Tuesday, December 6, 2016

By the numbers and why we have an Electoral College!

I received an email which puts the election in a perspective
This should help them everyone needs to understand.  (Kudos to Val)

This is my 'rewrite".

​Those pleased with the election results call the criticism
of the Electoral
College "sour grapes".

We need to remember most of those displeased may not know the reason 
our Founders created the "Electoral College" that gave  each state a
proportional number of 'electors'. It was done to prevent the three largest
ones, NY, PA and VA could not collude to 'silence' the smaller ones and 
allow the "tyranny of the majority".

As we crunch the numbers we see the power our largest cities would have
over the most sparely populated states if not for the vote of designated electors!

The election results are eye opening and demonstrate the wisdom of our Founders:

In the United States there are 3141 counties. Donald Trump won 3084 counties
and Hillary Clinton won 57, less than two percent!

As we look at New York state which has 62 counties and Trump won 46 and 
Clinton won 16, less that one-third!

Finally, look at New York City which is comprised of five counties, Bronx, 
Brooklyn, Manhattan Queens and Richmond (also known as Staten Island).

Of these five counties Hillary Clinton won four counties, amassing two million
more votes than Donald Trump who won Richmond.

In a country of four million square miles, 3000 counties in fifty states it would 
only take five counties comprised of 320 square miles (.008%), in one city to 
determine which candidate would have been elected if not for our Founders who 
understood it was a republic which served the nation best, not a democracy so 
the "tyranny of the majority" would never occur.

So much wisdom and foresight so every citizen and state is "counted".

However, for many, statistics alone will never provide the evidence to persuade 
them, it often takes a picture, one that is worth "one thousand words"

This should help them.... 


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