Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A long delayed reckoning which needs to be addressed

Before reading about President Trump's first budget, take a moment and look 
over this chart....and while you do.....think of your children and grandchildren.

This has been the 'work' of bi-partisan Congresses and approval of presidents
of both parties. We can "thank" them for the flood of red ink that has flowed
for forty two of the past forty six years, a river of debt we won't be around to
pay but future generations will!

Our first non-politician president is doing something no politician has dared
to do....cut spending! 

Not even in the four year of growth, 1997-2000, did spending  go down!

Cutting spending is something Washington has refused to do for more than
four decades, and the reason we have a national debt of $22 trillion and grows
by $1 trillion annually, even as record revenue goes to Washington!

The proposed budget will make cuts in many agencies for the first time ever, 
such as Agriculture by 21%,  Commerce 16%, Education 13%,  Energy 6%, 
Health 18%, Housing 14%, and Interior 12%.

The reason? For the first time we have a president who can identify what
politicians have not, needless spending based on the belief "more is better
than less"!

This is the link to review the budget in detail, by agency.

In total,  spending will be cut by $3.6 trillion over ten years. While headlines 
will scream its an outrage, please remember this less than 10% of the $40 trillion 
Washington would otherwise spend!

Is this really so bad?  Well, it is if you read what the residents of the swamp
have to say; these are 'profiteers' who depend on federal spending so they can
thrive while too many Americans struggle.

No matter the news source you follow you will read spending cuts will hit the 
poor the hardest. You will hear/read about cuts in food stamps, Medicaid 
payments, farm subsidies and many domestic budget items.

To those who benefit from unbridled spending, there is no upside to budget
cuts. They would prefer seeing an annual one trillion in debt continue in

But, there is an upside, but it will go unreported and when coupled with 
proposed tax cuts projects of 3% economic growth, twice the amount
of  the past ten years!

Three percent growth means 300,000 full time jobs each month. rather 
than the paltry 100,000-150,000, often part time jobs, on 1-2% growth.  

This growth along with the federal tax cuts means more money remains
in OUR hands to be spent in OUR states rather than sent to Washington
where bureaucrats decide how it will be spent and which states benefit
and which do not!

Additionally, spending cuts along with ending regulations that have 
done more harm than good will reduce the cost of compliance by
businesses and states, and stimulates economic growth nationwide.

But President Trump's proposal  is merely guidance for the actual
spending Congress will approve, and history has shown Congress
prefers to spend rather than be fiscally responsible.

Congress will doggedly fight every cut in every department. Remember,
they are politicians and their 'guidance' unlike President Trump comes
from lobbyists and donors.....not average working Americans.

So, don't expect to read any positive stories about Trump's budget, 
for it would not fit the 'sky is falling' narrative the media and many
politicians will be spewing.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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