Sunday, January 31, 2016

What we learn in the 2016 Presidential Primary Season

I doubt anyone, especially professional political pundits,
would have predicted what we are hearing one day before
the Iowa Caucus.

One year ago most in the media subtly told us there was 
no need to have primaries, the nominees were predetermined,
annotated by the media and party leaders.

The "royalty" of political families were the favorites to battle
which family would once again occupy the White House.

But a funny thing happened as Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush 
travelled to Wall St. and K St. accepting checks from donors, 
some who even gave BOTH checks to hedge their "bets".

Enter the political "odd couple", Sen. Bernie Sanders and real
estate developer, Donald Trump, as unlikely to cross paths as
you'd expect them to run for the presidency!  But, this is exactly
what both men decided to do!

No matter who plays Felix or Oscar, both Donald Trump and
Bernie Sanders have turned traditional politics on its head. 

Sanders began early, campaigning on a populist message; the
plight of the economically hard pressed is due to corruption by 
Wall St. billionaires! 

Trump was a late comer. He entered only seven months ago 
stating he was doing this since politicians are unable to solve
our country's problems. Two diametrically opposed candidates,
yet, both at the top of their respective polls!

Sanders message and his high energy campaigning provided
him needed donations. Trump's bluntness catapulted him to
the top of the polls where he has stayed for six months without
using his enormous wealth or even asking for money!

So, what are we learning from this presidential primary season?

Sanders and Trump have shown that a captivating message can 
overcome the lack of money, a biased establishment and media
and influence peddlers.

Their success may encourage others to also run for political office.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

As Predictable as Leap Year....

Its as predictable as Leap Year, and also arrives every
four years when presidential candidates offer their tax
plans, promising to do any number of things.

Pick your favorite, abolish the IRS, simplify filing, lower 
tax rates, increase revenue, and much more.

Rest assured, when the political season is over, the IRS code
will remains at 80,000 pages, number of employees at 100,000,
$2.5 trillion on average sent to Washington each year, and 
still Congress will borrow another $1 trillion more as it
can't "get by" on what we send them.

Take note of the word "we", its important yet rarely mentioned
in discussions about taxes. It identifies the source of the
money,the American taxpayers.

One thing which I also find as predictable; no matter which tax
plan is discussed, politicians never begin in the beginning
They only look at where are now, keeping them trapped,unable to
see what is best for the American people and our country.

The "beginning" is the day the American people agreed to pay the
govt. for desired services. Unfortunately, over the years these
services became whatever Congress wants to pay for,not what the 
American people asked for.

One question citizens must collectively ask, do we really need
to send $3 trillion to Washington as well as another $1 trillion
to states each year?

This must be the starting point to begin any serious discussion
on taxation. Unless we have agreement on desired services any
discussion of tax policies and rates will keep us mired with
complex tax code, thousands of IRS employees and unparalleled
'waste, fraud and abuse' within our government! .

There is also one other point;  where should the most money be
sent, Washington as it does now or to individual state capitols?
The answer is simple, the most money should go to the where
most desired services are provided, which happens be found in
state and local governing bodies!

Yet, currently the ratio is three to one, most going to federal 
coffers causing incalculable harm leaving states both short of 
funds and burdened by federal intrusion!

Imagine if the govt. created a 'stimulus plan' of $1 trillion which is
sent to the states to provide services.  Now, imagine if this is done
each and every year!  Ask any state governor how much better he can
provide these services.

Well, it can be done, by the IRS taking $1 trillion less, leaving this
money in the hands of taxpayers who can spend as they want and at the
same increasing tax revenue...without increasing tax rates!

Some will argue the federal govt. can't  'get by' with less money. It 
could if the states had their authorities restored, doing what best 
done at the local level rather in Washington.

Police, fire, waste pickup, road repair, education,parks, social services
and most everything else happens locally. Washington should limits its 
roll to do what states independently cannot do.

Yet, three times of our money is sent to Washington where the Federal govt.
does only two things, decide without consent what to spend money on and
second, determine how much it wants to return to the states!  Does this 
make sense at all????

THIS, is where we must begin!  We can't make a decision about taxation 
'mid stream', we must begin on the shore, decide which system of taxation
will best serve our needs, something Congress has proven its incapable of 

Imagine if every service which can be done within our state was eliminated
from the Federal govt.?

Consider Education, most often mentioned. Do we really need a bureaucracy
of 5,000 at a cost of $90 billion to oversee public education when every 
state has its own education departments?

Imagine if the states kept the $90 billion what a better job it could do,
without seeking relief from federal coffers.This $90 billion will be a
portion of the $3 trillion sent to Washington each year. There is so much
more​. Going down the list of Washington spending you will find many costs
which can be eliminated or cut back.

​If you are wondering when someone will offer a tax proposal that could
become a reality, stayed tuned, only four years away from next Leap Year!​

Friday, January 22, 2016

Horrors! Donald Trump is not a "true conservative"!

This week National Review, the leading conservative magazine 
published an issue to bring to its readers attention Donald Trump 
is not a conservative and warned he should not be the Republican 
presidential nominee. 

Leading influential conservatives, including Thomas Sowell, Andy
McCarthy and Cal Thomas all contributed Op-eds, sharing their 
views on Trump.

However, it's hardly an occasion to stop the presses, this ain't news!

Its been well publicized Trump's opinion on issues have shifted over 
the years. And, to the majority of people supporting him, including 
many who are conservative it does not matter. Or, in Hillary Clinton's 
parlance, "what difference does it make!" 

Trump's supporters believe he is the only one who will solve problems 
that politicians only talk about!

I don't recall the National Review advise its readers neither Bush were
"true conservatives", as their records of expanding the government
and restricting state sovereignty demonstrated.  

And lest not forget, this is the same National Review which had no 
desire to publicly criticize Republicans for capitulating to President 
Obama on legislation the past seven years! No "special edition" 
was published, so why does it believe it has a principled standing 
to do this now?

The silver lining in what the National Review has done is that the 
American people can see how Washington works, no matter the
political leanings. Influence is key and when it is threatened the
response is natural.

To have this contention system is healthy, and the American 
people will sort things out.  As we are responsible to do.  And 
Donald Trump's presidential run may be the catalyst to ensure 
its done!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

This Party has given me a poitical hangover!

This has been some week for political theater.
On the Democrat side the president in waiting
may be waiting a little longer as Bernie Sanders
is a worthy challenger for the nomination.
On the Republican side we are seeing fireworks
it is the Fourth of July.
Earlier this week, the darling of the Tea Party,
Sarah Palin, endorsed Donald Trump. This sent
minor shock waves as Trump's conservative
credentials are mediocre at best. But, Palin
says he is the best person to get things done,
since politicians have not.
Conservative or not, promised solutions carried
Trump to lead the field.

Then we have the attacks on "true conservative"
Ted Cruz by notable Republicans.

First, former senator Bob Dole said Cruz nomination
would be cataclysmic for the GOP!  This comes from
a man who lost handily to Bill Clinton.

Then Sen. Richard Burr from NC says he would consider
voting for Bernie Sanders if
Cruz in nominated.
Lastly,  National Review the "Bible" of conservative
thought had an entire issue dedicated to bringing
down Donald Trump with commentaries  by noted
opinion writers.  It too bad this magazine didn't offer
a similar issue with Op-Ed on the failure of GOP lead
chambers of Congress which brought us to this point!

The warnings against either a Cruz or Trump presidency
provides an undeniable message, the Republican Party
failed to govern as representatives campaigned they
Neither the 'establishment' which runs the party
or the
'conservatives' who want respect and a voice aren't
doing much to address the problems.
Cruz and Trump are succeeding where the party is
failing.  Cruz has the courage to challenge the party
for not fighting on principle.  Trump is saying the
country needs solution, not political babble!
And, as different as these men and the messages
they offer are, both provide a one-two punch in
national polls  while other candidates struggle.
The problem Dole, Burr and conservatives have is
not with either man.Cruz and Trump's success is
due to the failure of a political party which failed
to govern as it campaigned it would.
The public understands this, yet those who reside
in an exclusive political bubble either do not, or
are in denial.
We don't know how this will play out. But,both Cruz
and Trump have given hope to their respective
supporters which the Republican Party has shunned.

Friday, January 15, 2016

New York "Values", are they worthy of discussion?

The Republican presidential primary traveling circus,
if nothing else, has been entertaining. But, to many 
it has been much more, its been informative.

Many of the speeches and debates provided creative
and innovative approaches​ rarely argued in the public

But, at the last debate an odd subject got attention,
"New York Values", and odder still, it generated
 national news for several days. But why?

"Values" can be elusive to wrap our hands around,
leaving it up to us to define. They vary from
one city or region to another, and rarely found
to be offensive. 

But, the New York media and politicians wanted
to make hay out of a non issue by being "offended",
to stir the political pot.

They do this unwittingly, without appreciating how
values aren't always shared with people from different 

We will find gay marriage and abortion are strongly 
supported in some regions but not in others. The
same can be said for legalized drug use.

The "values" may differ from one region to another,
but should never be viewed as slights unless they 
are wrapped in ridicule.

Yet, despite the media contention that America
needs more diversity, they are so blind to see the
greatest diversity is already spread across our 
nation, right under their journalistic noses!

The media still foolishly measure diversity by 
race, faith, or sexuality. This plays politically 
but doesn't advance our nation to a better place, 
only a widening partisan divide!

America's "values diversity" is so much more, it
is true diversity, where many geographic regions,
with differing opinions on important issues, blend
as one, even when not in concert across our country.

New York values differ from those of North Carolina
or Arkansas, but not one deserves less respect than
the others.  

Time to stop the blather that serves no positive
purpose and respect the diverse values found
throughout  our great nation.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Help Wanted!

Times must be hard in the liberal media world, finding "qualified" opinion writers

to report on issues important to North  Carolinians. 

As I read the following Capitol Broadcasting Company AD, I took note of the desired 
qualifications.  Hardest to find might be a "critical thinking". 
Finding Left leaning opinion writer will be hard unless looking in a very small haystack! 

Capitol could save time by hiring someone now at "INDY", a perfect fit!

Person needed to write content expressing the opinions and positions of Capitol 
Broadcasting Company on issues of public policy.  This person will also compile,
edit and administer daily content for a web-based opinion page.  
The Opinion Editor will work closely with CBC corporate officers to select timely topics 
that advocate civic engagement and promote critical thinking.
The Opinion Editor should be an experienced writer with broad expertise analyzing
public policy and critical issues.  A minimum five (5) years media or public policy 
experience is required.  
Previous editorial and/or commentary writing experience are preferred.  Video production
experience is helpful.  Knowledge of North Carolina history and politics is also beneficial. 
All candidates must apply online at

The Republican Establishment is alive and well in SC!

South Carolina saw first hand what we in NC Congressional
Second district recognized three years ago when Renee
Elmers turned her back on the people who elected her.
We saw Ellmers "represent" Republican leadership rather
than her constituents. She supported both amnesty and
deficit budgets which she campaigned against.This is the
reason Ellmers has been challenged in 2014 and now again
in 2016!

This was a local matter, not the national one now discussed
as SC Gov. Nikki Haley spoke in response to Obama's
State of the Union. After listening to her assuring reply to
GOP would do better, a Democrat would have delivered a more 
damaging rebuttal!

The low light was a not so subtle insult Haley hurled at the
"loudest voices" (aka Donald Trump). This was confirmed when
asked directly, Haley acknowledged he was.
Rather than appreciate Trump's message and how it resonated to
nearly 40% of those polled Haley seemed more consumed by volume
rather than content.

But, if Haley honestly felt compelled to address the "loudest
voices" why didn't she mention the #BlackLivesMatter folks who
travel state to state protesting and preaching destruction? Guess
they aren't loud enough!

Her entire speech was mediocre, little in the way of volume, or
concrete Republican solutions!
Its my modest opinion Haley is doing the bidding of establishment
of BOTH parties, more concerned with those who support the status
quo than those who want to return governing to the American people.
Haley's disconnect with the only true conservatives in the party
may come back to haunt her and the GOP, as it did Renee Ellmers!
Stay tuned!

For the Fox News debate

Neal, Maria,
Go beyond the expected....get to issues not addressed.
The seizure of state responsibility of education and commerce by Federal govt. through
creation of agencies.

Address the majority of taxes go to Federal coffers even though states provide most
of the services and then must rely on money to be returned.

Ask how the GOP can reverse the trend of most citizens becoming unaffiliated.

Ask why is it education, health care and housing costs have exploded, and all three are
driven by govt. How can this trend be replaced.

What can be done about the 400+ Congressional committees and caucuses the overburden

Should states reclaim the land the Federal govt. took away, 30% of entire nation, 50% West
of Mississippi! Returning this land would benefit state economies, alter supply/demand of
acreage for housing!

Future national programs such as Common Core and No Child Left Behind and Afforded
Care first be tested in 2-3 states, evaluated and approved before being implemented nationwide.

Will govt. invest in ocean desalinization to benefit coastal farming?

Will national energy grid finally get improved by transitional to nuclear energy?