Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is "Debt Free College"

When he was running Bernie Sanders promised "free" college tuition.
Considering the state of public education most of the supporters of
this septuagenarian  believe it could be done.

Seeing that Bernie was on her heals Hillary Clinton also promised
"free" college tuition!  (Do they know something no one else does?)

At the first debate Hillary tweaked her promise about tuition, now
calling in "debt free tuition". I checked and learned she had said
this over a year ago, but I was curious, what is the difference between
these two buckets of taxpayers money?

It appears nothing.  But, the sad joke is that this another response to
a problem politicians refuse to address, the spiraling cost of college,
now totaling over $1.2 trillion in student debt.

But, this won't reign in what would be considered "gouging" in every
other industry, but appears to be totally acceptable in higher education.

On the surface it looks good, but most thing look good on the surface.

"Dept free tuition" would eliminate burden of families, but also include
unmentioned strings so they remember the price "free" costs.

always does.  But the debt families would
not have individually all taxpayers will pay whether they have children or

We are told the cost will be nearly $400 billion over ten years, but since
when are estimates offered ever remembered three, four, five year later.

If history of government estimating are to be believed cost are low balled
until implemented than rise dramatically. It could exceed $500 billion in
about five years!.

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