Sunday, April 29, 2018

Open letter to Rev. Patrick Conroy, Chaplain to US House

Rev. Conroy,
When I read you were fired as House chaplain due to comments you made
about the tax reform bill, my thoughts went to my local priest who often 
speaks in support of legislation to aid illegal entrants and refugees. Unlike
pure Christian teachings, this also represents a political area that not all in
our congregation or even our country agree with.  

But, as troubling as I find this, I find it even more troubling a Catholic 
would not use his position as a chaplain to Congress to weigh in on
the most crucial issue, the sanctity of life.  

Last Oct. the US House passed a bill to ban abortion at the twenty week
mark, which is six week longer than the average of 14 weeks in most 
developed nations.  In January this 'pro unborn' legislation died in the

I searched to see if you had mentioned this legislation in any of your 
opening prayers.  I could not find one.  Nor did I hear any mention 
from the pulpit of my church, which is even more troubling. 

Last week it was something to behold to see so many Democrats come
to your defense, demanding you stay. I could not help but wonder, do 
you think these same members would applaud your remarks in support 
of restrictive abortion legislation?  I doubt it, but we will never know
since you did not speak out.

Surely the Catholic Church which speaks for people in need care 
equally for the unborn, yet this is rarely heard, especially from the 
clergy that can be so influential that serve our Congress take a 
less visible roll. 

Even Catholic universities are turning Christ's teachings on its heads 
when they are challenged by the intolerant that have little use for the
guidance faith and religion provides.

I know you agree the right to life is the most crucial in our faith and 
to dismiss as merely an 'elected individual choice' is as criminal as 
any crime can be.

In the future I hope you speak out about the right to life as you 
do on others issue.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Can't they answer a simple question?

Every so often some politicians show themselves for what they are,
self serving individuals that cannot even handle a simple  "gotcha
question" most of us can.

The question recently 'hatched' by the cable network media hosts
is "will you support President Trump in 2020?". 

First, its interesting this question is being asked so far in advance
of the next presidential election and second why is it being asked
by so many reporters at the same time.  

Most of us who supported President Trump would have answered
with a resounding YES for the simple reason he has kept most of
his campaign promises and is working with Congress on those not
yet met.

Unfortunately, some Republican members of the Senate have trouble
the Trump electorate do not.  These senators hedged rather than point
to the successes of the first year and half as the reason to support him.

The answers from senators Collins, Corker, Alexander, Cornyn and
others demonstrated the disconnect between many establishment
politicians and the conservative electorate. None would commit to
support Trump, fumbling the question with asinine replies.

Each of them preach party loyalty, ask their constituents to support
their reelection citing campaign promises they kept. Yet, these same
people don't have the party loyalty or decency to do the same as Trump
who has not disappointed the electorate or the party!

Is it any wonder why mid-term results reflect on the public's disgust
rather than appreciation!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It is time Robert Mueller be fired!

It has been almost a year since Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein hired Robert Mueller, a former FBI director, as
Special Council to conduct an investigation into Russia's
influence in the 2016 election. 

Throughout this "Russia" probe we have seen time and again
the target has been President Trump, not Russia.

We have seen this is an orchestrated effort to bring down the 
Trump  presidency by a diverse set of players from in and out 
of government.

They come from Wall St which do not care about our slumbering
economy as long as the markets set new levels and political
partisans who are threatened the business as usual culture of
Washington was at risk.

If this investigation was truly to get to the bottom to whatever role
Russia played in the 2016 presidential election, it would interview
the people whose fingerprints are clearly visible, those of Hillary
Clinton and her surrogates, none that have been interviewed
during the probe.

On several occasions President Trump has been advised to fire
Mueller as he has proven to be the partisan his 'impeccable'
reputation hid from public view during his tenure at the FBI
director under President Obama!

And each time Trump was urged to dismiss Mueller he listened to
those who said he should not, that it would be political suicide.  

Trump knew what was going on, but rather than "listening"  to his
own instincts which have always served him well and won him the
presidency he conceded to let the investigation run its course.

If the countless anti-Trump allies in  and out of government want
to bring him down, it should be on his terms, not their's.

It is now time for Trump's instincts to guide him, fire Mueller
and address his decision in a televised message to the American
people as to why.

The Trump presidency is not about him, it is about more than sixty
million voters, enough to garner the required electoral votes to
secure his victory. He has not lost them and should not let others
take his presidency away from them!

This is about promises made that are being kept.  It is about ending
the dysfunctional political lunacy which has destroyed much of the
responsible governance from our nation's capital!

It is time Robert Mueller be fired and President Trump is the right
person to do it! 

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