Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Government healthcare, its here to stay!

When I engage conservative friends about replacing Obamacare
on more than one occasion the response is often, "Govt should
not fund health care".

On the surface this is understandable based on the limits our
Founders placed on our national government.

But, that was then and this is now, and as our Founders accepted
the desires of the times, including slavery, we conservatives must
also accept the desires of the American people, many having little
understanding of the limits the men who designed our government
placed on it.

This is why the national government has so many agencies delving
into areas beyond the imagination of Adams, Jefferson, Madison
and Hamilton, the country's primary architects.

As for health care, no matter what 'strict Constitutionalists' might
think.....we got it!

And, since we got it, we need to make certain legislation is crafted
to provide a level of protection, efficiently managed, with premiums
based on 'risk' as other insurance premiums are.

As much as it would be considered "unfair" to price out any group,
it is equally unfair to overburden any group that provides less risk
than other groups, namely the insured without 'preexisting conditions'.

'Preexisting conditions' has been the most divisive of anything
mandated in Obamacare because its inclusion redefines what the
word "insurance" means, and how insurers must price the cost
placed on the insured.

And since govt, either directly or through federal mandates,
is now an insurer it must bare any loses, which it will pass
on to taxpayers, something private insurers can't do!

Whether Obamacare survives or is replaced by Ryan-Trump
care, many of the mandates will remain. It will be up for
Congress to infuse free market influences to keep the cost
in line with affordability!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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