Thursday, March 16, 2017

"Feed the Pig", a Washington pastime!

"Feed the Pig" is something we should be accustomed to seeing, as it has
been going on since our country became a dominate economic power.

The "pig" is a collective, made of government agencies and closely
connected bodies in industry, academia and independent organizations
charged with providing services government does not offer directly.

The flow of 'food' to feed them goes to Washington where bureaucrats
in the Executive branch and Congress decide which "pigs" will be fed.

And when the quantity of 'food' equals $4 trillion annually the pigs grow
larger and hungrier from one year to the next.

Knowing this is occurring would not seem too bad if the generosity of
the American people benefited our country, but in too many instances
this is not the case.

The clique "waste, fraud and abuse" should no longer be a throw away
line to gain laughs. Its serious because when "pigs are fed" deserving
Americans do not get the services they depend on.

We hear of the 'establishment' but may not fully understand what the
the establishment is. It is the tightly connected authority which runs
our country, a coalition of elected officials, appointed agency heads,
hired government bureaucrats and members outside government who
are registered lobbyists and countless organizations, with one common
objective; to get as much as they can of the $4 trillion in taxpayer money
that arrives in Washington each year.

The establishment "runs" Washington, in and outside of government!
It determines which pigs get fed and which go hungry, a decision not
made on need but on how much tribute can be paid!'

For those of us outside this sphere of influence, we have little if any
influence at all. We merely pay into a system designed to benefit
the few at the expense of the majority.

We do receive government services but the price tag for them is much
higher than necessary as "pigs much get fed" above all else.

Keep this in mind as you listen to discussions of serious issues that
with no solutions, only excuses left for others to solve.

I guess $4 trillion doesn't go as far as it used to.

Feedback appreciated. Feel free to enter in comments section below, or email, "Point of View" blog

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