Friday, January 15, 2016

New York "Values", are they worthy of discussion?

The Republican presidential primary traveling circus,
if nothing else, has been entertaining. But, to many 
it has been much more, its been informative.

Many of the speeches and debates provided creative
and innovative approaches​ rarely argued in the public

But, at the last debate an odd subject got attention,
"New York Values", and odder still, it generated
 national news for several days. But why?

"Values" can be elusive to wrap our hands around,
leaving it up to us to define. They vary from
one city or region to another, and rarely found
to be offensive. 

But, the New York media and politicians wanted
to make hay out of a non issue by being "offended",
to stir the political pot.

They do this unwittingly, without appreciating how
values aren't always shared with people from different 

We will find gay marriage and abortion are strongly 
supported in some regions but not in others. The
same can be said for legalized drug use.

The "values" may differ from one region to another,
but should never be viewed as slights unless they 
are wrapped in ridicule.

Yet, despite the media contention that America
needs more diversity, they are so blind to see the
greatest diversity is already spread across our 
nation, right under their journalistic noses!

The media still foolishly measure diversity by 
race, faith, or sexuality. This plays politically 
but doesn't advance our nation to a better place, 
only a widening partisan divide!

America's "values diversity" is so much more, it
is true diversity, where many geographic regions,
with differing opinions on important issues, blend
as one, even when not in concert across our country.

New York values differ from those of North Carolina
or Arkansas, but not one deserves less respect than
the others.  

Time to stop the blather that serves no positive
purpose and respect the diverse values found
throughout  our great nation.

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