Thursday, June 23, 2016

Will Republican leadership stand up to Democrat sit in?

If you listened to the media reporting of the protest by Congressional Democrats
in the House you would think they were in hibernation since Jan. 20th, 2009, the
day President Obama was sworn in.

Here we are, nearly eight years later, and the media is reporting how terrible the
Republican leadership is for not allowing a vote on yet another gun bill that was
already defeated in the Senate, not an unusual step both chambers often do.

The media will not offer what Nancy Pelosi did in the House in 2008, refusing to
allow Republicans to offer an energy bill.

Nor, will they remind us President Obama told Republicans "I won, you lost"
when concerns over the size of the stimulus package was questioned in 2010..

And, there was no Hollywood support for Republicans seeking fiscal sanity as they
do now supporting  the Democrat boycott.

No, this is the world we live in, and we either get used to it or fight like Hell so our
nation will not be further 'transformed' as candidate Barack Obama promised and
has successfully done since elected.

Unfortunately, Speaker Paul Ryan is clueless about what to do. He can pop up on
cable channels and offer rational reasons to counter the empathy-driven visual
argument by Democrats that they have no voice.

But, this will gain no traction, the media couldn't care less about 'rational arguments',
they prefer to report a car crash, which is what has been orchestrated by Democrats
and their willing accomplices..

Ryan has so little confidence in the majority of the electorate, so afraid of his own
members who have their eyes on November, he does not want a vote.

If only Ryan had the spine of former speaker Pelosi who shut out the lights in the
Capitol and adjourned, maybe the folly of what is going on in the House, would
have not gotten off the ground.

And, Republicans in the leadership think Donald Trump is the problem!

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