Friday, March 10, 2017

Putting Planned Parenthood to the Ultimate test....

I may have listened to more of President Trump's campaign promises
than most and distinctly remember what other politicians would not 
even consider uttering.

Earlier this week President Trump brought up a campaign promise,
the subject of supporting Planned Parenthood but qualified his
commitment with the message, "it must stop abortions".

With this message he pleased AND angered both sides.

I am sure the pro-lifers were taken back by Trump's 'support' for Planned
Parenthood, but in their next breath liked hearing him saying 'abortions
must end'. Who would dare say this?

Conversely, Planned Parenthood liked knowing it had President Trump's
support for its many valued services but quickly must of angered when
it saw the $500 million it receives annually is at risk. What politician
would dare cut this funding?

This is where we are. President Trump wants Planned Parenthood to remain
a valued organization, but not retain its most notoriety for being considered
an "abortion mill" by providing more than 30% of the one million abortions

Note, President Trump is NOT attempting to ban abortions only withhold
federal funding. Women will still be able to have abortions but not by any
provider that receives taxpayer money.

The next step is up to Planned Parenthood and the ultimate test.

I am sure it will first organize protests filled with misinformation. But I suggest it is wiser for Planned  Parenthood to reach for its calculator to see what will cost the most, ending the 300,000 abortions each year or losing over $500 million of taxpayer money it receives annually.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or

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