Tuesday, April 25, 2017

He should have spent more time with his kids.....

When John Boehner stepped down as the Republican leader in the House, giving 
up his speaker-ship, Paul Ryan became the logical choice for this most powerful

In the world of politics most would jump at the chance, but not Ryan. He played
'hard to get'. Ryan said he would run for the position only after getting assurances
it would not cut into his family time, being able to take weekends off.

Many felt Ryan showed he was a politician who had his priorities in order. How 
could anyone criticize Ryan's conditions to being the next Speaker?

Well, if you read through history what Ryan refused to sacrifice for his country
Thomas Jefferson did time and again.  The death of several children, the long
lingering illness of his wife haunted him as he worked on the creation of our
nation and serving as the governor of Virginia. It did  not deter him from his
duty to our country.

Immediate communications was non-existent and lengthy delays were standard
in an age when it took two days to travel fifty miles!

Aside from a 'then and now' comparison, consider what a position in Congress 
affords its members, living expenses for families to join members in Washington
and extensive breaks to go home!

But, lets consider the immediate measurement, Ryan's performance as speaker.

By any reasonable measure of a Republican, Ryan has failed. His two budgets 
included 25% of additional debt and each was late, requiring the absurdity of
'continuing resolutions' by a Congress which knows well in advance of what 
is expected and when it should occur. Yet, Ryan would do neither!

Even with the benefit of having a Republican president to work with has not
kept Ryan from being as inept now as he was when Obama was president.

He could have offered health care bill, or forward a tax bill, even muster up
one billion to begin the wall that Congress approved a decade earlier!

Ryan's records 'earns' him the dismal approval rating he deserves!

I have no confidence Ryan will ever be a Speaker who will rise to the occasion
and lead, just another politician who will offer excuses when Congress fails to
do its jobs.

Speaker Ryan gave us a clue before he even took the job, he could not fully
commit to the country at the expense of 'family time'.

The Congress should have never voted him speaker! 

Story on Ryan's "conditions for the job":


Feedback appreciated. Feel free to  email, ajbruno14@gmail.com

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Failure to report does not mean failure!

This best describes the 'journalism' applied during the first 100 days
of the Trump presidency.

Rather than review the entirety of what occurred the media ignored
what was achieved, and cherry picked failures without mentioning
that in the political world it takes two willing partners, leaving ,
President Trump to 'dance' by himself.

But, for moment put aside the 'never Trump' Democrats refusal
to work with him and the Republicans who are more consumed
with proving they 'matter', than having legislative successes.

Look at what President Trump did with the stroke of a pen,
nearly forty executive orders or memos, commitments to his
campaign promises of helping American workers, defending
our nation and ending Washington's counter-productive abuse
of its power.

1. A major promise was to get out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade deal. Trump submitted the notice we will begin withdrawing,
even as Congress remains anxious to continue globalist desires.

2. Another major campaign promise, completion of the Keystone
and Dakota pipelines, both dormant for more than a decade, one
of Trump's first Executive Orders. This step led the pipeline
contractor to cancel its $15 billion lawsuit against the United States
that was never reported!

Additionally, the Commerce Dept. was directed to maximize the
use of American steel on the project.

3. Addressing the newest entry in America's drug epidemic, Trump
issued an order creating a commission to combat Opioid addiction.

4. Executive orders to establish three DOJ task forces to fight drug
cartels, reduce violent crime and attacks against police.

Again, campaign promises fulfilled.

5. An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010
Dodd-Frank regulatory law which has plagued financial institutions
since enacted.

6. Trump issued memorandum directing Secy of Defense to present
a plan within thirty days to defeat ISIS....his major security campaign

7. Also on security Trump authored two orders on borders security and
immigration enforcement: authorizing a border wall, ending funding to
sanctuary cities, adding 5000 more Border Patrol agents, ending 'catch-
release' policies of illegals, reinstating state-local enforcement partnerships.

As someone who spent his life in business President Trump saw what most
former presidents did not see or felt they could not effectively address.

Here are steps he has taken:

8. Order requiring every agency to establish a 'Regulatory Reform Task
Force' to evaluate regulations, and recommend rules for repeal or modification.

9. An order requiring two regulations to be abolished for each one introduced.

10. An order directing a "top-to-bottom" audit of the Executive Branch.

11. Memo to restructure the National Security Council and Homeland
Security Council.

12. An order revoking Obama-era executive orders on federal contracting.

13. Order to lengthen ban on administration officials working as lobbyists,
and lifetime ban on working for foreign govt.

14. Memorandum issued calling for 30-day review of military readiness.

15. Order imposing a hiring freeze to shrink size of govt, excluding the

More on American workers:

16. Memo to order investigation on whether foreign steel is hurting
national security.

17. Order directing federal agencies to review H-1B visa programs,

18. Two orders on trade, one Commerce Dept. should report on
factors behind trade deficit and another increasing collection of
duties on imports.

19. Order for review of Clean Power Plan that restricts greenhouse
gas emissions at coal fired power plants.

20. Another campaign promise, reinstatement of ban on federal funds
to intl. groups that perform abortions or lobby to promote, and end
Planned Parenthood funding if it continues to perform abortions.

21.  Order to direct federal agencies to ease regulatory burdens of
Obamacare by waiving, deferring, exempting the is a fiscal burden
on states, individuals, health providers, recipients, etc.

22. Order to more Black college and university offices back to White
House from the Dept. of Education.

There were about one dozen more, but this demonstrates what President
Trump was able do with the authority of the presidency.

Next time you read how little President Trump has achieved, keep in
mind what the media does not consider achievements, preferring to
point to setbacks and polling numbers.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The questions you'd ask your senator.....

After attending a luncheon with my senator I queried others asking what
they would ask, given the opportunity to do so.

Here are the replies I want to share with you. With minimal editing, these 
are the submissions, which I will also send to select US senators. These
replies from people living in different states.

Thanks for your participation,

Here's assuming one gets an honest answer:

1. Is there a reason why you don't answer your phone?
2. Is there a reason why all your calls are diverted to assistants who then decide what to do with the message?
3. How much money do I have to donate to your reelection campaign in order to be able to talk to you?
4. What's the "Real" reason you decided to run for office?
5. What do YOU believe you were hired to do?
6. Do you ever really give a damn about the issues a constituent puts before you, or do you just wait for them 
    to finish talking and then carry out the promises you made to the lobbyist that paid you?
7. What is the determining factor for you to carry a bill?
8. Do you realize how unmitigatingly arrogant you really are?

When will they stick to their conservative principles
and stop compromising with Liberals, who never compromise 
with conservatives.  We don't want RINO's. 


How much do 59 Tomahawk missiles cost? Spend that money on a toll free 540. No toll
roads in NC. Spend US taxpayer dollars on USA infrastructure not bombing a Syrian airport.


Why won't you cooperate with Republicans?  And why do you move in lock step with your
party leaders  instead of thinking for yourselves.

However, I would not cross the street to see any of the Hawaii delegation.  I am thoroughly 
disgusted with what they are doing and with state and city politicians too.  Our state legislative
body has 3 Republicans in the house and no Senate Republicans.  Our mayor just thinks of
more ways to spend money and thinks nothing of how he will pay for his bright ideas. I have 
hope for the country but no hope for Hawaii unless people wake up and dump the whole lot
of our politicians locally.

Tom Cotton of Arkansas  
Why didn’t you smack Schumer upside his​ head 
when he  challenged you on the Senate floor?

John McCain
I very much respect and honor your service. I used to like you. 
 I want to like you.  But you broke my heart sucking up to the 
media and going rogue, then losing to Obama and not supporting 
this president.  What’s  up with you?

Mu question: What efforts are being made to cut back waste, fraud and abuse and balance
the Federal budget as oppose to just re​-​position​ing​ the deck chairs?

Why are you pressing for amnesty for illegal immigrants and more legal immigrant work visas
when our US Bureau of Labor Statistics U-6 unemployment rate is at 9% and even higher for
low-skilled citizens.

Have you studied the Constitution and all the Laws emanating from it?  If so why does the 
Senate have so many Rules that are not truly spelled out in the Constitution?  Is the Senate 
able to function solely without all the Rules and use the Constitution as its guide?  Finally, is 
the Constitution not a complete document?

Why don't Republicans have a healthcare plan ready to replace Obama Care?
When are you and the rest of the senators going to stop playing politics and start doing
something for America and not just for your party or personal gain?

Below are a few questions I might ask:

 "I know there are various groups within the Republican Party from very conservative to not 
so conservative.  However, WHY won't the Republican Party Senate and House unite behind
our Republican President???"

"Why can't you stand up for what is RIGHT for America and NOT only what is right for the
Republican Party???

"Do you believe November election was a mandate to the Republican Party?  If not, why not???"

"A  lot of whiney, snowflake Democrats need to be told to go suck an egg. Do you have the gumption
to tell them that??"

"What is more important to you???  This country, or your job??"

"Why do you want to coddle the Democrats by reaching across the aisle?  The Dems didn't vote
for you, nor will they ever vote for you.  They rarely, if ever, reached across the aisle to you when 
they were in the majority.  Plus, you've already given in to them far too often.  If nothing else, this
 last election the PEOPLE told you we don't like the Dem way.  DID YOU LISTEN??  

Do you have the intestinal fortitude to tell the Dems to get on board or get out of the way??"

As you can tell, I'm not too pleased with our two Senators.  I believe they are in bed with special
interests and only come out to play when they wish to be re-elected.  I believe them both to be 
RINO's who talk a good game, but don't play the game they talk.  

Tough one.  It would be how’s it hanging or why don’t you use credible efficiency experts to actually
evaluate what the value of the department is vis a vis its charter to the taxpayer.  Also I would, from
a budgetary perspective, vet the $ in a given budget and if they are value added. 

Screw the questions.  I want to tell them to repeal the Fascist monstrosity called Obamacare and
replace it with market based  solutions that allow anybody to purchase health insurance across state
lines and that allows insurance to be portable.

Free the health care industry from the shackles of intrusive government. That said, if there is a question
it would be "Why the hell not do it?"

"why is it you campaigned on  getting rid of obamacare, yet have done NOTHING to achieve that. 
Why are we paying you a salary? Perhaps to just sit "there"....twideling your thumbs!!!  Or perhaps 
to enhance you financial portfolio due to "insider trading"!!!

Will you do as you promised, and FINALLY leave. You have accomplished absolutely ZILCH for
citizens of NC in 20 years, yet we have PAID for your 11 trips to Europe, and we didn't even get 
a post card!!! Talk about GOVERNMENT WASTE!!!

blunt, to the point, but DOUBT either if these jackasses has a clue how despised they are....you
won by name recognition  ONLY!!! now you want to run for governor, sure, he'd be perfect "matching 
book end" for the mentally challenged guy we are stuck with now!!!!

The same thing I already him.  That I spent a large part of my military career defending 
the sovereignty  of nations (including combat missions) that hate us; Saudi Arabia, 
Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and I wonder why the  anointed in Washington DC will not
lift a finger to defend our own sovereignty. 

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

They shot an arrow in the air, knowing its target, to "Kill Bill"!

Many of you may already know O'Reilly was fired by Fox as sexual harassment
charges have been filed against him. In typical corporate behavior Fox paid to
'settle' rather than bare the greater cost to litigate, even if the charges are false.

Time and again we have seen intimidation works against celebrities and  any
large organization that appears 'ripe for the picking'.

In this case it was reported sixty companies cancelled their ADs on  O'Reilly. 
This is quite a large number deciding to depart the highest  rated show on cable 
within the narrowest time-frame, and may be more than a coincidence.  

It appears an orchestrated attempt was made by Left leaning groups to  'Kill Bill', 
a formula used succesfully by the intolerant. And with technology of  'robo-calls'
ten complaints to a corporate sponsor can 'become' 10,000!

I am sure most of the companies did not delve into the allegations to determine 
whether charges were worthy of cancelling  their ADs. The 'pressure', supported 
by a NY Times report was enough for them to decide to leave.

This is another 'arrow' used to intimidate, one never used  against Left leaning
media which is why disgraced Dan Rather and Brian Williams reappeared.

The companies deciding to leave O'Reilly have no idea that each of them could
at some future point be in the same cross hairs O'Reilly is in. In fact, the next step
might be the demand these same sixty should stop sponsoring Fox News totally!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Its time to end the anarchy........

No need to look backwards to understand the problem, it is staring the American
people in the face, our nation is under attack from within. The unmentioned enemy
is clear, does not hide, and on a continuous attack against our nation, institutions,
and founding principles.

As a citizen far removed from the powers of American governance, even I see it. 
So do people outside the seats of governance, but knowledgeable enough to write
detailed books of what is going on, warning that something must be done to save 
our nation! But, such warnings remain ignored!

Even the politicians that we rely on to defend our sacred institutions and form of 
governance either do not see the severity of the problem or refuse to  acknowledge
what is happening.

They are the same people who see Russia as an unproven threat but not American 
born anarchists influenced by entities well hidden, but in full control that direct
the anarchy at places and times of their choosing.

This is one Hitler comparison worth understanding. During Hitler's reign he had
the Brownshirts, his paramilitary group using violent intimidation. Although we
cannot point to a single 'leader' today, Brownshirts  are remarkably similar to the
masked, black clad protesters who arrive in select location at a  moments notice,
equipped and organized to protest, riot, assault and destroy property! These are
not spontaneous occurrences!

Even universities are ripe for these 'protests' where hundreds would show up,
cause chaos to intimidate schools, and speakers.  This is not acceptable, and it
is long past time for it to end!

But, how many recognize what is occurring?  Is "anarchy" too strong a word to
describe their actions?  Are these protesters betraying our country and attempting
to overthrow the govt? If so, it is reasonable to call it what it is, "treason"!

The blueprint was not even hidden, although the media refuses to bring it to light. 
There are many 'founders' of this initiative. One is David Brock, whose memo on 
the link below identifies the effort that will be used today and references earlier
effort to undermine American governance.

The Link:

We can talk about what can be done, how to protect our form of governance from
desires of those who do not want civil discourse, or even accept results of elections.

Where can we look for this protection? Not Congress, its indifferent to the
unsettling, but not unfamiliar action, that is occurring across our country,
even at major universities which hides behind 'right to protest' rather than
demand civil discourse.

Since elected officials refuse to address this problem we need to look to people
who understand it, are equally concerned and have the authority and means to
 'kill it'!

We need to look to the Executive Branch starting with President Trump who has
the power of the Executive Order to shut down the dozens of non-profits that fund
these protests. Taking away non-profit privilege and charging complicity when a
'money trail' can be proven is an important first step.

Second, the Justice Dept. AG Session should use the power of Federal prosecution
against groups that aid and abet the anarchists, when providing funding of these

Third, Federal charges should be filed against the anarchists too.  Sessions can
work with Kelly of Homeland Security that can provide security staffing at major
protest events, make arrests on Federal charges, not misdemeanors that are a slap
on the wrist. When the boundaries of political discourse have been breached,
prosecution on the seriousness of what they do should occur, even treason for
putting our nation at risk.

Harsh?  Not really, when you consider the boldness of the words and deeds
meant to undermine elected governance.

Comments welcome.... 

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

Saturday, April 8, 2017

This is "American Exceptionalism"

Its easy for the public to become upset with Congress, no matter which
party is in the majority and runs the legislative process; and why polls
have shown its popularity ranges between ten and twenty percent.

Yet, despite embarrassing polling, the last thing members of  Congress
share is embarrassment, and reason it has done little to gain favor of the
people who elected them.

The standard communication constituents receive is peppered with excuses
and finger pointing for not getting the business of the people completed.

Year in, year out the public learns at "the last minute" budget agreements
can not be made and extraordinary steps (but not extraordinary enough to
be considered rare) need to be taken to avoid a government shutdown.

We also find campaign promises get sidelined or forgotten entirely, unless
these are promises made to donors and lobbyists in Washington, not the people back home.

We have seen, no matter the amount of work before Congress, its leadership
will not keep Congress in session, preferring to begin its planned recess, and not returning; at this time itsl May, working only eight days in April!  

I think the American people would agree, "Eight is NOT enough!"

Even the desires of our new president to get things done, if they must go through Congress don't expect them move swiftly.

Promised tax cuts?  Don't expect them anytime soon.  Replacement of
failing health care system? The leadership can't even get its own party
to produce a bill. Immigration reform? Nothing accomplished in decade,
so why expect new legislation now? Fiscally responsible?  Impossible
when 25% of our spending is borrowed.

This is the Congress we elected. These are the people who represent us.

For our country to run at all has little to do with the efforts of Congress,
rather our success is thanks to the labor of the American people!

This is what we can rightly call, "American Exceptionalism"

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 6, 2017

"A house divided cannot stand"

The United States from the day it was born was torn between opposing interests
both believing their positions was the best for our nation. The battles were hard
fought and with the exception of the Civil War the country unified without a shot
being fired.

Most battles were about form of governance, state sovereignty and limits of 
government overreaching. But none was as dangerous as the one being 
fought today.

As it was from our founding, political discourse has torn people apart and in
many cases they will never bind again. One side appreciates American 
governance and respects the results of elections, the other will not accept
results which takes away their power.

No country can survive such a divide, a reminder Lincoln told the nation,
"A house divided cannot stand", but forgotten today. 

I offer this opening for the following commentary from Rush Limbaugh
concerning the deliberate undermining of the efforts of the Trump 
Administration.  Limbaugh cites what most have not, but its vital for
all Americans to understand; governance as intended is under threat.

The Limbaugh commentary:

RUSH:  It was Sharia Islam that I was comparing the Democrats. It’s all rooted in the fact that the Democrat Party. is controlled by the Left. Forget Democrat Party. The left, the leftists, communist, socialists, no longer respect the authority of the Constitution.
The only authority that they respect is their power, and therefore there is no such thing as bipartisanship with them. And this is the mistake that I hear Republicans continuing to make even now on campaign trails. You will hear many to this day campaigns on the notion that we need to be able to reach across the aisle and to reach compromise, and show that we can govern together. This is not who Democrats are. They don’t want compromise! They don’t respect us. They insist we are not legitimate. We are enemies, as big an enemy as any other enemy they have.
The Left's objective is total rule over the United States, not sharing power one election to the next. They do not respect the authority of elections. They refuse to accept that they lost. They’re never gonna behave as though they lost, because they don’t respect the authority of the Constitution. The Constitution is what every elected official swears an oath to. The reason for that is the Constitution is the glue.
Folks, think of it this way. We have this massively unique, greatest country ever. There isn’t a country that’s ever even been close! We are the first country in the history of the world to enshrine in our founding the principle that people of the country are free by virtue of their creation, and their rights come from God, not from other men or governments.
And we are the first and the only country founded and created, enshrined with the values that it is the people who run this country. And elections are the mechanism by which we choose the people who will lead it. And what holds this together? All it is is a series,of many pieces of paper the Constitution. That’s it. Throughout our nearly 250 years, we have had a majority of our population accept and agree and obey the notion that the Constitution is the defining authority of our country, that it is the glue that holds us together as a culture, as a society.
It’s rather stunning to me that it’s lasted this long, because the only way it can work is if a majority of the people in this country — including the people elected — honor it. What is the penalty for not honoring it? Well, we’re seeing right now there isn’t one. In the Civil War, if you didn’t honor it, Abe Lincoln came after you and wiped the floor with you until you agreed to stop the secession and rejoin the Union. What penalty is there today for spitting on it, for ignoring it? There isn’t any! I don’t quite know how to express this.
It’s amazing to me that we do not require a national military or police force to keep people in line. It has been nothing but the sworn fealty to that document, the cherished belief in that cherished document of how great it is. 
Well, where we are right now the Democrat Party, the American left is demonstrating it doesn’t believe any such thing. It doesn’t want to have to respect the authority of that document, and it’s in the process of demonstrating that they don’t. Elections don’t mean diddly-squat to them. Public opinion doesn’t mean diddly-squat to them.
The only thing that matters to them is their authority. Anybody challenging their authority? There’s no negotiation. There’s no debate. There’s no attempt to persuade. All there is is an effort to destroy anybody who rejects their authority. When their leader happens to win the election, there is total respect for that leader’s authority. When they don’t win the election, the only thing they’re devoted to is destroying the leader with whom they disagree. There’s no effort to work together. There’s no compromise. There’s no bipartisanship.
All of that is a giant myth. My analogy was there’s something else like that on the planet today, and it’s called Sharia Islam. If you don’t accept the principle of Sharia Islam, you know what can happen to you, and there’s no compromise. In this analogy the GOP are the infidels, and the Democrats are the Sharia Islam believers. They’re not interested in what we think, just like Sharia Islam doesn’t care what you think of various aspects of Sharia. If you don’t respect it, you are gonna be dealt with one way or the other.
Your ideas and your heart and your mind don’t matter one hell of a bit, and that’s where we are. And you see it every day here in the way the Democrat Party and the media and the left is conducting itself. What is their number one objective today? To get rid of the people who won the election, because they do not respect or even acknowledge… It’s not even a matter of respect. They don’t even acknowledge the authority that the Constitution vests in the winners of elections. 
For all of the years of this great country, whatever opposing political factions we’ve had, at the end of the day there has been an acknowledgment that there’s something greater than either of our movements, and it’s the Constitution. There’s no giant gun enforcing it. There’s no giant military making people obey it. Some might say that what we are in the midst of is a movement committing treason against this Constitution. What is the way treason is dealt with in the Constitution? Whatever it is, is not being used against the left. When you stop and think about it, it’s inarguable.
There’s no bipartisanship. There’s no understanding. There’s no compromise. It’s simply a lack of respect and acknowledgment of the authority that the Constitution vests in the way our politics is handled in this country.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/