Monday, October 30, 2017

Is the Freedom Caucus the Tea Party 2.0?

We don't hear the Tea Party mentioned accept with nostalgia for what it could have been.
It came from out of 'nowhere' and set the stage for a conservative resurgence after eight 
years of George W Bush talking of limited governance while growing the federal government 
with all its trappings that continued the move of our nation of independent states to a country
governed by a city.

'Nowhere' occurred in 2010 when eighty, newly elected Congressman surprised Washington 
and even the Republican Party by giving the party control of the House and setting the stage 
for serious efforts to return control to Congressional districts rather then allow control to remain 
in the District of Columbia!

The first thing I noticed about the Tea Party were the dozens, then hundreds, of grass roots
Tea Party clubs springing up across the nation, all uniquely independent, not merely a subset 
of existing Republican clubs, proving that any club which labels itself one thing is meaningless 
unless it performs as it promotes itself.

Tea Party grass roots efforts were the key to Republican success across the country as the party 
grew by more than 1200 elected offices at local, state and federal levels, something the GOP 
could never have done on its own.

But, despite its success the Tea Party became a 'prize' left on the trophy shelf to be admired,
not the force it was meant to be. 

The Tea Party was almost immediately neutered by one of its own leaders, former Rep. Michelle
Backmann who could not help herself and co-opted its independence by making its caucus a 
subset of her own.

Adding insult to Bachmann's action both John Boehner and Paul Ryan treated new Tea Party
members as 'reliable votes' rather than important partners. Neither man did much to embrace 
the only Republican caucus which was fully committed to the party's platform as the party remained 
subservient to Washington, not its constituents.

Despite the election success, by every other measure the Tea Party never became the force it 
earned the right to be, even as its many clubs remained strong advocates and actively engaged
in elections. 

As the Republicans continued to hold control of the House and even win the majority in the Senate,
the  conservative resurgence strengthened despite the distance from its leadership.  

A telling sign occurred in January, 2015,when the Freedom Caucus was born , led by an unlikely
first term Republican from North Carolina, Congressman Mark Meadows. 

Meadows did what Bachmann did not, he allowed to Freedom Caucus to have its own identity as
most other Congressional caucus have. 

The Freedom Caucus will shortly be three years old and Meadows has become a force, ensuring 
true conservatism will not once again be put on hold.

Most importantly, we now have a president, Donald Trump, who actively engages Meadows and
the Freedom Caucus. Trump understand his sixty million supporters ARE the Freedom Caucus as
they were the Tea Party.

Neither Rep. Meadows or President Trump will allow this political juggernaut to wander aimlessly
as Bachmann allowed the Tea Party to do.

One distinction is that I have seen no indication the Freedom Caucus has populated the country 
with grass roots clubs as the Tea Party did.  Perhaps this is due to the organic creation at the grass
roots level, not born within the halls of Congress.

Never the matter, if the Freedom Caucus fulfills the dreams of Tea Party members, we can't ask
for anything more, can we?

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What President Trump should do....

While running for the presidency Donald Trump got a lot of advice about what to say 
and especially what NOT to say.  On each occasion in such discussions my response
was "let Trump be Trump" as long as his campaign remains solution oriented!

Well, today it is obvious that the political attacks against Trump's presidency will not
subside and groups are organizing, led by former President Obama's "Organizing
for America" (OFA), to destroy him. Millions will be spent to undermine what his 
administration attempts to do!

We already see President Trump will not get the traditional financial support most
incumbent presidents count on.  Add to this the snarky criticism from establishment
Republicans and neo-conservative publications to weaken any Trump initiative.

And, even though the Republican Party fund raising is well ahead of the Democrats,
do not expect Trump supporting members of Congress to get equal contributions as
those who opening criticize him.

For this reason I offer two suggestions.

First, President Trump needs to create his own political action committee (PAC) to
do independent fund raising to counter what he can expect to see throughout his
first term and his reelection campaign.

Trump has one asset the Republican Party does not have, sixty-five million loyal
supporters who believe he will do what he said. And as his year is nearly complete
he has not disappointed.

In fact, for those looking for disappointments they need look no further than our 
Congress which time again has failed the public.

By having a PAC President Trump will be able to directly counter OFA and other 
groups that seek to bring him down.  

These tens of millions of supporters are true believers and will not disappoint. They 
will contribute with small donations to counter the ongoing attacks that have been
going on the past two years. They understand Trump is the best hope to right the 
course of a nation that has gone astray.

Secondly, President Trump must actively support the Freedom Caucus, the true
limited  govt. Republicans in Congress. Like Trump its members are "locked in"
with the Trump's base and his campaign promises. 

In fact, its leadership needs to be the most visible members of Congress to interact
with President Trump.

In 2010 we saw how Republican leaders dismissed its predecessor, the Tea Party 
Caucus, and co-opted after its stunning victory. 

The Freedom Caucus can be the foundation for what could be the Trump Revolution
that will give government back to the American people. It can be what the Tea Party
aspired to be, the grass roots political power that determines which candidates will
represent us!

That's it.....

Appreciate your feedback. send to

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Letter to Sen. Richard Burr, NC

Sen. Burr,
Your committee has been on the forefront in working to learn about Russian influence. 
But from early indications I saw an 'appearance' it was to aid President Trump, which
is understandable as he was the surprising victor.

As more information is learned there is little doubt the DNC and the Clinton campaign 
were closely aligned with anything Putlin was doing, including $500,000 speaking fee 
to President Clinton and the sale of US uranium through a Canadian broker to Russia. 

I strongly urge you to have your committee work as diligently as the committees of Rep. 
Nunes and Gowdy in the House.  

What we are seeing is the same pattern of behavior by the Clintons as was displayed 
during Bill Clinton's second term, when he received illegal Chinese campaign contributions 
via an Arkansas Chinese restaurant which landed the contributor in jail and the former first 
family fawned over for two decades!

When President Trump said what has occurred ranks up there with Watergate, he clearly
understated the severity and depth of what was done during the 2016 election.

Warmest regards,
Anthony Bruno

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Two things we can count on in our toxic political climate..

We have been told by critics of President Trump that he is divisive and lacks the demeanor
and temperament to lead our nation.

This is fair enough, but these critics do not address the reason more than 65 million people
elected him president!

From the beginning I liked what Donald Trump offered, "Solutions" to problems politicians
only talked about.  

Ask yourselves, what has been done for Veterans that have not been getting the services
promised?  What was done to address the opioide epidemic?  What was being done to
address problems with Obamacare, budget deficits, growing national debt and decaying 

Donald Trump spoke aboutt these and many more problems than the combined number
of issues his 16 primary opponents mentioned.

In doing so, Trump pulled the curtain away to show for all to see Washington has failed
the American people, yet continue to re-elect the politicians that run our government.

President Trump won because his campaign was solution oriented which his critics
could not respond to and why all the attacks are against his personality traits, not
what he wants to get done.

What was lost on the political class was not lost on the American people that preferred
Trump, first against his sixteen primary opponents and then against the Clinton one
billion dollar political machine! 

No one has offered as much for the American people as Donald Trump did and why
he is now president.  For a guy not from Washington, he understands as much about
what is wrong in our national government as most in Congress!

Even after seven months as president his critics, Democrat, Republican, and all
others still do not attack him on issues!  They know if they did, they will lose the

The American people finally have an alley to take on the problems passed from
one generation to the next.

Avoiding issues is one part of the anti-Trump attempt to destroy his presidency.

The second part is the lack of "respect", and not just towards Trump, it is also
towards the sixty-plus million that elected him.

Anyone who speaks from a conservative point of view on immigration, border
control, education, climate change and other views know exactly what I am 
talking about.

They will be attacked and insulted rather than respectfully engaged.

Attacks are much easier than debating views.  We see it on college campuses,
both among students and even within the administration.  We see it in the
media, and even in industries feeling threatened! 

Debate is unacceptable in such quarters, only capitulation, disguised as
'compromise'! And compromise that does not include meaningful solutions
is a waste of time, energy and money!

Finally, as you continue to watch the attacks on President Trump keep in
mind the avoidance of issues and the lack of respect of differing opinions.

This will demonstrate President Trump is winning, day by day, issue by issue.
And when he wins, we do too!

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Finally! The NFL is doing what the players want!

While NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL owners had been focusing on the flag and the
Star Spangled for over a year, the real issue was left on the sidelines, until now. It is "social justice"
that is the concern of many Black players!

Goodell and the owners have once again gotten themselves tangled in the brier patch of selective
jurist prudence by buying into the false opinion of the American justice system.

"Social justice" along with "racial justice" are merely diversions when the outcome of our justice
system are unacceptable to prejudiced interests. We hear these cries time and again when minorities
are convicted.

Goodell's pronouncement that he had discussions with players that were "very productive and very
important and reflects on our commitment to work with out players on the issue of social justice"
does nothing. He must believe merely saying 'social justice' is enough to pacify the players, but
is mistaken, they expect some action.

He is foolish to believe he can work with players on a social justice fix to a non existent problem judging
by the fact few verdicts are overturned, and for good reason, justice is fairly administered, even in courts
where judges, prosecutors and even juries are mostly minorities.

Nor can Goodell, the players and civil rights activists point to failures in our court system. Their
argument is the high conviction rate of mostly poor, under-educated and addicted citizens. But  this
not limited to minorities! 

While many people are chiming in their opinions of NFL and other Black athletes being "millionaires" or
their checkered relationship with law enforcement, I had not, until now.

It has been no secret a higher percentage of NFL players are arrested than athletes from others sports
with a logical reason, THEIR behavior, which is why many continue to push the social and racial justice 'envelops', to deflect from personal responsibility.

Rather than "taking a knee" player should be "taking responsibility", the real cause of their problems!

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

The lobotomy of Cam Newton by ESPN and the NFL

Once again the NFL and ESPN stand shoulder to shoulder in their criticism 
of Cam Newton.  This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, unless he
'learns' how to behave.

And the reason?  Newton had the audacity to be himself and make what
most people would have said was an innocent remark.
But, no matter what Newton said, it is ESPN and the NFL that determines 
what is allowable speech and appropriate or what should be universally

Newton had run afoul of the network and the league before when he was 
chastised for being too candid and not answering questions after hurtful

This young man's individuality is once again being crushed over a harmless
statement without malice by NFL and ESPN litmus tests as he comes under
fire by sports reporters, former players and executives.

After the harsh criticism Newton apologized for his 'offense' with a video
statement which was more grovelling than an apology, and probably written
by the league.

Newton even lost a lucrative endorsement deal for his 'sexist' remarks

If you are not aware of his blatant attack on all of womanhood, here it is.

When asked by a female journalist a question about play after a game,
Newton answered, "I find it funny to hear a female talk about routes"

That was it!!!!  Apparently, finding a question amusing is a personal affront.

Today, we must factor in how whatever we say is received, no matter the
innocence or the intent.  

'We' must adhere to a speech code that has been approved by whatever 
groups deems itself the arbiter of what is allowable! And this includes
referring to a woman as a  'female'!!!!

It is a shame but not a surprise. 

It is the person, network and league that are offended which need to see 
THEY have the problem not Cam Newton.

One thing neither the NFL or ESPN will never to do is take the pulse of the
American people, they already know what the results will be!.  All their polling
is confined to the bubble these lemmings reside in, not an independent thinker 
among them.

The universal criticism towards Newton is no different than their support towards
'taking a knee' during the national anthem.

The NFL and ESPN are once again on the wrong side of public sentiment!!!

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