While the GAO has offered more than 440 recommendations across 180 areas where
agencies can cut back, over the past five years only 29% were fully addressed.

The GAO may have "accountability" in its title, good luck finding anyone who understands
what this means or cares enough to ensure its done.

Now look away from Washington, look across the country as presidential candidates are
traveling around fighting to become their party's nominee.

Two Democrats are arguing which of them can give away the most stuff and Republicans
are fighting about which of them has the best temperament to be president.  Yet, in
dozens of  debates the $4 trillion spent year is never mentioned!

Politicians can talk all they want about simplifying the tax code, lowering tax rates, making
American government more responsible and anything else. But beyond talk, the same shell
game goes on.

This $4 trillion is the lifeblood of the faceless Washington establishment, its our yearly
confiscated "tribute" that must continue. If it ever is dramatically cut, the house of cards that is Washington 'governance' will collapse.

Say good bye to the $200 haircuts and $400 power lunches. The "important" meetings
attended in Davos and Aspen would have to be moved to a Washington venue.

And what of the satellite communities orbiting Washington?  Say good bye to skyrocketing
home prices and don't expect to see traffic jams on the belt-line with new foreign made Mercedes and Lexus all paid for with American greenbacks.

And, what would happen to the "K Street" lobbyists who guide Federal spending from afar,
but not too inconvenient so they can't still drop off their own tribute to Capitol Hill so the
wheels of  govt. will keep running smoothly?  Their wells may not run dry, but they'll need
a longer rope attached to a smaller bucket to pull  up the cash!

This is what this election is all about, which person will lead the parade down Main St and
Wall St. collecting the $4 trillion needed to run our country.

Staying home on election day may be the wisest "vote" you can cast.