One of Bernie Sanders rallying cries has been free college tuition!
Sanders wisely hits on an issue long with us, the cost of higher
education, using it successfully to win favor, especially with
younger voters.
But, this is nothing new, politicians will always gravitate to any
issue they can capitalize on. And when it works for one, most
will climb on board!
The cost of higher education has been corrupted by the deliberate
avoidance of supply/demand and cost competition in pricing that
is done throughout our capitalist, free market system. Both were
replaced with either aid or enormous debt!
Its apparent there is little concern for the debt required to put a child
through college, only the shedding of 'crocodile tears' by politicians
and college administrators, whose solutions include student loans,
grants and scholarships.
Higher education, unlike other large purchases such as homes and
cars, isn't negotiated. You will never see a university have a "sale"
to compete with another school. Nor, will politician investigate why
a college education so high and put the onus on universities to make
it more affordable.
But, you will see politicians rail against the high cost and even promote
"free tuition" playing on the ignorance of the general public.
What most people fail to recognize, education is the largest "industry"
in our country, subsidized by govt. and corporations.
Politicians have capitalized on this, playing on the fears of parents who
only want the best education for their children, with little regard for cost
or the enormous debt in places on them!
Cost of education is the perfect political issue, the gift that keeps on
giving, election after election, exactly as intended.
Its too bad Sanders is not campaigning on WHY the public is saddled
with the burden, not transferring it to taxpayers!
Only when politicians put aside all pretence of caring and do their part
to reduce the cost of higher education will the public be properly served.
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