Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Its Only a Piece of Paper!

Does it matter if President Obama makes the next Supreme Court appointment?

Everyone thinks it does. Republican want the next president to appoint the 
new jurist so the choice would be confirmed by an election, not a lame duck. 
But, Democrats say President Obama has a "duty" to do it now! 

To steal a line from Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?"

No matter who Obama or the next president appoints and the Senate confirms our
legal system has been so corrupted its highly unlikely we will have anyone near
a conservative jurist, certainly none the caliber of Antonin Scalia will ever
be seated on the Supreme Court!

America's law schools serve as the “farm system” for the men and women who
will eventually serve as jurists at every level of govt. They learn from a
ideological playbook, driven by indoctrination, not the painstaking efforts
of the Founders to write a Constitution that ensured states rights and
individual freedoms be protected!

From local towns, counties, states and all Federal courts, the probability of
seeing a “Scalia-type” jurist serve has gotten smaller with each graduating class.

Each years thousands of graduates become lawyers, trained to believe the
Constitution is an impediment, not a guiding influence on American governance.

Schools no longer teach the Constitution, deferring to legal “precedents”. Even
Chief Justice John Roberts candidly admitted during his confirmation hearing that
'settled law' should not be overturned. This was the warning no one picked up on
as to where the Court would be going!

No matter who is appointed and confirmed, the end is near for “Strict Constitutional Constructionists” on the Court. To find a Scalia may be near impossible, as anyone
as bold as he was may not even get a degree!

For every Scalia you will find 1000 Bader Ginsburgs. And for every conservative
president you will find two dozen non-conservative ones.

As President Obama recently said in an interview on gun control, "I believe in the 
Second Amendment. It’s written there… on the paper.”  He couldn't bring himself to
utter "Constitution"!

This is America's future, there is no turning back!

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