Monday, June 6, 2016

What the media refuses to acknowledge about "gender identity"

Since February when the NC General Assembly passed legislation limiting access to facilities to individuals of the same gender, there has been a political firestorm about the "discrimination" against transgenders who want to access the facility of THEIR choosing.

In April the News and Observer published a letter by Beverly Gray, Assistant professor at  Duke Obstetrics and Gynecology​ ​offered her view on the HB2 issue being discussed.

I submitted a response which was never published, so offer it here.

Prof. Gray gave a compelling argument support ​ing the demand by transgenders, the primary LGBT group the HB2 law affects be allowed to choose the restroom and similar gender specific accommodations. But she curiously neglected to provide any clinical support given her position.

Let me explain why HB2 is not the monster the LGBT community and the paper's editorial board wants the public to believe it is. First, Prof. Gray said the HB2 legislation was a "blatant act of malice and ignorance", ​which I found is ​not a good starting point to win over an opposition. Gray went on the claim it was discriminatory,
  the convenient  'go to' and loosest description of the word.

Rather, what is being denied is an accommodation, plain and simple. Transgenders can do as they have done before the Charlotte City council took a second  "bite" at this issue which failed two years earlier without the "sky is falling" pronouncements heard now.

I was not surprised, even with Gray's credentials, she did not want to venture into the medical arena.

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And, perhaps for good reason, ​it would have entered a mine field which destroys the view transgenders are merely another sub group of the LGBT community.

She knows they are not but would have difficulty publicly saying so. In the Liberal world labels are vital, created so ​'select' ​groups gain a legitimacy​, no matter the opposition​.

This is what "gender identity" is all about, a ​created description without clinical foundation, used for political aims without regards for what is 'traditional', a word disparaged as though it has no value.

The show the power of the LGBT lobby, even OSHA has given legitimacy to

"gender identity" by including it in transgender restroom guidelines.

But, there is no "gender identity". What transgenders have is "gender dysphoria", the diagnosis used by  physicians and psychologists that conclude it is a mental disorder requiring treatment.

This was the conclusion from Johns Hopkins, something in all the stories the News and Observer published, was never included.

Story on this link: ​h​ttp://

To see the blatant disregard for clinical evidence by the News and Observer consider this fact. In the five months the editorial board has been on the attack against the HB2 legislation, not once did it offer the Johns Hopkins' findings so its readers can understand  its beyond a simple matter of discrimination, it is a mental disorder that requires treatment!​ 
By​ treating transgenders without​ ​​supporting clinical evidence would in a normal world be  considered malpractice. But, no more.​Our country has 
taken a left turn, moving further away​ from normalcy.

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