Monday, February 29, 2016

Part One: The "Stimulus Package" our nation needs

Its Feb. 29th!!! 

Its as predictable as Leap Year which arrives every four years, the
tax plans from presidential candidates, promising to do any number
of things.

Pick your favorite, abolish the IRS, simplify filing, lower tax rates,
increase revenue, and much more.

Rest assured, when the political season is over, the IRS code
will remains at 80,000 pages, number of IRS employees will be
100,000, $2.5 trillion on average sent to Washington each year,
and still Congress will borrow another $1 trillion more as it can't
"get by" on what we send them.

Take note of the word "we", its important, yet rarely mentioned
in discussions about taxes. It identifies the source of the money,
the American taxpayers.

One thing which is also predictable; no matter which tax plan
is discussed, politicians never begin at the beginning. All
offer knee-jerk changes to a failing revenue generator.

Congress, the body responsible for budgeting and taxation,
looks at where we are now, keeping themselves trapped, unable
to see what is best for the American people and our country.

The "beginning" is the day the American people agreed to pay
the govt. for desired services. Unfortunately, taxpayers have
little to say about services Congress wants to pay for. This
is done independently of public discourse and has ballooned
the budget and indebted our nation almost $20 trillion.

To better fund govt. at both federal and state levels and grow
the economy there needs to be public activism. Citizens must
collectively ask, does Washington really need to tax us $3 trillion
and also borrow another $1 trillion each year?

This must be the starting point to any serious discussion
on taxation. Unless we first determine what are the desired
services Washington should provide, any discussion of tax
policies and rates will keep us mired with complex tax code,
thousands of IRS employees and unparalleled 'waste, fraud
and abuse' within our government!

End of Part One

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