Saturday, March 11, 2017

Defending President Trump "nationalism"

The globalists are fearful after the last election; our country now
has a president who believes each nation should decide what is
best for its people, not allow a collective of many nations to

President Trump puts the United States on a course that recent
American presidents decided was not appropriate in a world
where "globalism", the belief international bodies knew what
was best for all nations, no matter the diversity and the desires
of their people.

Trump will be called a 'nationalist', a label meant as an insult
not one
rather than  to   in a world of globalists. those who
will end independence of individuals and sovereignty of nations.

Before we allow the warnings against 'nationalism' to concern us,
lets understand what it represents.

When I hear 'nationalism' I immediately think of Washington's
warning in his farewell  address about "foreign entanglements".

Granted, his words were quickly forgotten as the United States
has countless occasions to"entangle" itself in its two hundred
history...some appropriate but too many questionable.

This is not to say our role should change, but it does mean the
US must look at our failures and let wisdom guide us.

First and foremost our country should never go to war without
the declaration by our Congress, for it is the only way the
"people" decide, through their representatives!

Consider, neither Korea and Vietnam would never have been
fought.....these wars were never declared by Congress.

But, 'nationalism' isn't limited to spilling blood or depleting
treasure, it transcends most every domestic exercise citizens
engage in.

Nationalism is the 'antecedent' to 'globalism' which most nation's
believe will "lift all boats", benefiting the world at large. Its
enticing as this sounds, it has yet to be proven.

All "boats" are not the same, not all 'sea worthy', and require
different approaches they can stay afloat.

The varying degree of ability make it impossible for globalism
to not suffer setbacks as some nation falter while others prosper.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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