Saturday, March 4, 2017

"Merit based" immigration....what a novel idea!

For over a decade the American people have observed a Kabuki Japanese 
dance, with the  elaborate 'make-up' to cover the shill being perpetrated
by the Federal govt. to disguise what has been going on, a push for illegal
immigrants to gain full citizenship in order to satisfy the desires of our 
political class.

The unprovable speculation was Democrats wanted to re-fill its political 

coffers with yet another 'identity' group to join minorities, organized labor 
and teacher unions. while the Republicans wanted cheap labor to drive 
down the cost to businesses.

If all went as planned BOTH parties benefited and American workers would 

bare the cost.

The word tossed around for over a decade was "comprehensive", an enticing

descriptive to gain favor during political discourse. Opponents of such 
comprehensive immigration reform understood this meant "amnesty" for
people who broke American laws.

Enter President Trump who ran a successful campaign with illegal 

immigration as one of the key issues. His candid approach gained both
favor and disdain.  

As a neophyte Trump dismissed being politically correct and clumsily 
described the overwhelming majority of people coming across the 
Southern border.

Trump said, "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their 

best. They're not sending you. They're sending people with a lot of
problems.  They're bringing drugs, crime, they're rapists. And some 
I assume are good people".

Not the wisest statement to make when announcing your candidacy. But, 

Trump said it and had to live with it.

But, the larger question is this, what is the make up of illegals who

entered on our Southern border?  

We know the number of illegals is a wide guess, ranging from five million

to over twenty million. So it is with govt. it not only cannot prevent illegal 
entry, it can't even come up with an agreed to number.

President Trump may be wrong to emphasize the 'type' of 
people coming 
across our Southern border, but can we agree supporters of illegals have 
been equally duplicitous of THEIR "motives", especially their commitment
to "comprehensive" reform.

Government has still provided an accurate breakdown of illegal immigrants, 

only the wide guesstimate "in the millions".

One look at the majority of illegals in our country, most are not highly
educated or qualify for the "in demand" professions.

Although not reported, illegal immigrants have lower level of education,
with 47% of adults 25-64 not completing high school compared to 8% of US
born adults and more than half having less than 9th grade education.  

By any standard these less educated immigrants will not provide the
"merit based" requirement to benefit our country.

As for a breakdown of illegal immigration, professionals are barely
noticeable as 95% are identified in various jobs skills, again not 
meeting "merit based" demand.

Back to President Trump. This week in his speech before Congress 
he addressed immigration, legal immigration, once again. He 
mentioned a word neither he or ANY politician has mentioned 
since  the immigration debate began. 

President Trump said immigration must be "merit based".  When was
the last time a Democrat or Republican said this?   And, the reason
is the simple fact such a guideline ends the 'open border'  desires 
of BOTH parties!

"Merit based" is not new. our northern neighbor Canada, so critical
of Trump's position on immigration, has been using a 'merit based' 
system since the 1960s. 

Currently, over 60% of immigrants are admitted to Canada for their
economic skills, with about 2$% admitted based on family members
living in Canada.  In the United States these numbers are reversed.

We know the skills our country needs based on demand for specialized
visas. This demand is ignored as social engineers prefer "bean counting", 
more concerned with how many people from different parts of the world 
come here than what our country needs or the impact millions of illegals
have on American workers.

Sadly, this folly will continue as long as "fools' are driving the process and
 meaningless words like "comprehensive", keeps politicians' hearts aflutter.  

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