Sunday, January 31, 2016

What we learn in the 2016 Presidential Primary Season

I doubt anyone, especially professional political pundits,
would have predicted what we are hearing one day before
the Iowa Caucus.

One year ago most in the media subtly told us there was 
no need to have primaries, the nominees were predetermined,
annotated by the media and party leaders.

The "royalty" of political families were the favorites to battle
which family would once again occupy the White House.

But a funny thing happened as Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush 
travelled to Wall St. and K St. accepting checks from donors, 
some who even gave BOTH checks to hedge their "bets".

Enter the political "odd couple", Sen. Bernie Sanders and real
estate developer, Donald Trump, as unlikely to cross paths as
you'd expect them to run for the presidency!  But, this is exactly
what both men decided to do!

No matter who plays Felix or Oscar, both Donald Trump and
Bernie Sanders have turned traditional politics on its head. 

Sanders began early, campaigning on a populist message; the
plight of the economically hard pressed is due to corruption by 
Wall St. billionaires! 

Trump was a late comer. He entered only seven months ago 
stating he was doing this since politicians are unable to solve
our country's problems. Two diametrically opposed candidates,
yet, both at the top of their respective polls!

Sanders message and his high energy campaigning provided
him needed donations. Trump's bluntness catapulted him to
the top of the polls where he has stayed for six months without
using his enormous wealth or even asking for money!

So, what are we learning from this presidential primary season?

Sanders and Trump have shown that a captivating message can 
overcome the lack of money, a biased establishment and media
and influence peddlers.

Their success may encourage others to also run for political office.

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