Sunday, December 11, 2016

"What did the president know and when did he know it?"

As recently as October the US government formally accused Russia of hacking
the Democratic party’s computer networks stating Moscow was attempting to
“interfere” with the US presidential election.

Now, with the election over the clamor about Russia attempting  to undermine
 our election system has raised to paranoid level!

It also got me to remember a 1966 movie, a comical farce which this may be
as well,
"The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming!"

Really?  The accusations are flying, without evidence!  Even FBI director had
more evidence against Hillary Clinton than has been presented by the CIA or
other agencies citing Russia hacking.

Putin responded with a single word answer, "rubbish".

The Russian foreign ministry said Washington lacked any evidence for its accusations, an attempt to fan “unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria”.

It added, “Every day Putin’s website gets attacked by several thousand of 

hackers. A lot of these attacks are traced to the territory of the USA, but 
we do not blame the White House or Langley each time.”

The media and politicians are eager to demand action on unsubstantiated
claims but risk further damaging our relationship with Russia that Trump
wants to ally with to destroy terrorism.

I can't help but thinking this "hacking" charge will once again unleash our investigative arm to 'chase its tails' as the FBI did for two years investigating 

Hillary Clinton classified emails until its director Comey realized the private 
server was used to advance a 'pay to play' scheme of the Clinton Foundation
 hidden within the State Dept.

If this is really true, an important question also needs to be asked of 

President Obama, the same one asked by Howard Baker during  the 
Watergate investigation,

"What did the president know and when did he know it?"

And, further,  what did HE do about it?

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