Thursday, December 1, 2016

There is still a long way to go......

Republicans are dancing in the streets after Donald Trump's
surprising victory.

The party has a lot to pleased about, primarily the results
in state elections across the country allowing the GOP to
dominate how states are governed.

But, the Republican Party needs a sobering reflection on
the "numbers", even in victory. It should not dismiss the
power the Democrats have along the Western coast and
states in the northeast.

To shrug off the strength of the Democrat Party in these
regions sidesteps the problem, the Republican message
does not resonate among these groups. But, shrug them off
the party does.

The GOP message should resonate across the country, but it
does not. Democrat candidates are competitive across the
country; and even when they lose range is 55%-45% at most!

But, when we look at Republican prospects in strong Democrat
run states, the deficit is often greater than 15%!

So, why does the Republican message fail? Are Americans really
that much different than elsewhere?

I find the only difference is the political 'health' of the
party in these regions.

Only when the Republican Party strengthen its operations
in states along the Pacific and Northeast can it expect
to be competitive.

I appreciate any feedback, suggestions you might have.

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email "Point of View" blog

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