Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A pox on political consultants..

The fortunes garnered under Republican leadership, nationally
and state wide,  should make the upcoming mid-term election 
an overwhelming success, not a razor thin margin that can go 
either way. Why is this so?

I believe it is due to those seeking elected office not modeling
campaign ads after Donald Trump who continually reminded
voters what he would do if elected and equally important, what
he has done in the past two years.

Yes, President Trump does use bombast to label those against
his policies, most often after he has been attacked. But, anyone 
who has followed his campaign rallies can probably repeat from
memory the achievements, unemployment down, jobs up, 
economy growing, etc.

So why do so many seeking political office rely on negative ads
to promote their candidacy?  

I fault political consultants, an 'establishment' group that gets
little attention but wield a lot of influence during election seasons.

Unfortunately, most consultants rely on the same playbook, 
offering voters negative messages against opponents rather
than pointing to their own successes.

We have been told for years that "negative ads work", but do 
we really know for sure since the majority of campaigns only 
produce negative ads.

Where is the "morning in America" ads that President Reagan
campaigned on in 1980?  Don't expect to find any among the
consultants advising most campaigns.

But, we do see it each time President Trump mentions 'make 
America great again'.  The thousands that attend his rallies
know exactly what he means, applaud and cheer the one
person that refuses to denigrate our nation while recognizing
the successes of American businesses and their workers.

Republican incumbents relying on negative ads against their
opponents rather than promote the successes of the party
have taken the positive 'oxygen' out of their campaigns.

Even the amount spent on consultants should be questioned
after the surprising victory of President Trump who spent very
 little while Jeb Bush led his other challengers spending over
$130 million, several stories were written  questioning the value
of  political consultants

Will this mid-term be a repeat of previous ones where majorities
get 'flipped'.  If it is the question needs to be asked, what value
do political consultants really have when majorities are so easily

In less than a week we will know.......

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