Thursday, December 15, 2016

An early Christmas "present" for Planned Parenthood!

President Obama is ending his eight year tenure on the same
note in which he began it.

One for first things President Obama did upon taking office
was to ensure the United Auto Workers (UAW) pension fund
received $26 billion of the stimulus money appropriated to
help the recovery, $2 billion more than the auto makers
received! The story:

It needs to be mentioned the UAW donated mightily to the
Democrat Party and Obama's campaign.

Now, as he leaves office President Obama is giving a 'thank
you' Christmas present to Planned Parenthood, putting into
effect a rule prohibiting states from withholding funding
from them.

The story:

If you unaware Planned Parenthood already receives more than
$500 million in federal funding but states until this "rule"
was announced decided for themselves whether to provide
additional funding. No more!

Not surprisingly, Planned Parenthood which needs to remembered
as a NON-PROFIT, donated over $30 million to Hillary Clinton's

But, more important than any president issuing a rule is what
it risk it presents to the relationship between the Washington
and the independent states, whose sovereignty can be perilously

The public needs to be reminded the states govern, with limited
power going to Washington, so the Constitution meant to ensure!


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