Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Americans thoughts of President Trumps address to Congress.

These are unedited responses to request for feedback from those who watched President Trump's speech before Congress.

 It is encouraging people from diverse backgrounds, scattered in several states from North Carolina to Hawaii offered such positive, well-articulated, opinions.

 Anthony Bruno 

Judy Hile

What I want to say to our Hawaii delegation is just this - "If you can't see the competence and goodness in this man, I feel sorry for you."

He speech was phenomenal for anyone else but him.  It was no more and no less than I expected from him.  He is one of a kind and the only one who could do this!  Time for Dems to get on the Trump train or go home and pout but don't stand in the door!

Ben Trnka

I think what would be REALLY worthwhile would be for a blogger of your caliber to watch Bush's first Address to Congress, then Obama's, then Trumps' s, and compare / contrast them.  Individually, they are meaningless 'feel good' speeches. However, context informs the differences in style, approach, and priorities.

I would really look forward to something like this from you.

Kevin Slinkman

First, the speech is nothing new all points of the speech were covered in his campaign. No surprised there. What's different here is that some people that never paid attention to him did this time. As far as I'm concerned he has been rock steady in regards to his message.

I was on an emotional high after the speech.  I finally feel we have a shot to getting our country back.  8 years of Trump and then 8 years of Pence should do it!  I was uplifted and felt great hope for us and our country.  President Trump is a man of his word, a man of action and loves his country.  The best of the best lines was when President Trump said he does not represent the world ... he represents the United States of America.  He probably did not say it exactly like that but you know the line.   

Edward Gabel

Outstanding speech
The issues about working people - I laughed
out loud because Trump took them under his wing. He took what used to be the core base of the Democrat party
 and claimed it for himself. Trump is a better democrat than the whole bunch of Democrats out there today. 
Protecting American jobs and paychecks by putting American citizens first

Trump also claimed school choice. That's a total winner.  Democrats fouled up big time on that when they
 scratched it

If Trump can accomplish some of the things he wants, Democrats are triangulated out of a large group of likely voters

Message that freedom and opportunity is for all Americans is a winner as well

I saw today Oprah wants to run for president.  Ridiculous although she could maybe make a good showing in half a dozen primaries - at best. 

Vivian Nicolsen

It was one of the best speeches - definitely his best speech!  Totally on point and to the people not the politicians - first time I'm proud to say I voted for him 🇱🇷


I thought he was spot on!  I even saw a few Democrats hold onto their hands strongly so they wouldn't get caught clapping!  Very presidential.  Even Van (Commie) Jones said the Democrats better start to say "Yes!" or Trump will be President for 8 years.  I thought some of the MSM comments after the speech were terrible.  I was embarrassed for them.  Ms Pelosi must have had new facial surgery because she couldn't even smile.  (She really looks old when she doesn't smile.)  I was very proud of Trump.  He was as "presidential" as I have ever seen him.  If 78% of the viewing audience (according to the polls) were positive about his speech, then the Dems had better walk softly for awhile, or they will become even more insignificant.  He is exactly the man I voted for.  First time since Reagan that I can remember enjoying a presidential speech.

I love it that he kept details minimum.  No pre-advertising our intentions.  He's a very smart man.  I think even some of the Rino's are going to have to watch their speech for awhile.

I also love that he put down the media without even mentioning them.  Seems the MSM had been reporting that one of the Generals in Trump's inner circle had convinced him not to use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorism".  Did you notice how he paused, and then almost shouted the words.  Loved it!

Julie Simons

I thought Trump did a good job.  He covered a lot of issues and I was pleased with his remarks.

Gordon Boyce

I've been waiting, and thank God still living, for a time like this. My first one was FDR and I guess my last is  President Trump  thru 2024. 

I never heard one even a close second anywhere and any time before any group - even before juries. Never expected Trump to be anywhere near that good. It usually takes a whole lot to impress hardheaded me.

Gene B.

Donald Burton

Great speech.  He likely overstated deficit cause and reduction, but he made it clear that he will hold foreign governments responsible for their share of NATO's expense, blew the Democrats' wailing about racism out of the water, and served notice on Congress that it is time to grow up, cooperate, and get the nation back on track.  His comments to the widow of the Navy seal were touching, and even the grumbling Democrats applauded.  Schumer and Frank being exceptions. My only concern is what might be his utopian view on healthcare, but I will wait for a lot more detail. 

Rep. Larry Pittman

to Tammy, me
He did great!  He was clearly in charge, but refrained from attacking anyone.  He set out a clear vision and called upon Congress to work together to get some very necessary things done.  He handled his special guests with a compassion and grace the liberals try to deny that he has.  He sent a clear message to the world that he wants our allies to be able to trust us again and our enemies to fear us, which is as it should be.  He let our military and veterans and law enforcement officers know that he has their back.  I was very proud that I voted for him.
Larry Pittman

Bud Walling

Incredible, we have our country back. Next on agenda determine the genesis of those disrupting the town hall meetings. Have any democratic meetings been disrupted.
Bud Walling

John Nevola

I thought it was good – not excellent – but effective.  I’m not a fan of calling out people in the gallery and poor Mrs. Owen looked mortified.  That was pure theatre at her expense.  Same with the father of the slain young man though less intense.  That is not necessary in a speech to a joint session of Congress.

He repeated his platform without the attacks or insults which makes me believe he can grow into this job.  The consensus is he was “presidential” whatever the hell that means.  I think it means he performed with some dignity and clarity, which I agree with, but we should be talking about the substance of his policies rather than the form of his presentation.

I was riveted, waiting for his first gaff, and it didn’t come. A few bobbles here and there to be expected.   Instead the Dems acted like petulant children by sitting most of the time and groaning when he proposed an office to handle the victims of illegal immigrant crime.  Do they really want to keep Obamacare??  Seriously?

For those who expected Trump to come out looking childlike and be a buffoon, it was the Dems that stole that honor last night.

As a conservative, I know he’ll not follow all of the principles I believe in but I’ll have to eat the ones that don’t go my way.  A 75% conservative is better than Hillary and I’ll enjoy the policy implementations  I agree with.  I can live with the rest.

Hillary Clinton

I love to say that J

Louis Barnett

As he said when he was running, if you want presidential, I can be Presidential.
He was last night.
Hit it out of the park.
Never called Democrats names but either looked or gesture to them.
Positive and forward looking.
Hit big issues.
Called for helping Latinos and Blacks.
Challenged the Democrats to come to the table on immigration reform but set a high standard so that he can give up a lot and still get what he wants.


In a word, Tony, President Trump was PRESIDENTIAL.  From beginning to end his speech was terrific, and he hit this one out of the park!  OUT OF THE PARK.  Am I yelling?  Heck, Yes!  His points were beautifully delivered, and anyone sitting there who didn't 'get it' should just get out of the swamp and go home.
And what did YOU think, Tony!?

Andy Lohr

I thought it was excellent.  Good speech, well delivered.
Waiting to see what the next 60 days brings.


Carolyn Skowron
His best performance so far. Looked presidential finally. 


The President was in command the day he took office. He strode into office with a very carefully thought out plan of what he wants to achieve.  He isn't deterred by his enemies; knows exactly what he wants to accomplish it,  and is working non stop to do them. His speech last night was a genuine American vision for the future and its effectiveness was shown by democrat angst in staring at him in disbelief. They truly live in another world, unfettered by reality.

President Trump's continued actions since assuming the office are thunderous in meaning. He has meant to fix, all along, the poor and middle class which have gotten the economic shaft while the monied class live behind their walled mansions oblivious to the horrible economy Obama left behind. 

He has lived up to every expectation I had of him, from the day of his announcement to run. He's of my generation which remembers a patriotic love of this country and our laws!  He is an answer to my years of prayer to end the culture war and jettison political correctness.


It was "The Italian Salute delivered to the progressives (really socialists) with language of steel.
John LaCava

Barbara Ruglio

9:26 AM (1 minute ago)
Trump was awesome. Very compassionate yet firm in his determination to put America first. He did not do/say anything mean. He seemed smart and compassionate, wanting to qork together with both sides.I was very encouraged. 

Mike Armstrong 


William Tannler 

12:11 PM (51 minutes ago)

Hi Tony,

I thought his speech was awesome. Most of the plans he articulated I had already heard as I am a Fox junkie. However, any of the liberal thinkers who watched the speech may have been hearing his ideas and plans for the first time.
I hope these liberal people also came away with the thing that impressed (or depressed ) me the most...... the negative reactions of the Democratic congress persons. The left is so upset with the fact that Trump won the election that they are completely focused on despising him and torpedoing all of his plans... even if they agree with them. How can any American citizen not want a safer environment both home and abroad, an improved economy, lower taxes, companies staying at home providing job opportunities, a less complex and less expensive health care system, better education, etc.etc. These folks are far more interested in getting back into power than making America stronger.

It will be very difficult for Trump to get all of his plans for a better America in place, as each these plans cost lots of money, however it will not be due to lack of effort on Trump's part. It is so refreshing to see a President who works as hard as Trump and who is simply trying to better things - not trying getting reelected. It just amazes me that so many people don't have the common sense to grasp that.   

​Finally, here are my thoughts......

Yes, President Trump he mentioned many of the points he made on the campaign trail​ which should be no surprise to people who understand Donald Trump.
 "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them."  words first echoed by Aristotle.
​What impressed me, but also something that did not surprise me, President Trump did not waiver...he repeated lines he had been criticized on. He knew this
would be the largest audience he has spoken to...many people who did not vote for him.  Trump also knew the more he spoke of "solutions" (the missing
word from critics) ​
​the more people would understand THIS is what every president should do....solve America's problems, not with untested programs
send from Washington, but on sensible approaches long avoided.

Based on the comments you provided and the 60% of viewers who shared similar views, Donald Trump has proven the best "politician" is not a politician at all!​

Thanks again....

Anthony Bruno

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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