Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Putting the White House "on message"

If the subject line is correct, President Trump will shift or remove people on 
his communication team in response to media criticism, to ensure his "message 
is getting out". 

If this is true, then Donald Trump is being driven by the Establishment rather
than an electorate that put him in the White House.

President Trump message is getting out just fine based on the unreported fact, 
he has not lost an inch of ground among the 60 million who embraced his message. 

Even considering a change in his communication team is something frightened 
politicians do when feeling the heat from Washington critics, which now see
include partisan and complicit media that had him in their cross hairs since he
announced he was running for the presidency!

The White House communication has not failed; if anything they have been too
damn nice and cordial, expecting in kind respect, which never occurred.

President Trump should not change a "damn thing" in his communication vehicle!
Keep the tweets and blunt talk coming, the more Washington and media rail
against them, rest assured they are working, reinforcing an unpolished message
that brought sell out crowds to rallies!

There is no need to appease Washington critics who have visibly displayed
disdain for Trump. They did not elect him, so why try to "make nice" with
a group of elitists who are never nice if you disagree with them.

The only 'failure' I have seen has been the impatience by Trump supporters
for him not doing more. To them I say be patient. In my estimation the president
has done more meaningful steps to improve the American economy in four months
than any Republican has completed in a term, and without Congress as a willing

Those who supported Trump, continue to support him, remain as tenacious in
your commitment as he has been to his.  

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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