Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Another misstep by the Left....

Despite countless stories and editorials about NFL players not standing during the anthem,
required by the league, there is no mention of the politics surrounding Colin Kaepernick's
decision, whether he was aware of it or not. Politics is always hovering, especially when
race is the issue.

This political folly of  "taking a knee" during the playing of the National Anthem by many NFL
players began with former San Francisco player, Kaepernick, over a year ago. He said "taking
a knee" was meant to draw attention to his concern of police brutality across the nation in
minority communities, an opinion shared by many even with little evidence to support his claim.
(Note: Most cops are exonerated in lawful proceeding in courts, with minority oversight) 

This 'approach' addressing policing makes no sense as there is no wisdom in denigrating something
 that brings a nation together. It only draws attention away from the issue to the questionable action.
Refusing to stand for our anthem makes as much sense as political protesters destroying Starbucks
storefronts, rioting and looting! 

If the media would investigate deeper, it would find this is not about the anthem or even police brutality.
 It is about something larger, the destruction of whatever institutions provide comity in our nation. 

Whether it is our justice system or any other valued institution under attack we will find the fingerprints
of the radical and destructive "Left", a multi-tentacled body whose objective is to cause chaos in
institutions to gain submission on what it wants to destroy. 

The Left's organized groups seek to weaken our nation. They wear a mask of social concerns outrage
as they plan their attacks towards what most Americans revere.

In the case of "taking a knee", the 'tentacle' is Black Lives Matter pushing for 'social and racial' justice
 to replace lawful American justice! 

The Left has no time for respectful civil discourse, or judicial decisions they disagree with. They thrive
on divisive actions to advance their agenda. They go into overdrive and "over reach", as the  goal  is to
not to seek solutions, but destruction.

In fact, we don't even know if Kaepernick's decision to protest was his alone or "suggested" by an
outside influence such as Black Lives Matter. 

Even the NFL and other Black athletes might have been duped to use their celebrity to advance an
agenda they may not be aware of or would ever want to support.

Is it possible everyone that 'took a knee' did not see disrespecting our nation does nothing to improve
the relationship between law enforcement and Black communities?

History has proven the Left does not care a whit about others, only advancing its agenda. And, Blacks
Lives Matter, born under our first Black president is the Left's racial division used to generate mayhem,
 its primary objective.

Thankfully, the response of the majority of American may prove the Left has made another misstep. But,
even so, damage done to impressionable young minorities may be incalculable. 

Welcome to pass along.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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