Friday, May 26, 2017

"Dead on Arrival" is not what is needed

"Dead on Arrival" was Sen. John McCain's response to President Trump's first budget.

If you are familiar with Sen. McCain such criticism towards his own party is nothing 
new.  Its a pattern of divisiveness he seems to relish.

McCain's curious behavior did not begin with President Trump. He enjoys being the 
contrarian for it gains him a warm welcome by the media whenever he speaks against 
a GOP president.

Although McCain has proudly proclaimed he was a 'foot soldier in the Reagan revolution,
no succeeding Republican president has been as deserving. It was McCain who joined
Democrats to undermine President George W. Bush policies during the war in Iraq. 

I thought of the 'dead on arrival' 
comment as I observe McCain's relationship with 
President Trump, as the senator has been everything but a loyal 'foot soldier'.  He 
gleefully refuses to fill the same role even as the 'revolution' today is much more
perilous than the Cold War was. 

This enemy cannot be fought with a superior military, it comes from within, using
corrosive efforts to divide the American people and  destroy the fabric of our country!

Perhaps McCain is locked in a time warp believing "the Russians are coming" drivel
Democrats and the media have been promoting even as no intelligence agency has presented evidence in almost two years! 

McCain, for whatever reason, refuses to acknowledge the challenges Trump faces as 
he did  the ones Reagan faced.  

McCain never criticized any of the budgets Reagan submitted in eight  years as president
even as they increased the national debt, something Trump is committed not to do!

Time and again McCain feels compelled to remain the 'maverick' he prided himself on
during his career, and curiously he seems to appear more comfortable being a contrarian 
in his party rather than take on the vile opposition whose only desire is to destroy any 
Republican presidency.

McCain continues to display the same behavior which made him a hero in captivity,
resistance.  But, then it was against an enemy, while now it is against his own political ally! 

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