Saturday, December 3, 2016

The political parties going forward and not moving at all

The dust has settled and Trump has won the presidency as the
Republican Party destroyed the Democrat Party, winning more
than 2000 counties and now control 70 of the 99 state legislature
chambers and dozens of governor-ships across the country.

Yes, Hillary received more votes thanks to Democrat strongholds
on the West coast and Northeast. But, the popular vote does
not determine who wins the presidency, its the electoral votes
tallied within the states!

Now the Republican and Democrat parties are preparing for the
new year, first by selecting their leadership.

The Republicans are doing what worked in 2016 while the
Democrats are doing again what may be the reason it failed.

If you are a Republican this is music to your ears.

There is little doubt the Republican Party will continue to have
problems in Democrat strongholds where its message fails to
resonate as it does throughout the heartland.

In these major population areas the Democrats are able
to convince the electorate it is the best choice, even as it
governs with little regard for those who believe other then
its litmus test dictates, written in the 1930s and continuing
 to this day. For those who try, they will be shunned or
worse, ridiculed!

Anyone who does not observe 'group identify', expanse
of governance with control over the states, or believes
in traditional values, they can still join the Democrat
Party but dare not speak against the required orthodoxy!

Just ask any conservative Black minister who is a Democrat!

Republicans on the other hand refuse to campaign on 'group
identity' as the party platform speaks of members as individuals,
with respect for differing views on social issues and the belief
in responsible, limited federal governance over the states.

But its how the parties are structured which sets them apart
even further.

Democrat leadership for 2017 will be members of Congress,
elected officials. This may not seem a problem until you
consider what a political party is, a "private" organization!

Public officials should not have authority within a private

This is more than a problem of "appearance", its been proven
as an elected party leader corrupted the 2016 primary battle!

Democrats will also continue its 'Super delegate' primary process
so the "preferred" politician has an advantage in campaign battles,
which embarrassed the party even further this year.

The Republicans will also be replacing its chair. Again, a non
public official will be named to ensure the party is not influenced
by political desires at the expense of members seeking a fair contest
in campaign battles.

Does this make a difference? If the Republican Party used a 'Super
delegate' system, Donald Trump may not have won its primary!

The people decided, as they should!

Continuing to operate the parties in 2017 as they did this year
prospects should be the same, thankfully!

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