Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Twenty-four years of unfair "globalism" is long enough!

There is an interesting battle going on this presidential year.
Its more than who will be our next president, its what kind of
country America will be.

Trump has been accused of being a 'nationalist' due to his
"Put America First" campaign, as though this is a bad idea.

Clinton is a 'globalist', who believes as most in government,
global partnerships are best to benefit American workers.

It up to the American people to decide which direction is best
for them, their jobs and their security.

Clinton warns 'nationalism' will isolate our country while Trump
sees 'globalism' a failure based on measurable factors. He does
not want to isolate us, but does want to make certain American
workers are not losers as Wall St. remains the winner.

We have had twenty-four years of "economic globalism', multiple
trade agreements, across administrations of three presidents,
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, all who believe
in global partnerships.

When we tally up the 'score' of more than two decades the numbers
are troubling.

The United States now has $22 trillion in debt, five times higher
than it was when Bill Clinton took office, an average of almost
$1 trillion for each year!

We pay more than $300 billion a year in interest as we continue
to believe we can borrow our way into prosperity. This amount is
enough to fund several federal agencies including the departments
of Health and Human Service ($78B), Education ($71B), Veterans
Affairs ($63B), Housing ($33B), State ($48B) and Energy ($28B).

We have an annual trade imbalance exceeding $800 billion, with
China having a $500 billion advantage.

Are these disturbing numbers due to government malfeasance,
being on the losing end of global agreements, or both? 

Now, consider what Hillary Clinton proposes if she is elected.

Clinton says, "we have to build an economy that works for everyone,
we need new jobs, good jobs, with rising incomes." She adds "the
national minimum wage needs to be raised".

This is also troubling, because what Clinton is proposing now was
the promise made twenty-four years ago. It was 'globalism' that
would create more jobs, lift the wages of working Americans and
not necessitate an increase in the minimum wage.

I see this evidence 'globalism' failed due to trade agreements
that cost American jobs and created trade imbalances with many
countries, including Mexico whose people have been coming here
since NAFTA was agreed to soon after Bill Clinton was elected
and now compete with Americans for scare poorly paying jobs!

Again, why is globalism not increasing the demand for labor and
raising wages for American workers?

We can no longer sustain an economy which is closer to anemic
than prosperous.

Trump's "Put America First" campaign is really not 'nationalism'
as his critics claim. Its about trade agreements which at the
end of the day benefits all countries.

This is his objective; end unfair tariffs that penalized our

automakers exporting to Asian markets and foreign incentives
to American companies so they build offshore as American workers
lose their jobs here!

Is that so bad? Maybe Trump's should change the slogan to:

"Put American workers first"  

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email ajbruno14@gmail.com
 "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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