Thursday, March 14, 2019

Republican "Principled Dozen"

Today, twelve Senate Republicans joined all the Democrats and voted to 
block President Trump's national emergency declaration on the southern border.  

The reason they offered was their concern of executive power overreach, which 
they found being unconstitutional.

At first glance I found their vote was principled and admirable. But, when I saw
every Democrat was aligned with this "principled dozen", I knew most votes
were purely political, to ensure the border will be as porous when Trump leaves
office as it was when he entered. 

President Trump said he will veto this bill, his first as president and rightly so.
Until Trump came on the scene there has been little interest in protecting the
border, only spending money with little to show.  Trump understood what was
going on, Congress teasing the public with promises, easily forgotten because
as a body Congress did not care!

Nor it seemed the judicial branch didn't either, as courts gave "green lights" 
to anyone who entered our country illegally to remain for decades which 
brought us to where we are today. 

This is what President Trump is up against, two branches of govt. indifferent
about enforcement of immigration law. 

The only hope is the third branch, where President Trump has executive power
to do what the other two branches have failed for decades.

Does it represent a constitutional concern? Perhaps.  But when the Constitution
stands in the way enforcing laws and protecting the American people, this
debate can be argued another day. 

The "Principled Dozen" should sleep well, even if our nation doesn't! 

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