Saturday, January 23, 2016

As Predictable as Leap Year....

Its as predictable as Leap Year, and also arrives every
four years when presidential candidates offer their tax
plans, promising to do any number of things.

Pick your favorite, abolish the IRS, simplify filing, lower 
tax rates, increase revenue, and much more.

Rest assured, when the political season is over, the IRS code
will remains at 80,000 pages, number of employees at 100,000,
$2.5 trillion on average sent to Washington each year, and 
still Congress will borrow another $1 trillion more as it
can't "get by" on what we send them.

Take note of the word "we", its important yet rarely mentioned
in discussions about taxes. It identifies the source of the
money,the American taxpayers.

One thing which I also find as predictable; no matter which tax
plan is discussed, politicians never begin in the beginning
They only look at where are now, keeping them trapped,unable to
see what is best for the American people and our country.

The "beginning" is the day the American people agreed to pay the
govt. for desired services. Unfortunately, over the years these
services became whatever Congress wants to pay for,not what the 
American people asked for.

One question citizens must collectively ask, do we really need
to send $3 trillion to Washington as well as another $1 trillion
to states each year?

This must be the starting point to begin any serious discussion
on taxation. Unless we have agreement on desired services any
discussion of tax policies and rates will keep us mired with
complex tax code, thousands of IRS employees and unparalleled
'waste, fraud and abuse' within our government! .

There is also one other point;  where should the most money be
sent, Washington as it does now or to individual state capitols?
The answer is simple, the most money should go to the where
most desired services are provided, which happens be found in
state and local governing bodies!

Yet, currently the ratio is three to one, most going to federal 
coffers causing incalculable harm leaving states both short of 
funds and burdened by federal intrusion!

Imagine if the govt. created a 'stimulus plan' of $1 trillion which is
sent to the states to provide services.  Now, imagine if this is done
each and every year!  Ask any state governor how much better he can
provide these services.

Well, it can be done, by the IRS taking $1 trillion less, leaving this
money in the hands of taxpayers who can spend as they want and at the
same increasing tax revenue...without increasing tax rates!

Some will argue the federal govt. can't  'get by' with less money. It 
could if the states had their authorities restored, doing what best 
done at the local level rather in Washington.

Police, fire, waste pickup, road repair, education,parks, social services
and most everything else happens locally. Washington should limits its 
roll to do what states independently cannot do.

Yet, three times of our money is sent to Washington where the Federal govt.
does only two things, decide without consent what to spend money on and
second, determine how much it wants to return to the states!  Does this 
make sense at all????

THIS, is where we must begin!  We can't make a decision about taxation 
'mid stream', we must begin on the shore, decide which system of taxation
will best serve our needs, something Congress has proven its incapable of 

Imagine if every service which can be done within our state was eliminated
from the Federal govt.?

Consider Education, most often mentioned. Do we really need a bureaucracy
of 5,000 at a cost of $90 billion to oversee public education when every 
state has its own education departments?

Imagine if the states kept the $90 billion what a better job it could do,
without seeking relief from federal coffers.This $90 billion will be a
portion of the $3 trillion sent to Washington each year. There is so much
more​. Going down the list of Washington spending you will find many costs
which can be eliminated or cut back.

​If you are wondering when someone will offer a tax proposal that could
become a reality, stayed tuned, only four years away from next Leap Year!​

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