Saturday, March 31, 2018

"Captains of Industry" have proven to be corporate cowards.

Once again they quiver in the boots, afraid to remain principled executives, easily pressured to submit to outside demands rather than stand fast in their decision to sponsor programs.

These corporate cowards decided to pull advertising from another program after receiving the demand from outside agitators filled with hatred towards those they find fault with.   

Today it is Laura Ingraham for commenting on David Hogg mentioning he was not accepted into several universities, tying it to his gun control campaign.

Its unfortunate to see these bullying tactics work so successfully on corporations 
to silence conservative, traditional viewpoints and worse, end careers and bankrupt businesses.

These are the companies that announced they will cancel ads on Ingraham; Office Depot, Liberty Mutual, Jenny Craig, Nutrish, Atlantis Bahama Island, Stitch Fix, Global investment group, Johnson & Johnson, Hulu, Expedia, Nestle, Wayfair, Trip Advisor, and Ruby Tuesday.

It is rare I respond to such actions, but I must now. I will contact the three companies I do business with that I will no longer use their services.

There will come a day when these companies pressured to cancel advertising will be in the cross hairs themselves.

The longer corporate executives cower, the more emboldened these social anarchists become. 

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Which political party is failing its members?

Which political party is  failing its members?

This is a timely question all members of both parties need to ask
as we approach the next election, especially in the aftermath of
another irresponsible budget passed by Congress and signed
into law by President Trump.

The answer to this question can be found in the votes on issues
important to us where there is a divide in party positions.

Two such issues are abortion and immigration where both
parties clearly have recognizable positions that easily allows
us to see which party legislates according to its principles
and party platform.

Both issues came under scrutiny as they were topics of
discussion after the budget passed.

First, abortion, debated for decades, offer the differing
positions of both parties.

Democrats herald the "right to choose", without restrictions
by age or length of term. Republicans call themselves the
"pro life" party, with restrictions on when abortions are

The budget "answers" the question with the inclusion of
continued funding of Planned Parenthood in the amount
of $500 million. 

We may not know who added this funding to the budget 
bill, but we do know the Republican leadership did not 
remove it!

So, the party which has in its platform a pro life plank,
allowed the biggest abortion provider to continue receiving
federal funding!

This abortion funding inclusion comes less than four months
after legislation failed to limit abortions to twenty weeks,
even as the world average is fourteen weeks! .

Second, immigration which has been center stage as 
funding for "Dreamers", immigrant children that arrived 
illegally for the past decade,  under a DACA program was 
not included in this budget.

What this means, at least to me, Democrats who want the
current DACA program to continue did not even need to 
request funding,  got their wish.  

And Republicans that tell us we need to eliminate 'chain
migration, family members allow to come, did nothing
to gain control with limit on funding. 

These two issues answer the question. The Democrat
Party keeps it promises while the Republican continues
to disappoint.   

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

President Trump finger prints were not on the Omnibus bill, but his signature was!

Those of us that understand the dis-ingenuousness of politicians who
promise but never deliver are seeing once again the Congress has passed
a six month budget that will cost us more than $1 trillion, 'funded' with
debt and will not address important issues that will now have to wait
until 2020 when another budget will be due!

Three key campaign issues of President Trump, defunding of Planned
Parenthood and sanctuary cities, and building the wall on the Southern
border are not included in this budget, and to the satisfaction of most
Democrats and half the Republicans that couldn't care less about the
president's promise to the people that elected him.

Even one issue Democrats say are deeply concerned about, 'Dreamers',
DACA children are also not protected, even though it really doesn't hurt
their cause as until legislation is written they're here to stay and 'chain'
of relatives also will not be deported.

This was enough to warrant a presidential veto which did not occur, but
will it be enough to give Democrats a Congressional majority in November?

What else is in this legislative concoction? The following are requests from
the Trump Administration which were rejected.

1. No increase in the number of ICE ( Immigration and Customs Enforcement) 
2. Detention centers for apprehended illegals are not being increased.
3. Sanctuary cities will continue to be funded. 
4. Only 33 miles of new fencing on the Texas border will be funded,  none
     may resemble the wall prototypes being tested.
5. Funding to enhance border security of nations in conflict in the Middle
    East, not here in the United States.
6. African Development Foundation, Corporation for National Community          Service,  Corporation for Public Broadcasting ALL will receive funding.
7. The National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities did get a cut, $1000
     less than the combined $300 million received in previous budget! 
8. Woodrow Wilson Center, a "think tank"  receives $12 million.
9. Planned Parenthood gets $500 million a year.

Many organizations on this list are self sustaining, pay their executives and employees handsomely, yet each year they grovel to Congress for more
funding, all indifferent to the great debt taxpayers carry.

We can only conclude the Republican leadership prefers to cower to the
interests of Washington lobbyists than the people that elect them.

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