogwash!

Trump may be tarnished by his comments, but the Republican Party
should be embarrassed​ for showing no appreciation for George W. Bush!​

Sentinel of the Constitution

On Saturday our nation suffered a great lose with
the passing of Antonin Scalia, a name most Americans
may not know. Nor will many people who do know his
name appreciate what he has done for them the past
thirty years.

During his three decades on the Supreme Court Scalia
has been a lightening rod on the most divisive issues
confronting the jurists.

Yet through the accolades and criticism Scalia has
remained the "sentinel of the US Constitution".

Most people may not understand the import of what
Scalia brought to the court as its longest serving

He was revered by those who understand the importance
of our Constitution, the foundation of our republic.

But,he was also hated in some quarters by those who
believed the Constitution be 'molded' to fit their 
interests,something Scalia knew was not the court's

It serves no constructive purpose to argue with someone
who allows 'hate' to replace 'respect' when reviewing
Scalia's, or any other jurist's, opinions.

To view Scalia fairly, we need look no further than his
relationship with his colleague for 27 years and closest
friend, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Both served the public admirably yet neither agreed on
much which came before the court, especially the limits
of govt.

Constitution conservatives are saddened with Scalia's
passing.  Let's hope they are equally saddened with
the passing of jurists such as Ginsberg, I know Scalia
would be!

Antonin Scalia, Rest in Peace

Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Presidential Nominating Conspiracy!

Most Americans are not actively involved with their political parties,
attend meeting or events, resulting in only about half even voting.

They have no input to the process.  Political party bosses set the 
parameters, apply rigged rules, ensuring desired candidates win 
and orchestrate their version of a democratic process giving the
impression it will be the people who decide.

The public know they're on the sidelines, only observers watching
elected representatives fail once again to follow through on their 
campaign promises, doing bidding for behind the scenes interests,
not their constituents.

This is the way it is, and the public knows change is near impossible.

For the most part Americans pay little attention to what goes on in
Washington, state capitals or even their town halls. They  have been
driven away by the aura of corruptibility surrounding the governing

But, outside observers are not the only ones harmed, even those
on the "inside", elected officials, find themselves excluded, from 
the governing process. They are under the thumb of power brokers,
told what to do, coerced on how to vote, even told they should not
consider running for higher office!

The evidence is right in front of us as this year Democrats have
orchestrated it's primary for the presidential nomination to assure
the desired outcome would occur.

As we are in 2016 presidential primaries the considered wisdom is
that the "second time will be the charm" for Hillary Clinton who 
faltered and lost to a young upstart in 2008!

Hillary is once again seeking the Democrat nomination and was not
expected to be seriously challenged as not a single experienced, long 
term  elected Democrat stepped forward to fight for the nomination, 
a rarity when the most powerful elected office at stake.

You will not read of this political oddity in news reports, but there
was no need for one, a corruptible process is hard to disguise! No
matter the unwritten "rules", there are exceptions.

Enter, Sen. Bernie Sanders who is running for the presidency, and
running hard. Apparently he didn't get the message.

Sanders may not be running to win, but he does want to make a 
statement, the govt. is rigged against American workers. Sanders
believes he has found an opening to sell Socialism. And with the
state of public education this may not be a difficult sell.

Sanders message has resonated wherever he speaks, drawing large
crowds and bringing in donations to fund his campaign!

Could Sanders seriously challenge Hillary? The answer is seen in
the size of his crowds compared to the small ones Hillary draws.
Sanders is so formidable the Democrat bosses are fearful. Not 
about Hillary losing, but Sanders not able to win the presidency!

Party bosses are now reaching out for others to jump into the race, 
many of the same people they quietly asked not to oppose Hillary.

Name dropping is the new parlor game at Washington cocktail parties
and names mentioned include Biden, Kerry and Elizabeth Warren, or
anyone else who will keep the White House in Democrat hands!

This confirms the system is so corrupt even when the people support
a candidate, it is meaningless.

As for now Hillary is still the odds on favorite. She has the money, the
organization and power brokers in and out of politics!

But, if she stumbles and the party brokers conclude Sanders will be its
nominee he'll be challenged by a new entry quickly being saddled up 
and heading to the track!

The Democrat Party have taken selecting their nominee to another
level! By any description, it is a fraudulent conspiracy to avoid being
bound by the will of the majority! 
Stay tuned!

What Presidental Candidates Should be campaiging on

This presidential election campaign word is being mentioned time and
again, and when it is candidates run in the other direction. The word
is the "establishment". 
What is it?  For this discussion, it is the existing political power structure 
which governs. It is the dominant groups in our societyinstitutions who
control every aspect of import to them.
 While the electorate gets one bite at the apple, on Election Day, the
establishment gets the remainder when it "takes charge".

to make sure the majority of  the
$4 trillion spent by Congress and president each year passes through
its portal.

The establishment is not recognizable to the general public but well
known to the politicians who write laws, and the govt. regulators
that control what individuals and businesses are permitted to do.

Most elections the word establishment is never mentioned but in the
battle for the presidency several candidates are bringing this 'shadow
govt. to light.  Even career politicians who travel in the same circle
with the establishment protest they are not!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Great Issue....but where is the political solution?

One of Bernie Sanders rallying cries has been free college tuition!

Sanders wisely hits on an issue long with us, the cost of higher 
education, using it successfully to win favor,  especially with 
younger voters.

But, this is nothing new, politicians will always gravitate to any 
issue they  can capitalize on. And when it works for one, most 
will climb on board!

The cost of higher education has been corrupted by the deliberate
avoidance of supply/demand and cost competition in pricing that
is done throughout our capitalist, free market system. Both were 
replaced with either aid or enormous debt!

Its apparent there is little concern for the debt required to put a child 
through college, only the shedding of  'crocodile tears' by politicians 
and college administrators, whose solutions include student loans,
grants and  scholarships. 

Higher education, unlike other large purchases such as homes and
cars, isn't  negotiated. You will never see a university have a "sale" 
to compete with another school. Nor, will politician investigate why 
a  college education so high and put the onus on universities to make 
it more affordable.

But, you will see politicians rail against the high cost and even promote 
"free tuition" playing on the ignorance of the general public.

What most people fail to recognize, education is the largest "industry"
in our country, subsidized by govt. and corporations. 

Politicians have capitalized on this, playing on the fears of parents who 
only want the best education for their childrenwith little regard for cost
or the enormous debt in places on them!

Cost of education is the perfect political issue, the gift that keeps on 
giving, election after election, exactly as intended.

Its too bad Sanders is not campaigning on WHY the public is saddled 
with the burden, not transferring it to taxpayers!

Only when politicians put aside all pretence of caring and do their part
to reduce the cost of higher education will  the public be properly served.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bound together by Govt. in NC

While our attention will be on the winners of the NC 
presidential primaries on March 15th, we may miss 
a bigger story, the "strange bedfellows" who support
the $2 billion infrastructure bond.

Democrats, Republicans and the News and Observer
are on the same page!  How often have we seen this?

The N&O is doing its part, reporting years of neglect 
that necessitates this multi-billion investment, citing 
UNC failure to plan for the future!

Politicians, in a rare occurrence, are making nice, so 
this $2 billion funding apple cart is not overturned by
the people next month.

Citizens don't disagree with investing in infrastructure if
they are told 'why' the debt is needed and the reasons 
for the reported neglect dating back three decades. 

But, "why" is a rare insertion in most news reports on
many topics, as the answer could weaken the case to
be made!

The public should question why a university which sees
fit to pay some employees so handsomely, as much as
50% more than the governor receives, not tend to what
is essential in its plans for the future.

As voters, especially in Wake County, we should ponder
whether or not to support the Infrastructure bond based
on what has already been done, as well as what is on
the horizon.

First, remember NC took three years to repay the Federal
govt. $2.5 billion it received for extending unemployment

Second, Wake voters approved an $800 million school 
bond, half of what was originally requested.

Third, homes were reappraised last year leading to an 
increase in most homes value and a tax rate increase.

Fourth, a second county school bond will be presented
to get the remainder of the initial request, about $1 billion.

The public learns of such actions piecemeal but rarely see 
the fashion in which politicians operate, working diligently 
to not take money from taxpayers while making decisions 
that leave them no choice but to do so!

As the political Ides of March near airwaves will be inundated
with ADs on the Infrastructure bond.  Watch them, learn both
sides, but in the end ask yourself, "why do the public's needs 
go so neglected for so long?"

Stay informed!