Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Donald Trump Tax Return Caper....

Everyone in the media can stop looking, the search is over!
The search for Donald Trump's tax return, any one of them,
ended as MSNBC host Rachell Maddow  'discovered' one!

Maddow was able to get the elusive tax return, even though
it was from 2005, the same year George W. Bush was in his
second term as president and Barack Obama was  organizing
communities in Chicago!

No matter, a discovery is a discovery, and this one is the equivalent
to Columbus claiming he discovered India when he stepped foot on
the shore of the Dominican Republic!

Publicly reporting tax returns has been the self-serving decision
of individuals running for public office, but never a requirement.

Donald Trump was the one person, interestingly NOT a politician,
refusing  and had his opponents and media howling.

We can argue why he did not, but it didn't matter, he was elected!

The public needs to understand something more about the 'discovery'
of Trump's tax return, it is only the 'business' of the individual and
the Internal Revenue Service, not the public, whether it is a next
store  neighbor, or the media in any form!

Yet, in this "anything goes" world privacy means little, especially
when there is a target, which  Trump has been since he announced
his run for the presidency.

The media has no right to see tax returns, nor report the content unless
it has permission of the individual, and Maddox did not.

The IRS rarely reports its findings so why should the media? THIS is
the unasked question which should be answered, And all the cries of
the "public's right to know" means nothing!

Ask yourself, would you want your tax return in print without your
permission?  It should never happen!

Let's hope this 'caper' is over and Maddow finally gets her last fifteen
minutes of disgraceful infamy!

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