Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The media is winning....and what must be done..

The media is winning....

Its tough to begin with this conclusion so soon after the first one hundred days
of the Trump presidency, but it must be said.

Like many of his supporters I reveled as President Trump throughout his campaign
and the first three months of his presidency had the media and its obedient anti-
Trump forces chasing their tails with each tweet or other form of engagement
with the public.

No one facing the obstacles President Trump has for almost two years could
have withstood the assault applied by an establishment with a compliant media
as he has.

I tuned out those who said Trump should stop tweeting, and be 'more presidential'.
Remember, Trump got to where he is by NOT being "presidential" as have several
other occupants of the White House.

The president has been doing fine if  you measure what he has done, almost single
handily, with Executive orders and memos!

It has been a failure in communicating in the world of a political class wanting to
destroy him, yet this means little to him as long as he retains a positive connection
to the people who elected him.

While Trump is "being Trump" he has allowed his communication staff to behave
like most others before him. This can be fatal and could destroy his presidency
before his campaign promises reach fruition.

....and what must be done

In February President Trump criticized the media for using "anonymous sources",
going on to say this allows unethical reporters to make up stories and even use
fictitious sources.

At the time I thought President Trump would turn the page on tradition and advise
the media neither he or members of his Administration would dignify questions
that used anonymous sources and  reported sketchy content that failed to provide
detailed information. .

Unfortunately, President Trump did not make such a demand, and while the
media may at times been chasing their tails, his communication staff has been
often chasing theirs as well!

If the White House would not answer questions which do not provide named
sources and actual content, the continual recycling of unsubstantiated drivel
would end. Every serious answer to an asinine question perpetuates the
dishonesty only the Trump Administration can stop. Yes, the media would
whine, but is that any different than now?

The fact is this, the media is corrupt, and by corrupt I mean it doesn't care about
issues the American people are concerned about. At press conferences you will
hear no questions about trade, jobs, drug cartels, education, or murders in urban communities.

What you hear is unsubstantiated reports about Russia helping Trump win the
presidency. Not a single source has been named yet the media is insistent and
the White House is dumb enough to take media questions seriously.

But, there is something more.  Trump needs to take a page from Democrats.
Ever since JFK was president (remember Camelot?) we have seen a 'coziness'
between the media and whoever the Democrat in the White House was, a luxury
no Republican president has enjoyed!

Major media markets are front and center and drive the stories, favorable to
Democrats and critical to Republicans.  These are the major networks which coincidentally are located in Democrat bastions, including every major city.

No such good fortune falls on Republican presidents who must battle a partisan, adversarial media which undermines their best intentions to solve America's

This can change immediately if President Trump rearranges the seating
assignments at press events. Why give preferential treatment towards a
hostile, partisan media? 

Since the Democrats favor the media from Democrat markets, President Trump
should do likewise for the smaller markets which incidentally total 33 states,
the number which he won in November.

These people live in the heartland, the South and mountain states and are barely represented by their media. They elected Donald Trump, yet rarely see media
from their home states interact with the White House as big market media do
the majority of the time.

President Trump, beginning immediately, should do what President Jefferson,
our first true 'republican' president, did when false newspaper reports of his
behavior were published.  Jefferson did not even answer them, claiming by
denying the lies, he believed some would consider he was at least half-guilty.

There is one last thing I would suggest President Trump should do.  Continue
to crisscross the country and have rallies, and with themes.  Speak about trade,
inner cities crime, improving public education, rebuilding the infrastructure
and other campaign commitments.

The bully pulpit is not a thing of the past, it remains an important vehicle to
get your message out at a time the media refuses to do!

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section, or

"Point of View" blog

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