Monday, February 29, 2016

Part Two: The "Stimulus Package" our nation needs

There is another key question which needs to be asked; should the
majority of tax money continue to go to Washington or is the public
better served if this money remains in the states, in the hands
of taxpayers?

I would argue the majority of tax revenue should go to where most
services are provided, which is undoubtedly done by state and local
governing bodies!

Police, fire, waste pickup, road repair, education, parks, social services
and most everything else happens locally, making it logical for Washington
to limit its roll to do what states independently cannot do.

With more money staying within the states, in the hands of the people
it would be a profound and essential 'game changer', reducing the
amount available for Washington bureaucrats and lobbyists while
bolstering states by keeping more money in the hands of taxpayers.

Currently this is not the case as the ratio is three to one with most
revenue going to federal coffers causing incalculable harm as states
struggle to fund services and burdened by federal intrusion due to
legislation, regulations and mandates!

Congress should implement a 'stimulus plan' to put $1 trillion back into
the pockets of the American people which can be done in two steps.

First eliminate agencies whose services states also provide. There are
currently four agencies being mentioned; education, commerce, energy
and housing. In total this could reduce the overall federal budget by
$400 billion.

Second, lower personal and corporate tax rates the equivalent to a
$1 trillion budget decrease. This would allow companies to grow and
individuals to spend and save more.

These two changes would be the most significant and dramatic changes
since the income tax was established!

There is no denying federal agencies have "nine lives" and be difficult
to eliminate any. It would take the will of the people, support of Congress
and state legislatures to make this happen.

Consider Education, often mentioned. Do we really need a bureaucracy
of 5,000 at a cost of $90 billion to oversee public education when every 
state has its own education department?

The chances such dramatic changes we need will occur are slim, but creative
alternatives are the only real solutions to our fiscal problems.

​If you are wondering when someone will offer a tax proposal that could
become a reality, stayed tuned, only four years away from next Leap Year!​

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