Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Why so fearful, O ye of little faith?" Let Trump be Trump!

Trump Supporters,
Matthew 8:26 comes to mind "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
when I read emails from several friends who are already discouraged with
some of the people President-elect Trump is considering for key positions
or what is being incorrectly reported that he said.

Soon after the election I wrote an "Open letter to Trump supporters" to
warn what was coming. I suggested we tune out media on Donald Trump
and the transition, there would not be one positive report or even a
"complement" that was not meant to undermine our confidence he would
be true to his word.

I urged you to let Trump be Trump, remain confident, even when we
disagree with his appointments.  Don't allow someone we disapprove of
taint our opinion of Trump. 

If you must check in what is occurring, seek direct communications
from Trump or Kelly Ann Conway. With more than twenty million
Twitter and Facebook followers he 'speaks' directly and unfiltered
with YouTube videos.

We voted for him on the solutions he offered, not what the media
reports he says. 

Watch his responses as the daily attacks keep coming at him.
'Racist' Jeff Session, Steve Bannon!  Trump stood behind both men.

'Nazi, Fascist about him', ignore it as he does.

'Connected with Alt-right', label to taint Trump. Disavowed no matter
how many times asked.

'Wide range of candidates for positions' Should we expect less?
You already know why you voted for him, but have you've given
thought of why Donald Trump ran? He did for the same reason
Ronald Reagan did.

Both men did not have to be reassured by Matthew 8.26, "Why so
fearful, O ye of little faith."

Neither man was fearful of the challenge, both had faith in the American

If Trump fumbles after he takes office than criticism is warranted
but for now, 'Let Trump be Trump'.

Gotta run....
its getting hot here in NC, think I'll go out and buy a CARRIER air conditioner!

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