Thursday, December 20, 2018

A veto worth the cost.....

Mr. President, 
As the year nears its close, once again the failure of Congress to pass
a budget necessitates a short term spending bill to prevent a partial
shutdown a small percentage of our government.

Your opponents in and out of the media will focus and ridicule your
campaign promise to build a wall to protect our southern border as
the reason, rather than Congress which again fails to perform its most
important responsibility.

The Senate has sent a stopgap two month spending bill across to the
House without the money for the wall that will surely be passed, and 
attention will turn to your hand and "pen". 

The unanswered question, "Will you sign this bill?"  

I strongly suggest you do not.  Funding the wall may be getting attention,
but the failure of Congress is the reason for this annual budgetary 'drama'.

Your signature should not brake a campaign promise to protect national
security.  The fault falls squarely on where it belongs,  Congress. If it wants
this bill passed, they can do with an override of your veto.  

In closing, there are 62 million reasons, the people that voted for you and
 have not wavered since the day you were elected.
Don't sacrifice your principles to protect Congressional folly.

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