Thursday, January 21, 2016

This Party has given me a poitical hangover!

This has been some week for political theater.
On the Democrat side the president in waiting
may be waiting a little longer as Bernie Sanders
is a worthy challenger for the nomination.
On the Republican side we are seeing fireworks
it is the Fourth of July.
Earlier this week, the darling of the Tea Party,
Sarah Palin, endorsed Donald Trump. This sent
minor shock waves as Trump's conservative
credentials are mediocre at best. But, Palin
says he is the best person to get things done,
since politicians have not.
Conservative or not, promised solutions carried
Trump to lead the field.

Then we have the attacks on "true conservative"
Ted Cruz by notable Republicans.

First, former senator Bob Dole said Cruz nomination
would be cataclysmic for the GOP!  This comes from
a man who lost handily to Bill Clinton.

Then Sen. Richard Burr from NC says he would consider
voting for Bernie Sanders if
Cruz in nominated.
Lastly,  National Review the "Bible" of conservative
thought had an entire issue dedicated to bringing
down Donald Trump with commentaries  by noted
opinion writers.  It too bad this magazine didn't offer
a similar issue with Op-Ed on the failure of GOP lead
chambers of Congress which brought us to this point!

The warnings against either a Cruz or Trump presidency
provides an undeniable message, the Republican Party
failed to govern as representatives campaigned they
Neither the 'establishment' which runs the party
or the
'conservatives' who want respect and a voice aren't
doing much to address the problems.
Cruz and Trump are succeeding where the party is
failing.  Cruz has the courage to challenge the party
for not fighting on principle.  Trump is saying the
country needs solution, not political babble!
And, as different as these men and the messages
they offer are, both provide a one-two punch in
national polls  while other candidates struggle.
The problem Dole, Burr and conservatives have is
not with either man.Cruz and Trump's success is
due to the failure of a political party which failed
to govern as it campaigned it would.
The public understands this, yet those who reside
in an exclusive political bubble either do not, or
are in denial.
We don't know how this will play out. But,both Cruz
and Trump have given hope to their respective
supporters which the Republican Party has shunned.

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